"Walk on Green" Contest

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Recognizing the importance of environmental protection and preservation of its multiple components, the Community Service Unit in the Center of Excellence in Environmental Studies at King Abdulaziz University is seeking to establish a contest for the best video clips that display, analyze or address any environmental issues related to the following themes: water, air, waste, plants, and animals. This competition aims to spread environmental awareness and promote the interest toward environment sustainability.

Schedule for contest phases

Extending the submission deadline of the “Walk on Green” contest.

  1. (7-8-1433): Opening of registration and filling forms electronically.
  2. (1 -9- 1433 to 29-3-1434) : Receiving works (Video + form) electronically.
  3. (29-4-1434): Announcement of results on the website with the mechanism of receiving awards.
Awards and privileges

All participants reveive a certificate of appreciation from the Community Service Unit in the Center of Excellence in Environmental Studies at King Abdul Aziz, for participating in the Walk On Green contest ; also digital cameras for the best three winners.


Last Update
11/19/2014 12:09:13 PM