Personal Details
Name: Prof. Ibrahim. A. Hassan
Date of Birth: 02/ 09/1961
Nationality: Egyptian / British
Marital Status: Married
Contact Details
Department of Botany & Microbiology
Faculty of Science, Alex. University
21526 El Shatby, Alexandria, EGYPT.
00203 5928909 (Office)
(+966)0567910355 (Saudi Mob.)
(+966)0599251910 (Saudi Mob.)
1994 Ph.D. in Environmental Pollution, Imperial College, University of London.
1991 M.Sc. in Ecology, Faculty of Science, Alexandria University, Egypt. (Hons)
1983 B. Sc. in Botany, Faculty of Science, Alex. University, Egypt. (Hons)
(October 1983 - April 1991) Demonstrator at The Department of Botany
(May 1991 - October 1994) Assistant lecturer at The Department of Botany
(October 1994 - June 2001) Lecturer of Environmental Botany
(April 1995 - present) Visiting Lecturer of Biology at The American University
(December 1998 - Present) Consultant at WHO (Department of Environment)
(January 1999 - Present) Consultant at Ministry of Environment, Egypt.
(June 1998 - May 2001) Consultant at the British Council for I.G.C.S.E. (Prac. Biology)
(August 2001 - July 2006) Ass. Professor at Alexandria University
(August 2006 - Present) Professor at Alexandria University
(March 2007 - July 2007) Executive director of Abha National University, KSA
(Oct.2008 - June 2011) Sabbatical leave to Faculty of Science and Arts, King Khalid University, KSA, Chairman of Science Department
(Sept 2011 - Present) Sabbatical Leave to Centre of Excellence in Environmental Studies (CEES), King Abdulaziz University KSA
Skills, Acheivments & Societies
- Won a FCO scholarship for a Ph.D. studies at Imperial College in the field of Air Pollution
- Won the Prize of the best talk at the 20th meeting of the Committee of Air Pollution Research (CAPER), University of Newcastle, UK, April 1994.
- Fellowship of Royal College of Science, London (FRCS).
- Fellowship of Royal Society of London (FRS).
- Membership of the British Ecological Society (BES).
- Diploma of membership of Imperial College of Science, Technology & Medicine (DIC).
- Member of Egyptian Society for Botany
- Member of Egyptian Society for Environment & Industry
- Treasure of Society of Egyptians Educated In Britain (SEEB)
- Editor, Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences
- Alexandria University Prize for Excellence in Scientific Researches (2002)
- Prize of Academy of Scientific Research and Technology, for young scientists (2007)
- Nominated to Who is Who 2010
Scientific Visits
- 3 months post-doctorate visit to Institute of Ecotoxicology, Germany (June- August 1996).
- 2 months post-doc. visit to University of Kuopio, Finland (June - July 1998).
- 3 months post-doc. visit to Imperial College, London (July - September 1998).
- 2 months visit to Imperial College and University of Newcastle, UK (August - September 1999).
- 10 days visit to University of California, USA. (October 1999).
- 3 weeks visit to Imperial College, London University (August, 2000).
- 2 months visit to Imperial College, London University (July - August 2001)
- 4 weeks visit to Imperial College, London University (August 2002)
- 10 days Scientific visit to, Imperial College, London University (Feb. 2003)
- One month visit to Imperial College, London (August 2003).
- 10 days visit to Imperial College, London, (June 2004)
- 3 weeks visit to Imperial College, London (12/8 – 2/9/2004)
- 2 months Scientific visits to London University (July – August 2005)
- 4 weeks official visits to UK (Edinburgh, Huddersfield, Bradford, London and Brighton Universities), July 2006
- 3 months Scientific visits to London University, UK, March – June 2007
- 10 days official visit to New York University (USA) and Memordial University (Canada) June 2007
- 2 months visit to U. k, Imperial College, London (July – August, 2008).
- 4 weeks visit to Imperial College, London, 2009.
- 3 days visit to King Saud University, May 2010
- 4 weeks visit to Westminster University, UK, Summer 2010
- 3 days visit to King Saud University, May 2011
Scientific Activities
- A project entitled “Impact of industrial emissions on terrestrial ecosystems in Aseer Region, KSA” submitted to King Abdul-Aziz City for Science & Technology (KACST) (2011 – 2012)
- Egyptian Coordinator of a project funded jointly by Academy of Scientific Research (EGYPT) and Academy of Science (FINLAND) (2008 – 2013) [Running].
