
Personal Details
Name: Dr. Muhammad Imtiaz Rashid
Date of Birth: 1-2-1983
Nationality: Pakistani
Marital Status: Married
Contact Details
Office Address:
Centre of Excellence in Environmental Studies,
King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Permanent Address:
Chak no. 42/K.B, Tehsil Burewala, Distt. Vehari:
House no. 23, X- block, Vehari bazar, Burewala (Punjab), Pakistan.
2013 Wageningen University, The Netherlands PhD (Soil and Environmental Science)
Thesis Topic: Soil biota and nitrogen cycling in production grasslands with different fertilisation histories.
2008 Wageningen University, The Netherlands Qualifying exam for PhD admission (specialization in nutrient cycling in
agro-ecosystems)Percentage: 74%
Research Topic: Decomposition mineralization and herbage N recovery of animal manures when applied to various soil types
2006 University of Agriculture Faisalabad, Pakistan B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture (Specialization in Agronomy)
Percentage: 73%
2002 Govt. College Burewala, Pakistan F.Sc. Pre-medical ,Percentage: 70%
1999 Govt. M.C. Model High School, Buewala, Pakistan Matric, Science group ,Percentage: 83%
28 October, 2014 to date Assistant professor: Centre of Excellence in Environmental Studies, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
11 September, 2013 to date Assistant professor: Department of Environmental Sciences, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Vehari, Pakistan.
August 2008 – May 2013 PhD researcher (Wageningen UR, The Netherlands). Supervisors - Prof. Dr. Lijbert Brussaard
and Dr. Ron G.M. de Goede (Soil Quality group, Wagenungen UR) and Dr. Egbert A. Lantinga (Farming Systems Ecology Group, Wageningen UR)..
April 2007-August 2007: National internship program at Water Management Office, Faisalabad-Pakistan
February 2006 – May 2006 Internship researcher (Department of Chemistry, Ayub Agriculture Research Institute Faisalabad-Pakistan
- Microbiology of waste management
- Green synthesis of nanoparticles for antimicrobial and anti-cancer activities
- Crude oil degradation
- Nutrient cycling in agro-ecosystems
- Measurements of greenhouse gaseous emission
PUBLICATIONS (Peer-reviewed scientific journal):
Shah, G. M., M. I. Rashid, G. A. Shah, J. C. J. Groot, and E. A. Lantinga (2013). Mineralization and herbage recovery of animal manure nitrogen after application to various soil types. Plant and Soil 365: 69-79. (Impact factor: 2.773)
Rashid, M. I., R. G. M. de Goede, L. Brussaard, and E. A. Lantinga (2013). Home field advantage of cattle manure decomposition affects the apparent nitrogen recovery in production grassland. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 57: 320-326. (Impact factor: 3.685)
Rashid, M. I., R. G. M. de Goede, G. A. C. Nuñez, L. Brussaard and E. A. Lantinga (2014). Soil pH and earthworms affect herbage nitrogen recovery from solid cattle manure in production grassland. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 68: 1-8 (Impact factor 3.685)
Rashid, M. I., R. G. M. de Goede, L. Brussaard, J. Bloem, E. A. Lantinga, Production- ecological modelling explains difference between potential soil N mineralisation and actual herbage N uptake. DOI: 10.1016/j.apsoil.2014.07.002 (Applied Soil Ecology, Impact factor: 2.1)
Rashid. M. I., E. A. Lantinga, L. Brussaard, and R. G. M. de Goede, Soil biota composition and manure quality are drivers of the home field advantage for solid cattle manure decomposition in production grasslands. Submitted (Ecology, Impact factor: 5.175)
Rashid M.I., L.H. Mujawar, M. Oves, Bacteria and fungi contribute to nutrients bioavailability and aggregate formation in degraded soils. Submitted (Soil Biology and Biochemistry, Impact factor 4.41)
- Oves, M., L.H. Mujawar, Rashid M.I., Microbial inoculants affect soil carbon sequestration and climate change.
In preparation
- Rashid M.I., L.H. Mujawar, I.M. Ismail, M. Oves, Green synthesis and antibacterial and anti-cancer activity of
silver nanoparticle produced by date seed. In preparation
Rashid, M. I. and E. A. Lantinga, 2011. Impact of fertilization history of grasslands on apparent nitrogen recovery from recently applied solid cattle manure. In: S. Keestra, and G. Mol (Eds.), Proceedings of the Wageningen soil meeting. 18–22 September 2011, Wageningen, the Netherlands, pp. 242.
