Personal Details
Name: Dr. Liyakat Hamid
Date of Birth: 21st September 1980
Nationality: Indian
Religion: Islam
Civil Status: Married
Language skills: English, Hindi, Marathi, Dutch (beginner level)
Passport No: Z2321458
Contact Details
Correspondence Address:
Center of Excellence in Environmental Studies,King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, KSA.
Email id: liyakat.mujawar@gmail.com
Permanent address:
M. H. Wong Building,
3610, University Street,
Montreal, Canada
Areas of expertise
May 2009 – May 2013
PhD from Wageningen UR (Department of Physical Chemistry and Colloid
Science) where I Investigated the spot morphology of inkjet printed
biomolecules on various porous and non-porous substrates. In addition, I also
optimized the printing conditions for developing a diagnostic biochip.
Feb 2006 - Apr 2009
Developed an amperometric biosensor for the detection of E.coli in water
samples. Developed an amperometric disposable glucose biosensor using
screen-printed electrodes. Developed potentiometric and conductometric
biosensor for detection of various bio-analytes.
Mar 2004 - Feb 2006
Quality control (Microbiological analysis) of pharmaceutical products, water
and environment as per USFDA guidelines.
Professional experience
May 2009 – May 2013 -PhD researcher (Wageningen UR, The Netherlands)
Supervisors -Prof. Willem Norde (Department of Physical Chemistry and Colloid Science)
Dr. Aart van Amerongen (Biomolecular Sensing and Diagnostic group)
Feb 2006 - Apr 2009 -Research Assistant (Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, INDIA)
Supervisors -Prof. A.Q. Contractor (Electrochemistry lab, Department of Chemistry)
April 2005 - Feb 2006 -Microbiologist (Aarti Industries Ltd., Biosar, INDIA).
April 2005 - Feb 2006 -Microbiologist (Hindustan Biologicals Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai, INDIA).
Academic background
(2009-2013) Doctorate in the field of Bio-interfaces.
(2001-2003) Master of Science in Biochemistry from University of Mumbai.
(1998-2001) Bachelor of Science in Microbiology, Biochemistry from University of Mumbai.
Technical skills
- Capable of printing droplets on various chip (substrates) with a robotic microarrayer in pico-litre
volume and optimizing the printing conditions as per experimental demand.
- Modification of non-porous substrates and their optimization for biochip production.
- Ability to develop electrochemical biosensors based on the principle of potentiometry, conductometry
and amperometry.
- Hands-on experience in S3 SciFlex microarrayer (Scienion), AFM (Veeco), CLSM (Carl Ziess), High
speed cameras, UV-Vis spectrophotometer (Perkin-Elmer), Goniometer (Kruss), Bi-potentiostat,
- Computer Skills/Database: MS office, Adobe photoshop (Illustrator), SciFinder Scholar,
Scopus, web of Science.
- Ability to write research articles, present research findings in international conferences
- Ability to work independently and interact with multidisciplinary chemists and external collaborators
and strong problem solving skills
- L. H. Mujawar, A.A.Maan, M.K.I.Khan, A. van Amerongen and W. Norde, Distribution of
biomolecules in various nitrocellulose membrane slides using confocal laser scanning microscopy
and high-speed cameras, Analytical Chemistry, 2013, 85 (7), 3723-3729.
- L. H. Mujawar, W. Norde and A. van Amerongen, Spot morphology of non-contact printed protein
molecules on non-porous substrates with a range of hydrophobicities, Analyst, 2013,138, 518-
- L. H. Mujawar, A. van Amerongen and W. Norde, Influence of buffer composition on the
distribution of inkjet printed protein molecules and the resulting spot morphology, Talanta, 2012,
98, 1-6.
- L. H. Mujawar, W. Norde and A. van Amerongen, Rapid mastitis detection using a nitrocellulose
biochip. (Accepted in Analytical Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2013).
- L. H. Mujawar, J.G.M.Kuerten, D.P.Siregar, A. van Amerongen and W. Norde, Influence of the
relative humidity on the morphology of inkjet printed spots on a non-porous substrate. (Revision
submitted to Langmuir).
- L. H. Mujawar, A. van Amerongen and W. Norde, Influence of Pluronic F127 on the distribution
and functionality of inkjet printed biomolecules. (Submitted to Analytica Chimica Acta).
Other published work
- M. K. I. Khan, L. H. Mujawar, M. A. I. Schutyser, K. Schroën and R. Boom, Deposition of Thin Lipid
Films Prepared by Electrospraying, Food and Bioprocess Technology, 2012, 1-9.
- A. A. Maan, S. Sahin, L. H. Mujawar, R. Boom, K. Schroën, Effect of surface wettability on
microfluidic EDGE emulsification, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2013, 403,157-159.
Conferences participation
- Attended the Xth International Conference on AgriFood Antibodies, at Wageningen, The
Netherlands (September 2009).
- Attended the Micro-NanoConference, at Delft, The Netherlands (November 2009).
- Poster presentation at Rapid Methods Europe 2010, at Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands
(January 2010).
- Poster presentation at Biosensors 2010, at Glasgow, UK (May 2010).
- Poster presentation at the European Association Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians, at
Lelystad, The Netherlands (September 2010).
- Oral and poster presentation at Rapid Methods Europe, at Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands
(January 2011).
- Oral presentation at mini symposium organized by National University of Singapore (NUS),
Singapore (February 2011).
- Invited oral presentation at Dutch Lady Milk Industry (DLMI), Kualalumpur, Malaysia (February
- Poster presentation at 243rd ACS National Meeting in San Diego, California, March 2012
- Prof.dr.ir Willem Norde
Prof.dr.ir Willem Norde
Department of Physical Chemistry and Colloid Science
Chemistry building (316)
Wageningen University & Research Centre,
Dreijenplein 6,
6703 HB Wageningen
The Netherlands
e-mail: Willem.norde@wur.nl
- Dr. Aart van Amerongen (Senior scientist)
Biomolecular sensing and diagnostic group,
Food & Biobased Research,
Wageningen University & Research Centre,
Building 118, Bornse Weilanden 9
6708 WG, Wageningen
The Netherlands
e-mail: Aart.vanamerongen@wur.nl
- Prof. dr. MA Cohen Stuart (HOD)
Department of Physical Chemistry and Colloid Science
Chemistry building (316)
Wageningen University & Research Centre,
Dreijenplein 6,
6703 HB Wageningen
The Netherlands
e-mail: Martien.CohenStuart@wur.nl