- Member of UNESCO Project on Energy and Environment, Alexandria University [1996 – 1999]
- Principle investigator of a project entitled “AIR POLLUTION EFFECTS ON EGYPTIAN CROPS” funded by Alexandria University committee for Environmental Affairs and EEAA [2000 – 2001]
- Principle investigator of a Higher Educational Link entiteled “ OZONE POLLUTION IN EGYPT” funded by the British Council and Department for International Development, U.K. (2002 - 2005).
- Air pollution specialist in the project "Establishment of Environmental Pollution Diploma in Agricultural Ecosystems", HEEPF project, Faculty of Agriculture, Damanhur, Alexandria University [2005 – 2006].
- Attendance of the Workshop and training course on Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), organised by UNESCO, Alexandria University (April 1995).
- Attendance of the Workshop on Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), organised by UNESCO, Alexandria University (May 1996).
- Attendance of The Workshop of Environmental Monitoring Techniques at Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University (Dec. 1997).
- Attendance of International Training course on Environmental stresses at University of Kuopio, Finland (Sept.1998), organised by Finnish Academy of Science and University of Kuopio, Finland.
- Member of UNESCO project for Environment (Air Pollution Group).
- Supervising B.Sc. graduation projects, M.Sc. & PhD students at the University.
- Giving Seminars about Effects, causes and control of air pollution at:- The Department, Institute of public Health, The British Council and American University.
- Secretary of workshop on “Arab-British Workshop on Air Pollution and Effects on Crops” to be held in Cecil Hotel, Alexandria. Egypt June 2003
- Diploma in methodologies of teaching and courses design, Cambridge University, UK.
- Attendance all courses in Faculty and leadership project, (FLDP) Alexandria University (Credit hours, curriculum design, legal affairs, managerial skills, Work management and stresses, Ethics of university, New Trends in Teaching).
- Attendance a Training Course in E-Learning, King Khalid University, KSA, March 2010.
Computing Skills
- All Packages of word-processing (e.g. word, WP, Manuscript, Ami Pro).
- All Statistical Packages (e.g. CSS, GENSTAT, GLIM, SPSS & STATGRAPHICS).
- All Graphic Packages (e.g. Excel, Harvard & FL).
- Using internet facilities and data bases
- Fluent in English, French and German (reading, writing and spoken).
- Fair knowledge of Spanish and Italian.
Interests And Activities
Listening to Music, Movies, Clean driving licence, Very keen on all sports, Travelling and camping, Fishing and Bird watching.
Conference Attendence
- 4th International Conference of ACID RAIN, Glasgow, UK (September 1991)
- 18th European Conference of Air Pollution, Edinburgh (April 1992)
- 19th European Conference of Air Pollution, Bangor, Wales, UK (March, 1993).
- 20th European Conference of Air Pollution, Newcastle, UK (April 1994).
- 21st European Conference of Air Pollution, Sheffield, UK (March 1995)
- XI International Conference of Botany, Japan (August 1993).
- XX International Conference of Ecology (INTECOL), Manchester, UK (August 1994).
- 4th International Conference of Energy& Environment, Cairo, Egypt (October 1994).
- International Conference of Ecology, Abu Dhabi, UAE (December 1994).
- 5th International Conference on Environmental Protection is A Must, Egypt (April 1995).
- Xth International Congress of Photosynthesis, France (August 1995).
- 5th International Conference of Energy and Environment, Cairo, Egypt (June 1996).
- 4th International Air Pollution Conference, Toulouse, France (August 1996).
- 5th National Conference on Environmental Studies, Ain Shams University, Egypt (December. 1996).
- 1st International conference "ENVIRON`97" organized by EEAA, Cairo, Egypt (Feb. 1997).
- 4th Inter. Conference on Response of Plant Metabolism to Climate Change and Air Pollution. The Netherlands, (April 1997)
- 7th International Congress of Plant Pathology (ICPP98), Edinburgh, UK (August 1998)
- 6th Egyptian Botanical Conference , Cairo, Egypt (November 1998)
- 2nd Int. Conf. on Role of Engineering Towards Better Environment , Alex., ( December.98)
- Int. Conf. Environmental Management, Health and Sustainable Development, Alex. (March. 1999)
- 7th International conference of Energy & Environment, Cairo, March 2000.
- 6th International Conference on Acidic Deposition (ACID RAIN), JAPAN, December 2000.
- 4th Int. Conference on Role of Engineering Towards Better Environment, Alex. (Dec. 2002).