Shah, G. A., G. M. Shah, M. I. Rashid, J. C. J. Groot and E. A. Lantinga, 2012. Effects of bedding additives on N losses and crop N recovery from cattle straw manure. Published in the proceedings of the international conference on “Global assessment for organic resources and waste management” held in Rennes, France in March 2012.
Shah, G. A., M. I. Rashid, J. C. J. Groot, P. W. G. Groot Koerkamp and E. A. Lantinga, 2012. Effects of bedding additives on N losses during storage of cattle straw manure and maize N recovery after field application. In Proceedings of international symposium on emissions of gas and dust from livestock. St. Malo, France. 10-13 June 2012.
Shah, G. A., M. I. Rashid, J. C. J. Groot, P. W. G. Groot Koerkamp and E. A. Lantinga, 2012. Bedding additives reduce NH3 losses during storage and improve N utilization from cattle straw manure applied to grassland. Published in the proceedings of the 17th Nitrogen workshop, held in Wexford, Ireland in 25-28 June 2012.
- Rashid, M.I., M. Nadeem, H.F.S. G. Bakht & M. Shahid, 2014. Earthworms affect greenhouse gaseous emissions from peat grassland. In proceeding of Advancement in Sciences and Research. CIIT Vehari.
Rashid, M.I. Sustainable and environmental friendly management of solid waste for crop production: From Netherlands experience to practice in Saudi Arabia. Presented in first scientific forum in the recycling of municipal solid waste, held in King Abdulaziz University Jeddah Saudi Arabia. In 24-25 November 2014
- Techniques for Writing and Presenting a Scientific Paper.
- Information Literacy including EndNote Introduction
- Imaging Science: Video and Audio in Scientific Communication.
- Reviewing a Scientific Paper.
- Multivariate analysis.
- Workshop on “Scientific Publishing” Wahgeninegn, The Netherlands (January 2009).
- Mini symposium on “How to write a world class paper” , Wageningen, The Netherlands (October 2010).
- Global Soil fertility Seminar, Wageningen, The Netherlands (March 2011).
- 1st Centre for Soil ecology day, Wageningen, The Netherlands (June 2011).
- Soils and Ecosystem Services: the challenges for science, management, and policy, London, United Kingdom (July 2011).
- Soil Science in changing world, Wageningen, The Netherlands (September 2011).
- International Symposium on Emissions of Gas and Dust from Livestock, Palais du Grand Large, Saint-Malo, France (June 2012).
- 17th International Nitrogen Workshop “Innovations for sustainable use of nitrogen resources” Wexford, Ireland
- (June 2012). 4th international congress Eurosoil, Bari, Italy (July 2012).
- 2nd Centre for Soil ecology day, Wageningen, The Netherlands (October 2012).
- Member in organization committee of a 2nd national conference on “Advancement in Sciences and Research”
at COMSATS Institute of information technology Vehari, Pakistan (17 March 2014)
- Member Technical Evaluation Committee since September 2013 in CIIT Vehari
- Member of the Environmental Science Laboratory Establishment Committee, CIIT Vehari
- Convener BS & MS Admission Campaign committee, CIIT Vehari
- Strategies to reduces losses and improve crop utilization of nitrogen from solid cattle manure, 2014 (Submitted to
HEC, PKR, 0.5 million)
- Low cost simultaneous removal of arsenic and iron from drinking water, 2014 (Submitted to HEC, NRPU program,
PKR, 12.884 million)
- Plant Biofortification: A potential target to cope the iodine deficiency disorders in Pakistan, 2014 (Submitted to
HEC, NRPU program, PKR, 7.1 million)
- Environmental Policies, Planning and Laws (3-0)
- Carbon Sequestration and Climate Change (3-0)
- 1999: Inter-college merit scholarship, G.C. Burewala
- 2002: District-merit scholarship, University of Agriculture Faisalabad
- 2007: HEC overseas PhD fellowship, The Netherlands
- International Society of Organic Agriculture Research (ISOFAR)
- British Society of Soil Science (BSSS)
- American Society of Agronomy (ASA)
- Crop Science Society of America (CSSA)
- Soil Science Society of America (SSSA)
- Plant soil interaction discussion group
- Member in PPC (PE&RC PhD student council) in Wageningen University, Wageningen, The Netherlands (2011-2013)
- PhD representative in Education committee of PE&RC graduate school of Wageningen University, Wageningen,
- The Netherlands (2011-2013).
- Participation and member in quiz club University of Agriculture Faisalabad, Pakistan.
- Member in administration committee of plant soil interaction discussion group Wageningen University, Wageningen,
The Netherlands.