Prof. Chin-Pao Huang

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Prof. Chin-Pao Huang

Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering , University of Delaware

Contact Info

Tel : (302) 831-8428
Fax : (302) 831-3640


(1965)  B. S., National Taiwan University (Civil Engineering), Taipei, Taiwan.
(1967)  M. S., Harvard University (Environmental Engineering), Cambridge, MA.
(1971)  Ph.D., Harvard University (Aquatic Chemistry), Cambridge, MA.


(2009-2012)  Guest Distinguished Chair Professor in Environmental Engineering, Graduate Institute of Environmental Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
(2006-2012)  Guest Chair Professor in Environmental Engineering and Science, College of Engineering and College of Agricultural and Natural Resource, National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan
(2004)  Ph. D. Student Advisor, Research Center of Eco-Environmental Science, Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing, China
(2002)  Donald C. Phillips Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering University of Delaware.
(2001-2002)  Visiting Professor, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan.
(1996-2001)  Chairman, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware.
(1995)  Visiting Professor, Graduate Institute of Environmental Engineering National Taiwan University, Taiwan.
(1992)  Distinguished Professor of Environmental Engineering, University of Delaware
(1981-1992)  Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Delaware.
(1977-1981)  Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Delaware
(1974-1977)  Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Delaware
(1973-1973)  Guest Lecturer, Department of Civil Engineering, Michigan State University, Michigan.
(1971-1974)  Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Wayne State University, Michigan.


State of Delaware, Professional Engineer No. 4851.

Awards and Honors

(2010)  American Academy of Water Resource Engineers, Diplomat
(2009)  American Academy of Environmental Engineers (Board Certified Diplomat)
(2009)  Francis Alison Award, University of Delaware
(2008)  Graduate Advising and Mentoring Award, University of Delaware.
(2008)  Wesley H. Horner Award, American Society of Civil Engineers
(2005)  Best Theoretical Paper Award, World Water and Environmental Resources Congress, American Society of Civil Engineers.
(1999)  Gordon Maskew Fair Medal, Water Environment Federation
(1996)  Gold Medal Research Award for Life-time Achievements, Chinese Institute of Environmental Engineering
(1994)  Best Paper Award, Chinese Institute of Environmental Engineering
(1994)  Outstanding Researcher of the Year Award, Overseas Chinese Environmental Engineers and Scientists Association.
(1994)  Author of Citation Classics; Stumm, W., C. P. Huang, and R. S. Jenkins, “Specific Chemical Interactions Affecting the Stability of Dispersed Systems.” Croat. Chim. Acta., 42:223-245, (1970).
(1989)  Excellence in Service Award, Environmental Protection Bureau, Taiwan Provincial Government, Taiwan

