International Communication and Conferences Unit
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Unit of International Communication and Conferences
- Planning for holding conferences in coordination with the center’s administration.
- Proposing annual plans for workshops in the center’s areas of research (water pollution, air pollution, solid waste treatment) in coordination with the center’s administration, research leaders and coordinator of the Community Service and Training unit.
- Cooperating with the center’s research leaders to look for and attract internationally distinguished researchers to establish research partnerships with them and inviting them for workshops, training programs, lectures and seminars in coordination with the coordinator of the Community service and Training unit.
- Preparing annual plans for the visits of foreign delegations to the center, in coordination with the center’s administration.
- Preparing annual plans for the visits of the center’s leaders to the relevant organizations outside the kingdom, in coordination with the center’s administration.
- Preparing a list for international conferences related to the center’s research areas, and suggesting possible participations by the center.