- International Conference on Biological Science, IUBS, Cairo 19 – 21 Jan. 2004
- 13th World Congress o Clean Air and Environmental Protection. 22 – 27/8/2004 London, UK.
- 7th International Congress on Acidic Deposition (ACID RAIN 2005), 12-17 June 2005, Prague. Czech Republic
- XVII International Congress of Botany, Vienna. Austria. 17 –23 July 2005
- International Congress of Plant Pathology (ICPP), Italy, August 2008.
- Winter Meeting of British Ecological Society, Manchester, Feb. 2009
- European Conference of Plant Biology, Valencia, Spain, 4 -10 July 2010.
- 8th International Congress on Acidic Deposition (ACID RAIN 2005), 6-12 May 2011, China.
- International Conference on Environmental Protection, KACST, Riyadh, KSA, April, 2012.
- 5th Int. conference on Arts & Sciences (IJAS), 2 – 7 December 2012, Gottenheim, Germany..
- International Conference on Agricultural Technologies in Arid Lands, March 2013, KACST, Riyadh, KSA.
List of Publications
- El Ghareeb, R. & Hassan, I.A. (1989). A phytosociological study on the inland desert plateau of western editerranean Desert of Egypt. J. Arid Environ. 13-21.
- Hassan. I.A. & El Ghareeb, R. (1990). Effect of different soil factors on the distribution of different plant species in the Egyptian deserts. J. Ecology. 89: 133-202.
- Hassan, I.A., Friga, G. & Khaleafa, A.F. (1993). Response of Egyptian variety of bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) to ozone and temperature. Agricol. Mediter. 125: 191- 197.
- Hassan, I.A., Friga, G. & Khaleafa, A.F (1994). The Molecular response of Zygophyllum album to environmental factors. Temperature. Proc. Royal Soc. Lon. B. 265: 65-81
- Hassan, I.A., Ashmore, M.R. & Bell, J.N.B. (1994). Effect of O3on the stomatal behaviour of Egyptian of radish (Raphanus sativus L. cv. Baladey) and turnip (Brassica rapa L. cv. Sultani). New Phytol. 128: 236-245.
- Hassan, I.A. , Ashmore, M.R. & Bell, J.N.B. (1995). Effects of O3 on radish and turnip under Egyptian field conditions. Environ Pollut. 89: 99 - 108.
- Hassan, I.A. , Ashmore, M.R. & Bell, J.N.B. (1996). Effect of O3 and water stress on growth and physiology of Egyptian varieties of radish and turnip. Environ. Pollut.
- Hassan, I.A. , Ashmore, M.R. & Bell, J.N.B. (1996). Variation in O3 sensitivity among different cultivars of radish and turnip. New Phytol.
- Hassan, I.A. , Ashmore, M.R. & Bell, J.N.B. (1998). Effect of different levels of O3on physiology and growth of Egyptian cultivars of radish and turnip. Agric. Ecosystem & Environ.,
- Hassan, Antonnen, Ashmore, Bell, Bender & Weigel. Effect of O3 on ethylene biosynthesis and yield of Egyptian cultivar of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Proc. of ICPP98. (Edinburgh, Scotland, August, 1998)
- Hassan, I.A. (1995). Does O3 affect crops in Egypt? : Assessment and control. Biol. Global Change
- Hassan, I.A. (1995). Effect of O3 on Photosynthesis of some Egyptian crop vegetables. Proc. of Xth International Congress on Photosynthesis, France
- Hassan, I.A. & Ashmore, M.R.(1996). Methodologies for diagnosis of air pollution on plants: a review. Proc. Cairo 5th Int. Conf. On Energy & Environment. Vol II. pp 107- 129.
- Panzer, K.F., Hassan, I.A & Vellisariou, D.A. (1996). Assessment and Monitoring of Air Pollution Effects, Possibilities and Constrains of International Cooperation. Proc. Cairo 5th Int. Conf. on Energy & Environment. Vol II. pp 130 - 138.
- Hassan, I.A. (1996). Ozone and Egyptian Environment. Proc. of Ain-Shams University Conference.
- Hassan, I. A. (1997). Air Pollution in Egypt. Its control is everybody`s business Proceedings of Environ`97, Vol. II
- Hassan, I.A. (1997). Effects of O3 on crop quality. A study case from Egypt. Proc. of 4th International Conference of Global Change and Plant Metabolism. The Netherlands (pp. 323 - 327).
