Devenish visit from UK
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A delegation from the Devenish: The agri-technology company, Belfast, UK visited the Center of Excellence in Environmental Studies on Sunday 15/12/2019. The delegation consisted of three member including Prof. Alice Stanton and Mr. Owen Brennan. During their tour to the Centre labs, the researchers briefed the delegation to the Center’s achievements and its advanced scientific research to tackle local and global environmental issues. They were also briefed on the state of the art laboratory instruments being utilized as the Centre for biochemical analyses. The delegation listened carefully to the detailed explanation given by the researchers to solve the local and global problems and asked questions of their interest, which were answered by the researchers in details. The delegation was quite impressed by the achievements and research being carried out at the Centre. Prof. Iqbal Ismail thanked the delegation for their visit and interest in the Centre.

Last Update
12/22/2019 10:18:06 AM