Research Grants

  • 1971-1972; Wayne State University, Faculty Research Award, "Phosphate Removal by Alumina Adsorption", $1,000 (PI)
  • 1973-1974; Wayne State University Faculty Research Award, "Methane Production from Organic Wastes", $7,000 (PI)
  • 1974-1975; University of Delaware Research Foundation, "Oil Recovery from Refinery Wastewater", $9,000 (PI)
  • 1975-1978; National Science Foundation, "Chemical Processes in the Limnological Transformation of Dissolved Organic Nitrogen", $64,000 (PI)
  • 1976-1977; National Science Foundation, "Oil Weathering", $24,000 (PI)
  • 1976-1978; National Science Foundation, "Removal of Trace Metals from Municipal Sludge", $5,600 (PI)
  • 1976-1977; US Environmental Protection Agency, "The Development of an Activated Carbon Process for the Treatment and Disposal of Chromium(VI) Plating Industrial Wastewaters", $37,000 (PI)
  • 1978-1980; US Environmental Protection Agency," The Development of an Activated Carbon Process for the Treatment of Cadmium Plating Wastewater", $50,000 (PI)
  • 1978-1981; National Science Foundation, "Chemical Interactions between Heavy Metals and Hydrous Solids. The Effect of Complex Formation", $171,000 (PI)
  • 1980-1982; US Environmental Protection Agency, "The Removal of Heavy Metals by Activated Carbon Process from Water and Wastewater", $165,000 (PI)
  • 1981-1984; National Science Foundation, "The Effect of Complex Formation on the Adsorption Behavior of Heavy Metals on Some Solid Particulates", $104,000 (PI)
  • 1983-1986; US Department of Interior, "Concurrent Removal of Toxic Substances from Groundwater by Activated Carbon Adsorption", $42,000(PI)
  • 1984-1985; National Science Foundation, "Environmental Heavy Metal Chemistry Instrument Grant", $35,000 (PI)
  • 1984-1987; National Science Foundation, "The Kinetics of Metal Sulfide Oxidation in Heterogeneous Solutions", $250,000 (PI)
  • 1984-1985; University of Delaware Biomedical Research Program, "The Adsorption Characteristics of Heavy Metals onto Hydrous Hydroxyapatite", $7,000 (PI)
  • 1985-1988; Department of Interior, "The Photocatalytic Oxidation of Toxic Organic Substances", $40,500 (PI)
  • 1986-1989; US Geological Survey, "The Removal of Toxic Heavy Metals from Contaminated Groundwater and Specific Industrial Wastewater by Fungal Adsorption Process", $167,791 (PI)
  • 1989-1992; Department of Interior, "In-situ Treatment of Contaminated Groundwater by Electrochemical Oxidation Processes", $50,000 (PI)
  • 1989-1992; US Environmental Protection Agency, "Treatment of Organic Wastes by Photocatalytic Oxidation Processes", $289,723 (PI)
  • 1989-1990; Electric Power Partner, "Use of Power Plant Solid Residues for the Treatment of Metal Wastes", $12,000 (PI)
  • 1989-1991; US Environmental Protection Agency, "Environmental Chemistry of Metal Sulfide", $176,713 (PI)
  • 1990-1993; New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, "The Fate and Transport of Inorganic Contaminants in New Jersey Soils", $99,625 (Co-PI, PI: Herb Allen)
  • 1990-1993; New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, "Environmental Fate Investigation of Chromium Contamination", $111,257 (PI)
  • 1990-1991; Delaware Department of Transportation, "Impact of Traffic Development on Wetland Ecosystem", $5,000 (PI)
  • 1991-1992; US Environmental Protection Agency, "Workshop on Heavy Metal Speciation and Soil Contamination", $35,000 (Co-PI; PI: Herb Allen)
  • 1991-1993; Delaware State Research Partnership Program, "The Development of an Electrochemical Processes for In-situ Treatment of Surfactant Contaminated Aquifer", $80,000 (PI)
  • 1991-1993; Du Pont Chemical Company, "The Development of an Electrochemical Processes for In-situ Treatment of Surfactant Contaminated Aquifer", $100,000 (PI).
  • 1991-1992; Du Pont Chemical Company, "Remediation of TEL Contaminated Soils in C-Basin", $40,000 (PI)
