Humanity faces many challenges arising from different type of environmental pollution of various kinds, including pollution of air, water, seashore, soil and others of which threats the health and survival of human in particular and living organisms in general.
In an era surrounded by these challenges, and after reaching levels of environmental degradation that requires rapid intervention and participation in the provision of appropriate solutions, environmental reform is no longer limited to governmental agencies but rather became everybody's responsibility, each according to its capabilities and location. Increasing challenges highlights the university role as a key factor for organizing of all governmental and non-governmental sectors in achieving the ultimate goal of environmental stewardship to ensure its sustainability for this generation and coming ones with God's help.
According to its cultural, scientific, research and communal vision and mission, University of King AbdulAziz has focused its efforts on the environment at all levels (colleges, research centers, departments, associations, and research groups) that contribute in finding solutions for many Environmental dilemmas locally, regionally and at global levels.
Thankfully to the generous support from Ministry of Higher Education, University of the founder was honored by funding for the establishment of CEES which concerns with studying urgent environmental issues and contribute to the proposal of appropriate solutions to them, and also contributes directly to the acquisition of knowledge and sharing experiences through collaborative research with research teams at all levels.
The mission, vision and objectives of CEES seeks primarily to achieve the requirements of development at KSA, land of prosperity so that to conduct research and projects that serve the various sectors of society, especially the industrial sector, which is a fundamental pillar and an important partner to this center.
We ask Almighty God to bless all the efforts for the success of this center, and to benefit our society in particular and the international community in general, and to be a new addition of King Abdul Aziz University for the environmental stewardship and sustainability. And we ask Almighty God to help us all to serve our beloved university and our precious country.
Director of the Center of Excellence in Environmental Studies
Prof.Iqbal Mohammed Ibrahim Ismail