- Hassan, I.A. (1998). Using plants as bioindicators of O3 pollution in Egypt. Environ Pollut. , 93: 13- 19
- Hassan, I.A., Bender, J. & Wiegel, H.-J. (1998a). Effects of O3 and water stress on growth and physiology of Egyptian cultivars of tomatoes. Gartenbauwiessenschaft: 76, 122- 135.
- Hassan, I.A., Bender, J. & Wiegel, H.-J. (1998b). Biochemical Reponses of tomatoes to O3 and Drought stress. PPB, 25: 1 - 10.
- Hassan, I.A. & Gewifal, I. (1999). Heavy metal accumulation in Egyptian Soils: uptake by Vegetable crops. Egyptian J. Botany , 38: 119 - 129
- Hassan, I.A. (1999). Air Pollution In Egypt. Part (I): Some Investigations of Air Quality. Inter. J. Environ., Edu. & Information, 18: 67 - 78.
- Hassan, I.A. (1998). Air Pollution In Egypt. Part (II) : Effects regional air pollution on growth and yield of Egyptian cultivar of bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. Giza 6). Proc. of 6th Egyptian Botanical Conf. (1998).
- Hassan, I.A. (1998). Design of open-top chambers to expose plants to air pollution. Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. Role of Engineering Towards Better Environment. Vol. II. 155 - 175.
- Hassan, I.A. & Rahouma, U. (1998). Modelling of Economic effects of Ozone. Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. Role of Engineering Towards Better Environment. Vol. II: 205 - 214.
- Hassan, I.A. & Anttonen, S. (1999). Changes in nitrogen metabolism in response to O3 in beans Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. Giza 6). Pakistan Journal of Biological Science.327 –331.
- Hassan, I., Anttoneen, S., Ashmore, M., Bell, J.N.B., Bender, J. & Weigel, H.J. (1999). Effect of ozone on ethylene biosynthesis and yield of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Pak. J. Biol. Sci. 332 - 335
- Hassan, I.A: & Anttonen, S. (2000). The mechanism of EDU protection against ozone. Proceed. of 6th Int. Conf. on Acid Rain. Japan, 10 – 16th Dec 2000.
- Hassan, I.A., Ashmore, M.R. & Bell, N.J.B. (2000). Effects of O3 and antioxidants on yield of Egyptian cultivar of potato (Lycopersicon esculentum L. cv. “KARA”). Proceed. of 6th Int. Conf. on Acid Rain. Japan,10 – 16th Dec 2000.
- Hassan, I.A, Ashmore, M.R. and Bell, J.N.B (2001). Impact of O3 on photosynthesis, stomatal conductance and yield of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). Environ. Pollut..
- Al Saharty, A.A: & Hassan, I.A. (2002). Effect of acid rain on freshwater microbes and plants. Int. J. Environ. Edu. Inform.
- Hassan, I.A., EL Agmy, S. & Hussein, A. (2002). Chilling injury effect on physiology and biochemistry of beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). World Journal of Postharvest Physiology.
- Ali, A.A., Hassan, I.A., El-Zawahry, Y.A.& Angle, S.J. (2002). How do CO2 and O3 affect the basal respiration and soil microbial population in the rhizosphere of Glycine max?. Pak. J. Biol. Sci. 10: 110 - 117.
- Ali, A.A., Hassan, I.A. & Mulchi, C.L. (2002). The use of biochemical responses for detecting the impact of gas pollutants on wheat. Pak. J. Biol. Sci.11:15 - 23
- Hassan, I.A. & Ali, A.A. (2002).Characterisation of ozone exposure. Proced. Int. Conf. Role of Engineering Towards Better Environment (RETBE), Alexandria University Dec. 2002.
- Grantz, D. & Hassan, I.A. (2002). Modelling plant response to tropospheric ozone: concepts and strategies. Proceed. Int. Conf. on Role of Engineering Towards Better Environment (RETBE), Alexandria University Dec. 2002.
- Hassan, I.A. (2004). Interactive effects of salinity and ozone on photosynthesis, growth and yield of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Photosynthetica: 42(2), 11 - 18
- Hassan, I.A., Bell, J.N.B., Marshall, F.M. and Hashem, M.A. (2004). The mechanism of EDU protection against O3. Biol. Plant.
- Hassan, I.A. (2005). Air pollution in Alexandria region, Egypt. An open top chamber study to evaluate Effects of air filtration on growth and yield of pea (Pisum sativum L.) grown at rural site n Northern Egypt. Proceedings of ACID RAIN 2005.
- Hassan, I.A., Bell, N.J.B., Marshall, F.M. and Hashem M.A. (2005). Effects of ozone and antiozonant protectants on growth, yield and physiology of Clover (Trifolium alexandrinum L. ) Proceedings of XVII International Botanical Congress, Austria.