  • 1991-1994; Delaware Department of Transportation, "Engineering Design of Wetland Protection Measures due to Highway Construction Operations", $65,000 (PI).
  • 1992-1993; Sara Lee Company, "Feasibility Study on the Treatment of Textile Industrial Wastewater by Fenton's Oxidation Process", $18,000 (PI)
  • 1993-1994; New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, "Transport of Mercury and Arsenic in New Jersey Soils", $65,000 (Co-PI; PI: Herb Allen)
  • 1994-1997; Water Environment Federation Research Fund, "Rate and Equilibrium of Heavy Metal Uptake by Wastewater Particulates", $250,000 (PI)
  • 1995-1996; Maryland State of Environment, "Recovery of EDTA from Power Plant Washing Wastewater", $75,000 (PI)
  • 1996-1997; Delaware Solid Waste Authority, “Development of Technology and Education Program in Solid Waste Management”, $37,400 (PI)
  • 1996-2000; Department of Energy, “Integrated Electro-kinetic Electro-Fenton (EKEF) Process for In-situ Soil Remediation”, $350,000 (PI)
  • 1998-1999; Bureau of Reclamation, Department of Interior, “Treatment of Wastewaters for Water Reuse by a Catalytic Sonochemical Process”, $75,000 (PI)
  • 1999-2000; Bureau of Reclamation, Department of Interior, “Treatment of Wastewater for Water Reuse by a Catalytic Sonochemical Process. Phase II”, $50,000 (PI)
  • 1999-2000; Delaware Solid Waste Authority, “Development of Technology and Education Program in Solid Waste Management. Phase II”, $67,000 (PI)
  • 2000-2003; New Jersey Department of Environment, “Separation of Naturally Occurring Colloid Particulates from Ground Water by Crossflow Electro-filtration (CFEF) Process for Improving the Analysis of Lead, ” $140,000 (PI)
  • Tague Regional Industrial Waste Research Center, Korea, “Removal of Total Nitrogen in Agricultural Runoffs”, $30,000 (PI)
  • 2001-2003; Department of Agriculture, US-Egypt Program, “Photocatalytic Process for the Treatment of Metal Containing Wastewater” $25,000 (PI; Co-PI: Mohamed Barak).
  • 2002-2003; National Science Foundation, “Electrically Assisted Tangential Flow Filtration for the Separation of Nano-sized Environmental Particles”, $90,000 (PI)
  • 2002-2005; National Science Foundation, “Chemical Interactions of Selected Pollutant Molecules with Nanostructured Photocatalysts and Sensors”, $1,000,000 (Co-PI; PI: Shah, Ismat)
  • 2002-2003; Tague Regional Industrial Waste Research Center, Korea, “Nano-sized TiO2 Photocatalyst for the Control of Environmental Chemical Hazards”, $50,000 (PI).
  • 2004-2007 US Environmental Protection Agency, “Short Term Chronical Toxicity of Nanomateials toward Bacteria, Algae and Zooplanktons, $370,000 (PI)
  • 2005-2007 SERDP, “Removal of Perchlorate by Catalytic Hydrogen Membrane, $450,000 (PI)
  • 2007-2010 Industrial Technology Research Institute, Taiwan, “Ecotoxicity of Nanomaterials”, $50,000 (PI).
  • 2010- 2011 National Science Foundation, “The 6th International Conference on Sustainable Water Environment”, $40,000 (PI).
  • 2010-2011 US Environmental Protection Agency, “The 6th International Conference on Sustainable Water Environment”, $15,000 (PI).
  • 2008 -2009 Federal Highway Administration, “Photoelectrochemical Generation of Hydrogen”, $100,000 (Co-I; PI: Prasard, A.J.).
  • 2010-2010 DE EPSCoR, “An Electrically-assisted Cross-Flow Filtration (EACF) for Studying the Chemistry of Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products (PPCPs) at the Surface of Aquatic Nano-particles” $50,000 (PI).
  • 2010-2013 National Science Foundation, “Integrated Electrodialysis and Electrochemcial Processes for the Removal of Perchlorate from Dilute Aqueous Solutions” $365,000 (PI).
  • 2011-2014 Environmental Protection Agency, “Fate, Transport and Behavior of Engineered Nnaoparticles in Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants”, $560,000 (PI; Co-PI Murray Johnston)


