Vision and Mission

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To obtain the lead and gain national and international confidence and excellence in environmental studies and researches in the fields of pollution and environment protection.


To participate in the achievement of sustainable development through the outputs of research and environmental studies in air pollution, water pollution and solid waste treatment; provide
laboratory services with international quality; and contribute to
the community through serving it in a civilized manner.

Objectives of the center

  • To conduct scientific researches and publish in internationally classified journals.
  • To develop laboratories in accordance with international standards.
  • To attract to the center local and international research expertise from the related various disciplines.
  • To develop research and community-based relationships and partnerships with the relevant local and international sectors.
  • To carryout / participate in scientific conferences, forums and workshops.
  • To provide scientific and financial support to graduate students.
  • To promote environmental awareness among all segments of the community.
  • To prepare national research leaderships in the focused environmental fields.
  • To provide scientific studies and laboratories services for both public and private sectors.
  • To develop the center’s capability for self-financing.


Last Update
11/19/2014 11:49:26 AM