- Hassan, I.A. (2005). CO2 photoassimilation, chlorophyll fluorescence, lipid peroxidation and yield in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L. cv Giza 65) in response to O3. World Review of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development, 77:11 -19.
- Hassan, I.A. (2006) Physiological and biochemical response of potato (Solanum tuberosum L. Cv. Kara) to O3 and antioxidant chemicals: possible roles of antioxidant enzymes. Annals of Applied Biology, 146: 134 – 142.
- Hassan, I.A. (2006) Effects of drought and high temperature on Physiology and chlorophyll quenching of wheat. Photosynthetica 44(2): 134 – 137.
- Hassan, I.A. (2006). Gas exchange of pea (pisum sativum L.) leaves grown at a rural site in Northern Egypt in response to ambient air pollution: response of different cultivars showing different sensitivities. El Minia Sci. Bull., 17(1):181 –205.
- Hassan, I.A. (2007) Impact of UV on growth and physiology of Zea mays in Egypt. Journal of Botany, 11: 23 - 29
- Hassan, I.A. (2008) Does CO2 ameliorate phytotoxic effects of Ozone? A case study from Egypt. Proceed. International Congress of Plant Pathology (ICPP), Italy 2008.
- Hassan, I.A. (2010). Interactive effects of O3 and CO2 on growth, physiology of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.). World J. Environ. and Sustainable Development, 7: 1 – 12.
- Al Hussaini, M.S., Abou Zeid, H.M. & Hassan, I.A. (2010). Interactive effects of Ozone and salinity on growth and physiology of tomato plants. Proceedings of European Conference of Plant Biology, Spain, 4 -10 July 2010, Valencia, Spain.
- Hassan, I.A. (2011). Photosynthetic response of Egyptian cultivar of broad bean (Vicia faba L.) to UV-B and drought, singly and in combination (Accepted to be presented in ACID RAIN, China, May 2011).
- Abou Zeid, H. & Hassan, I.A. (2011). Salinity ameliorating effect of aqueous solutions of Nigella sativa treatment on Faba bean seedlings. African Journal of Plant Science Vol. 5(9), In Press
- Hassan, I.A., Abou Zeid, H.M. & Basahi, J. (2011). Photosynthetic response of broad bean (Vicia faba L.) to UV-B and drought, singly and in combination. Int. J. Agric. Sci & Soil Sci., 11: 355 – 364.
- Abou El Saadat, E.M., Hassan, M.R. Hassan, I.A. and Weheda, B.M (2012). Heavy metal content in leaves of Ficus retusa grown in uncontaminated and contaminated sites in Northern Egypt and mitigation of their toxic effects by washing treatments. World Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development (Accepted).
- Hassan, I.A., Basah, H. and Kadi, M. (2012). Physiological and biochemical impairment in bean plants due to UV irradiation and drought stress: possible protective roles of flavonoids and antixoidants. Submitted to Plant Biology
- Hassan I.A, Basahi J.M, Haiba N.S., Kadi M.W. (2013) Investigation of Climate Changes on Metabolic Response of Plants; Interactive Effects of Drought Stress and Excess UV-B. J Earth Sci. & Climate Change 4: 129. doi:10.4172/2157-7617.1000129
- Hassan, I.A. & Basahi, J. (2013). Assessing roadside conditions and vehicular missions using roadside lettuce plants. Polish J. Environ. Studies, 22 (2). 75 – 81.
- Hassan, I.A., Basahi, J.M., Ismail, I.M. (2013). Improving quality and yield of olive by Ethylenediurea (EDU) injection. Int. Conf on Agricultural Technologies in Arid Lands, KACST, March 2013.
- Taie, W, Basahi, J. & Hassan.I.A (2013). Impact of ambient air on physiology, pollen tube growth and pollen germination in pepper (Capsicum annuum L.). Accepted in Pakistan J. Botany.
- Hassan, I.A. m Basahi, J.M. (2013) Spatial and temporal variations of O3 and associated NOx in Jeddah. Submitted to Aerosol and Air Quality.
- ACID RAIN (Ashmore, Bell, Hassan & Garretty), U.K. (1995)
- OZONE DEPLETION (Translated from English into Arabic, National Academy of Science, Egypt) (1999).
- AIR POLLUTION INJURY TO VEGETATION (Bell, J.N.B , Hassan, I.A. & Marshall, F.M.), London, UK (2005).