A) Books

  1. Industrial Waste (Ed. C. P. Huang), Ann Arbor Science Publisher, Ann Arbor, MI, 1981.
  2. Industrial and Hazardous Waste (Ed. C. P. Huang), Technomics Publisher, Lancaster, PA, 1994.
  3. Heavy Metal Speciation and Soil Contamination (Eds. H. E. Allen, C. P. Huang, G. Baily and A. R. Bowers), Lewis Publisher, Ann Arbor, MI, 1994.
  4. Aquatic Chemistry. Interspecies and Interphase Processes (Eds. C. P. Huang, C. R. O'Melia and J. J. Morgan), Advances in Chemistry Series No. 244, American Chemical Society, Washington, DC, 1994.
  5. Environmental Nanotechnology (Eds. Maohong Fan, C. P. Huang, Alan E. Bland, Zhonglin Wang, and Ian Wright), Elsevier Science Publishers, 2010.

B) Book Chapters

  1. Huang, C. P. The Electrical double layer of Al2O3 electrolyte interface. In Colloid & Interface Science, IV (Ed. Kerker, M. K.) pp 29-44, (1976).
  2. Huang, C. P. Solid-solution interface. It's role in controlling the chemical composition of natural waters. In Transport Processes in Lakes and Oceans (Ed. R. Gibbs), Plenum Press, pp 9-33 (1978).
  3. Huang, C. P. Chemical interactions between inorganic and activated carbon. In Carbon Adsorption Handbook (Eds. P.N. Cheresiminoff and F. Ellerbush), Ann Arbor Science Publisher, pp 281-329 (1978).
  4. Huang, C. P. and P. Wirth. Treatability of Cd(II) plating wastewater by aluminosilicates. In Industrial Waste (Ed. C.P. Huang), Ann Arbor Science Publisher, pp 87-95 (1981). (Heavy Metal)
  5. Huang, C. P., A.R. Bowers, and G. Chin. Predicting the performance of a lime-neutralization/precipitation process for the treatment of some heavy metals-laden industrial wastewaters. In Industrial Waste (Ed. C.P. Huang), Ann Arbor Science Publisher, pp 51-62 (1981).
  6. Huang, C. P. and E. H. Smith. Removal of cadmium (II) from plating wastewater by activated carbon process¬. In Chemistry of Water Reuse (Ed. W. Cooper), Ann Arbor Science Publisher, pp 355-412 (1981).
  7. Huang, C. P. Surface acidity of hydrous solids. In Adsorption of Inorganic at the Solid Liquid Interface (Eds. M. Anderson and A. Rubin), Ann Arbor Science Publisher, pp 58-70 (1981).
  8. Huang, C. P. and Y. T. Lin. Specific adsorption of Co(II) and Co(III)-EDTA complexes on hydrous surface. In Adsorption from Aqueous Solution (Ed. P. Tewari), Plenum Press, pp 61-91 (1981).
  9. Huang, C. P., Y.S. Hsieh, S.W. Park, M.O. Corapcioglu, A.R. Bowers, and H.A. Elliott. Chemical interactions between heavy metals and hydrous solids. In Metal Speciation, Separation and Recovery (Eds. J.W. Paterson and R. Passino), Ann Arbor Science Publisher, pp 437-465 (1986).
  10. Huang, C. P. and J. M. Tseng. Mechanistic aspect of the photocatalytic oxidation of phenol in aqueous solutions. In Emerging Technologies for Hazardous Wastes (Ed. W. Tedder), America Chemical Society, pp12-39 (1990).
  11. Tien, C. T. and C. P. Huang. Kinetics of heavy metal adsorption on sludge particulate. In Heavy Metal in the Environment (Ed. J. P. Vernet), Elsevier Science Publishers, pp313-328 (1991).
  12. Tien, C. T. and C. P. Huang. Formation of surface complexes between heavy metals and sludge particulate. In Heavy Metal in the Environment, (Ed. J.P. Vernet), Elsevier Science Publishers, pp 295-311 (1991).
  13. Huang, J. P., C. P. Huang and A.L. Morehart. Removal of heavy metals by fungal (Aspergillus oryzae) adsorption. In Heavy Metal in the Environment (Ed. J.P. Vernet), Elesvier Science Publishers, pp 329-349 (1991).
  14. Dong, C. D. and C. P. Huang. Photocatalytic degradation of 4 chlorophenol in TiO2 aqueous suspensions. In Advances in Aquatic Chemistry (Eds. C.P. Huang, C. O'Melia and J.J. Morgan), Advances in Chemistry Series No. 244, pp 291-313 (1994).
  15. Takiyama, M. M. K., C. S. Chiu, Y. C. Huang, C.P. Huang and H.S. Huang. The removal of priority pollutants from groundwater by advanced oxidation processes. In Hazardous and Industrial Waste (Ed. C. P. Huang), Technomics Publisher, Lancaster, PA, pp. 178-185 (1994).
