Water pollution group is interested in studying different water pollutants, factors that affecting them, and propose appropriate solutions. In addition to acquiring knowledge and exchanging experiences through distinguished scientific researches and specialized training courses. The group depends in its work on a team of experts in water treatment, and a group of distinguished scholars from inside and outside the kingdom, as well as international collaborations with the world's best international universities, In coordination with the Deanship of Scientific Research.

Organic and inorganic pollutants in different water matrices.

Research Priorities
Integrated research projects are encouraged to focus research on one or more of the following areas:
- Wastewater generation, sources, characteristics, distribution, impact and related applicable reduction and treatment programs.
- Wastewater treatment reuse/ recycling using biological, physical and/or chemical technologies.
- Technologies suitable for removing heavy metals and hydrocarbons from industrial wastewaters.
- Physic-chemical and/or biological technologies for nutrient-rich (phosphorous and nitrogen) wastewaters treatment.
- Sludge treatment technologies and reuse.

- Carrying out distinguished researches in CEES.
- Preparing research plan for CEES in the field of water pollution and suggestion of distinguished researches.
- Offering technical consultations.
- Offering training courses.
- Scientific follow up for researches funded by CEES.
- Setting priorities for the finance and implementation of scientific projects submitted to CEES according to the strategic plan.

The group carried many activities, including:
- Establishing a permanent research group of equal opportunities experts and includes foreign and local experiences.
- Developing research priorities for the unit aligning with CEES strategic plan.
- Suggestion some training courses that can be carried out by the unit.
- Creating a list of necessary equipments for water pollution lab.
