Premise Security and safety to face Environmental Risks
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Program Objectives
General objectives of the program
Acquiring Safety Officer with following skills:
- Analysis of unsafe situations that affect safety in premise before the disaster.
- Forecasting risks and accidents before the occurrence of environmental disasters.
- Risk Assessment and proposing appropriate solutions.
- Writing security and safety reports.
Detailed Specific objectives of the program
Participant is expected by the end of the program, trainee is expected to be able to:
- Use Inventory (records of observation) to find future solutions to address the environmental risks.
- Determine the severity of the situation using the results of global studies.
- Identify the causes of environmental and human accidents
- Risk assessment to address environmental disasters.

Time and venue of the program
Sunday 10/1/1431 H. for 5 weeks, in rate of 3 hours per week
King AbdulAziz University - Campus of female students.

Dr. Hoda Abdel-Latif Qari
In cooperation with the Deputy of Domestic Economy, for training in first aid.