  16. Mioduski, K. A. and C.P. Huang. Oxidation of atrazine and its intermediates by Fenton’s reagent. In Hazardous and Industrial Waste (Ed. C. P. Huang), Technomics Publisher, Lancaster, PA, pp. 194-204 (1994).
  17. Terranova, N. and C.P. Huang. Reduction of THMF potential by Fenton’s reagent. In Hazardous and Industrial Waste (Ed. C. P. Huang), Technomics Publisher, Lancaster, PA, pp. 205-210 (1994).
  18. Tang, W. Z. and C. P. Huang. Oxidation kinetics and mechanisms of 1,4-dichlorpphenol by Fenton’s reagent. Hazardous and Industrial Waste (Ed. C. P. Huang), Technomics Publisher, Lancaster, PA, pp. 212-220 (1994).
  19. Jardim, W. F., R. M. Albericki, Takiyama M. M. K., and C.P. Huang. Gas phase photocatalytic degradation of trichloroethylene (RTCE) using UV/TiO2. Hazardous and Industrial Waste (Ed. C. P. Huang), Technomics Publisher, Lancaster, PA, pp. 230-240 (1994).
  20. Ehrilich, R. S. and C.P. Huang. Remediation of soil contaminated by 2-chlorophenol and 2,4,6-chloropheno using supercritical fluid extraction. Hazardous and Industrial Waste (Ed. C. P. Huang), Technomics Publisher, Lancaster, PA, pp. 472-479 (1994).
  21. Weng, C. H., Takiyama, L. R., and C. P. Huang. Electro-osmosis for the in-situ treatment of chromium-contaminated soil. Hazardous and Industrial Waste (Ed. C. P. Huang), Technomics Publisher, Lancaster, PA, pp. 496-505 (1994).
  22. Shin. H. M. and C.P. Huang. The feasibility study of lead removal by soil washing. Hazardous and Industrial Waste (Ed. C. P. Huang), Technomics Publisher, Lancaster, PA, pp. 506-513 (1994).
  23. Chen, N., G. M. Fu, and C.P. Huang. Sulfur recovery from caustic sodium sulfide industrial wastewater by electrochemical oxidation and electrodialysis processes. Hazardous and Industrial Waste (Ed. C. P. Huang), Technomics Publisher, Lancaster, PA, pp. 585-594 (1994).
  24. Takiyama, L. R., A. Rossi, M. C. Hsu, C.P. Huang and H.S. Huang. Recovery of Fe(II)-EDTA from wet-scrubber liquid by electrochemical methods. Hazardous and Industrial Waste (Ed. C. P. Huang), Technomics Publisher, Lancaster, PA, pp. 611-618 (1994).
  25. Qiang, Z. M. J. H. Chang, D. Cha, and C. P. Huang. Oxidation of selected polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons by the Fenton’s regent: Effect of major factors including organic solvent. In Nuclear Site Remediation Technologies. ACS Symposium Series No. 778. (Eds. William R. Heineman and P. Gary Eller). American Chemical Society, pp 187-210 (2000).
  26. Chang, J. H., Z. H. Qiang, D. Cha, and C.P. Huang. Electro-osmosis flow rate: A semi-empirical approach. In Nuclear Site Remediation Technologies. ACS Symposium Series No. 778. (Eds. William R. Heineman and P. Gary Eller). American Chemical Society, pp 247-266 (2000).
  27. Pamukcu, Sibel and C.P. Huang. In-situ remediation of contaminated soils by electrokinetic process. In Handbook of Mixed Waste Management Technologies (Ed. Chang Oh). CRC Press, pp 3.1-3 -3.1-39, (2001).
  28. Huang, C. P., J. A. Yun, and S. W. Park, Removal of nitrate from water by a combination of metallic iron reduction and clinoptilolite ion exchange process. In Zero-valent Iron Reactive Materials for Hazardous Waste and Inorganics Removal. ASCE (Ed. Irene Lo), pp 167-197 (2007).
  29. Ayca, E., D. Cha, Tseng, Y. H. and C. P. Huang. Growth and some enzymatic eesponses of E. coli to phtocatalytic TiO2. Chapter 13. In Applications and Implications of Nanotechnology (Ed. V. Grassian), pp 319-344 (2008).
  30. Minghua Li, Hong Ying Lin, and Chin Pao Huang. Nanotechnostructured catalysts TiO2 nnaoparticles for water purification. Chapter 6 in Environmental Nanotechnology, ASCE (Eds. Sumerpalli, R. and C. K. Lai) (2009).
  31. Huang, C. P., Hsun-Wen Chou, Yao-hsing Tseng, and Maohong Fan. Responses of Ceriodaphnia dubia to photocatalytic nano-TiO2 particles. Chapter 1 in Environmental Nanotechnologies, Elsevier Science Publishers Publisher (Eds. Maohong Fan, C. P. Huang, Alan E. Bland, Zhonglin Wang, and Ian Wright) (2010).

C) Refereed Articles

  1. Huang, C. P., W. Stumm, and R. S. Jenkins, Specific chemical interactions affecting the stability of dispersed systems. Croat. Chim. Acta., 42:223-245, (1970). (307) (1993 Classics of Citation).
  2. Huang, C. P. and W. Stumm. The specific surface area ofy-Al2O3. Surface Science, 32(2): 287-296 (1972).
  3. Huang, C. P. and W. Stumm. Specific adsorption of cations onto hydrous y-Al2O3 surface. J. Colloid & Interface Science, 43(2): 409-420 (1973).
  4. Huang, C.P. and Ghadrian M. Physical chemical treatment of paint industrial wastewater. J. Water Pollution Control Federation, 46(10): 2340-2346 (1974).
  5. Huang, C. P. and Stumm, W. The removal of aqueous silica from dilute aqueous solution. Earth & Planetary Science Letters, 27(2): 265-274 (1975).
  6. Huang, C.P. and M. H. Wu. Chromium removal by activated carbon. J. Water Pollution Control Federation, 47(10): 2437-2446 (1975).
  7. Huang, C. P. Adsorption of tryptophan onto calcium carbonate surface. Environmental Letters, 9(1): 7-17 (1975).
  8. Huang, C. P. Adsorption of phosphate at the y-Al2O3 electrolyte interface. J. Colloid & Surface Science, 53(2): 178-186 (1975).
  9. Huang, C. P. Ion-pair formation in calcium carbonate equilibria. Environmental Letters, 10(4): 319-334 (1975).
  10. Huang, C. P. Discussion of the use of crushed limestone to neutralize acid waste. J. Environmental Engineering, ASCE. 102(1):223-227 (1976).
  11. Huang, C. P. Removal of heavy metals from industrial effluent. J. Environmental Engineering, ASCE. 103(3):520-522 (1977).
  12. Huang, C. P. Removal of phosphate by powdered aluminum oxide adsorption. J. Water Pollution Control Federation 49 (8): 1811-1817 (1977).
  13. Huang, C. P., H.A. Elliott and R.M. Ashmead. Interfacial reactions and the fate of trace metals in soil-water systems. J. Water Pollution Control Federation, 49(5): 745-756 (1977).
  14. Huang, C.P. and M. H. Wu. Removal of chromium (VI) from dilute aqueous solution by activated carbon. Water Research 11(8):673-679 (1977).
  15. Huang, C. P and F. B. Ostovic. Removal of cadmium (II) by activated carbon adsorption. J. Environmental Engineering, ASCE. 104(5): 863-878 (1978).
  16. Huang, C. P. and A. R. Bowers. Use of activated carbon for chromium(VI) removal. Progress in Water Technology, 10(5): 45-64 (1978).
  17. Elliott, H. A. and C. P. Huang. The adsorption characteristics of Cu(II) in the presence of chelating agents. J. Colloid & Interface Science, 70(1): 29-45 (1979).
  18. Elliott, H. A. and C. P. Huang. The effect of complex formation on the adsorption characteristics of heavy metals onto solid surface. Environmental International, 2(3): 145-155 (1979).
  19. Elliott, H. A. and C. P. Huang. The adsorption of some Cu(II)-amino complexes at the solid-solution interface. Environmental Science & Technology, 14(1): 87-93 (1980).
  20. Elliott, H. A. and C. P. Huang. The adsorption of Cu(II) complexes onto aluminosilicates. Water Research, 15(7): 849-855 (1981).
  21. Bowers, A. R. and C.P. Huang. Activated carbon processes for the treatment of chromium (VI)-containing industrial wastewaters. Water Science & Technology, 13(1):629-650 (1981).
  22. Huang, C. P. and P. K. Wirth. Activated carbon for the treatment of cadmium (II) wastewater. J. Environmental Engineering, ASCE, 108(6):1280-1299 (1982).
  23. Kao, J. F., L. P. Hsieh, S. S. Cheng and C. P. Huang. Effect of EDTA on cadmium in activated sludge systems. J. Water Pollution Control Federation, 54(7): 1118-1126 (1982).
  24. Huang, C. P. and G. C. Quist. The dissolution of a manganese ore in dilute aqueous solution. Environmental International, 9(5): 379-389 (1983).
  25. Huang, C. P. and D.W. Blankenship. The removal of mercury (II) from dilute aqueous solution by activated carbon. Water Research, 18(1): 37-46 (1984).
  26. Huang, C. P. and L. K. Fu. Treatment of arsenic (V)-containing water by activated carbon. J. Water Pollution Control Federation, 56(3): 233-pp, (1984).
  27. Elliott, H. A. and C. P. Huang. Factors affecting the adsorption of complexed heavy metals on hydrous y-Al2O3. Water Science Technology, 17(6/7): 1017-1028 (1985).
  28. Ferrell, D. P. and C.P. Huang. The removal of fine coal particles from water by flotation. Chemical Engineering Communication, 35(1/6): 351-372 (1985).
  29. Bowers, A. R. and C.P. Huang. Adsorption characteristics of polyacetic amino acids onto hydrous y-Al2O3. J. Colloid & Interface Science, 105(1): 197-215 (1985).
  30. Huang, C. P.,Y. S. Hsieh, and W. H. Tseng. Removal of Co(II) from water by activated carbon. AICHE, Symposium Series 243 (81): 85-99 (1985).
  31. Elliott, H. A., M. R. Liberati and C.P. Huang. Effect of iron oxide removal on heavy metal sorption by subsoils. J. Air, Water & Soil Pollution, 27(3/4): 379-389 (1986).
  32. Bowers, A. R. and C. P. Huang. Adsorption characteristics of metal-EDTA complexes onto hydrous Oxides. J. Colloid & Interface Science, 110(2): 575-590 (1986).
  33. Elliott, H. A., M. R. Liberati and C.P. Huang. Competitive adsorption of heavy metals by soils. J. Environmental Quality, 15(3), 214-219 (1986).
  34. Hao, O. J. and C. P. Huang. Adsorption characteristics of fluoride onto hydrous alumina. J. Environmental Engineering, ASCE, 112(6): 1054-1069 (1986).
  35. Corapcioglu, M. O. and C.P. Huang. The surface acidity and characterization of some commercial activated carbons. Carbon, 25(4): 569-578 (1987).
  36. Corapcioglu, M. O. and C. P. Huang. The adsorption of heavy metals onto hydrous activated carbon. Water Research, 21(9): 1031-1044 (1987).
  37. Tien, C. T. and C. P. Huang. Adsorption behavior of Cu(II) onto sludge particulate. J. Environmental Engineering, ASCE, 113(2):285-299 (1987).
  38. Hao, O.J., C. P. Huang, and C.M. Tsai. The removal of heavy metals and ammonia by glauconite. Environment International, 13(2): 203-212 (1987).
  39. Bowers, A. R. and C. P. Huang. Role of Fe(III) in metal complex adsorption by hydrous solids. Water Research, 21(7): 757-764 (1987).
  40. Park, S. W. and C. P. Huang. The surface acidity of hydrous CdS(s). J. Colloid & Interface Science, 117(2): 431-441 (1987).
  41. Huang, C. P., Kehrer, K. P. and O. J. Hao. Huang. Enhanced and inhibitory effects of mineral particulate on utilization of glycine by pseudomonas Species. Environment International, 13(6): 497-503 (1987).
  42. Huang, C. P. D. Westman, K. Quirk, and C. P. Huang. The removal of cadmium(II) from diluted aqueous solutions by fungal adsorbent. Water Science & Technology, 20(11/12): 369-376 (1988).
  43. Huang, C. P. D. Westman, K. Quirk, C. P. Huang, and A.L. Morehart. Removal of cadmium(II) from dilute aqueous solutions by fungal biomass. Particulate Science and Technology, 6(3): 405-415 (1988).
  44. Huang, C. P. E.A. Rhoads and O. J. Hao. Adsorption of Zn(II) onto hydrous aluminosilicates in the presence of EDTA. Water Research, 22(8): 1001-1009 (1988).
  45. Davis, A. P. and C. P. Huang. Removal of Phenols from water by a photocatalytic Oxidation Process. Water Science &Technology, 21(6/7): 455-464 (1989).
  46. Huang, C. P. and E. A. Rhoads. The adsorption of Zn(II) onto hydrous aluminosilicates. J. Colloid & Interface Science, 131(3): 289-306 (1989).
  47. Huang, C. P. and L. M. Vane. Enhancing As(V) removal by Fe(II)-treated activated carbon. J. Water Pollution Control Federation, 61(9): 1596-1603, (1989).
  48. Park, S. W. and C. P. Huang. The adsorption characteristics of some heavy metal ions onto hydrous CdS(s) surface. J. Colloid & Interface Science, 128(1): 245-257 (1989).
  49. Park, S. W. and C. P. Huang. Chemical substitution reaction between Cu(II) and Hg(II) and hydrous CdS(s). Water Research, 23(12): 1527-1534 (1989).
  50. Hao, O. J. and C. P. Huang. Removal of some heavy metals by mordenite. Environmental Technology Letter, 10(10): 863-874 (1989).
  51. Hsieh, Y. H. and C.P. Huang. The dissolution of PbS(s) in dilute aqueous solutions. J. Colloid & Interface Science, 131(2): 537-549 (1989).
  52. Huang, C. P. C. P. Huang, and A. L. Morehart. The removal of Cu(II) from dilute aqueous solutions by Saccharomyces servisae. Water Research, 24(4): 433-439 (1990).
  53. Davis, A. P. and C. P. Huang. The removal of substituted phenols by a photocatalytic oxidation process with cadmium sulfide. Water Research, 24(5): 543-550 (1990).
  54. Schulthess, C. P. and C. P. Huang. Adsorption of heavy metals by silicon and aluminum oxide surface on clay minerals. Soil Science Society of America J., 54(3): 679-688, (1990).
  55. Davis, A. P. and C. P. Huang. Adsorption of some substituted phenols onto hydrous CdS(s) surface. Langmiur, 6(4): 857-862 (1990).
  56. Tseng, J. M. and C. P. Huang. Mechanistic aspects of the photocatalytic oxidation of phenol in aqueous solutions. ACS Symposium Series 422: 12-29 (1990).
  57. Tseng, J. M. and C. P. Huang. Removal of chlorophenols from water by photocatalytic oxidation. Water Science & Technology, 23(1/3): 377-387 (1991).
  58. Davis, A. P. and C. P. Huang. Anodic dissolution of lead sulfide single crystal in simple electrolyte solution. Langmuir, 7(4): 803-808 (1991).
  59. Hsieh, Y. S., S. Tokunaga, and C. P. Huang. Some chemical reactions at the HgS(s)-water interface as affected by photoirradiation. Colloids & Surfaces, 53(3/4): 257-274 (1991).
  60. Hsieh, Y. S. and C. P. Huang. Photooxidative dissolution of CdS(s). I. Important factors and mechanistic aspects. Colloids & Surfaces, 53(3/4): 275-295 (1991).
  61. Schulthess, C. P. and C. P. Huang. Humic and fulvic acid adsorption by silicon and aluminum oxide surface on clay minerals. Soil Science Society of America J., 55(1): 253-265 (1991).
  62. Schulthess, C. P. and C. P. Huang. Adsorption of heavy metals by silicon and aluminum dioxides on clay-minerals. Reply Soil Science Society of America, 55(5): 1509-1510, (1991).
  63. Davis, A. P. and C.P. Huang. Effect of cadmium sulfide characteristics on the photo-catalytic oxidation of thioacetamide. Langmuir, 7(4): 709-713 (1991).
  64. Huang, C. P., C. P. Huang and A. L. Morehart. Proton competition of Cu(II) adsorption onto fungal mycelia. Water Research, 25(11): 1365-1375 (1991).
  65. Davis, A. P. and C. P. Huang. The Photocatalytic oxidation of sulfur-containing organic compounds using cadmium sulfide and the effect on CdS corrosion. Water Research, 25(10): 1273-1278 (1991).
  66. Hsieh, Y. H., A. P. Davis, and C. P. Huang. Photo-oxidative dissolution of CdS(s) in the presence of heavy metal ions. Chemosphere, 24(3): 281-290 (1992).
  67. Blais, J. F., R. D. Tyagi, J. C. Auclair, and C. P. Huang. Comparison of acid and microbial leaching for metal removal from municipal sludge. Water Science Technology, 26(1/2): 197-206 (1992).
  68. Liu, J. C. and Huang, C. P. Adsorption of some substituted phenols onto hydrous ZnS(s). J. Colloid & Interface Science, 153(1): 167-176 (1992).
  69. Liu, J. C. and Huang, C. P. Electronic characteristics of some metal sulfide-water interfaces. Langmuir, 8(7): 1851-1856 (1992).
  70. Davis, A. P. and C.P. Huang. A kinetics model describing photocatalytic oxidation using illuminated semiconductor. Chemosphere, 26(6): 1119-1135 (1993).
  71. Huang, C. P., C. Dong, and W. Z. Tang. Advanced chemical oxidation: Its present role and future potential in hazardous waste treatment. Waste Management, 13(5/7): 361-377 (1993).
  72. Erhlich, R. and C. P. Huang. Adsorption of chlorophenol onto soil and kaolinite: Effect of the properties of adsorbent and adsorbate. J. Environmental Engineering and Management, 3(3): 143-152 (1993). (Best Paper Award)
  73. Hsieh, Y. S., C. P. Hang and A. P. Davis. Photo-oxidative dissolution of CdS(s):The effect of Pb(II) ions. Chemosphere, 27(5): 721-732 (1993).
  74. Lu, M.C., G. D. Roam, J. N. Chen, and C. P. Huang. Microtox bioassay of photodegradation products from photocatalytic oxidation of pesticides. Chemosphere, 27(9): 1637-1647 (1993).
  75. Lu, M.C., G. D. Roam, J. N. Chen, and C. P. Huang. Factors affecting the photocatalytic degradation of dichlorovos over titanium dioxide supported on glass. J. Photochemistry Photobiology A. Chemistry, 76(1/2): 103-110 (1993).
  76. Davis, A. P., Y. H. Hsieh, and C. P. Huang. Photo-oxidative dissolution of CdS(s): The effect of Cu(II) ions. Chemosphere, 28(4): 663-674 (1994).
  77. Liu, J. C. and C. P. Huang. Adsorption of phenols onto hydrous ZnS(s). Effect of cosolvent and temperature. J. Hazardous Material, 38(3): 423-438 (1994).
  78. Weng, C.H. Weng, C. Huang, H. E. Allen, and P. F. Sanders. Chromium Leaching Behavior in Soil Derived from Chromite Ore Processing Waste. The Science of Total Environment, 154(1): 71-86 (1994).
  79. Weng, C. H. and C. P. Huang. Treatment of metal industrial wastewaters by fly ash and cement fixation. J. Environmental Engineering, ASCE, 120(6):1470-1487 (1994).
  80. Lu, M.C., G. D. Roam, J. N. Chen, and C. P. Huang. Photocatalytic oxidation of dichlorvos in the presence of hydrogen peroxide and ferrous ion. Water Science & Technology, 30(9): 29-38 (1994).
  81. Tang, W. Z. and C. P. Huang. Photocatalyzed oxidation pathways of 2,4-dichlorophenol by CdS in basic and acidic aqueous solutions. Water Research, 29(2): 745-756 (1995).
  82. Lu, M.C., G. D. Roam, J. N. Chen, and C. P. Huang. Photocatalytic mineralization of toxic chemicals with illuminated TiO2. Chemical Engineering Communication, 139(1): 1-13 (1995).
  83. Allen, H.E., Y.T. Chen, C. P. Huang, and P. F. Sanders. Soil partition coefficient for Cd by column deposition and comparison to batch adsorption measurements. Environmental Science & Technology, 29(8): 1877-1891 (1995).
  84. Davis, A. P., Y. H. Hsieh, and C. P. Huang. Photodissolution of CdS(s): The effect of complexing agents. Chemosphere, 31(4):3093-3140 (1995).
  85. Tang, W. Z. and C. P. Huang. Inhibitory effect of thioacetamide on CdS dissolution during photocatalytic oxidation of 2,4-dichlorophenol. Chemosphere, 30(7): 1385-1399 (1995).
  86. Tang, W. Z. and C. P. Huang. The effect of chlorine position of chlorinated phenols on their oxidation kinetics by Fenton's reagent. Waste Management, 15(8): 615-622 (1995).
  87. Weng, C. H. C. P. Huang, H. E. Allen, P. B. Leavens, and P. F. Sanders. Chemical interactions between Cr(VI) and hydrous concrete particles. Environmental Science & Technology, 30(2): 371-376 (1996).
  88. Yin, Y.J. H. E. Allen, C. P. Huang, Y. M. Li, and P. F. Sanders. Adsorption of mercury(II) by soil: Effect of pH, chloride, and organic matter. J. Environmental Quality, 25(4): 837-844 (1996).
  89. Huang, C. P. and C. P. Huang. Application of Aspergillus oryzae and Rhizopus oryzae for Cu(II) removal. Water Research, 30 (9):1985-1990 (1996).
  90. Lee, S. Z., H. E. Allen, C. P. Huang, D. L. Sparks, P. F. Sanders, and W. J. G. M. Peijnenburg. Predicting soil-water partition coefficients for cadmium. Environmental Science & Technology, 30(12): 3418-322 (1996).
  91. Tang, W. Z. and C. P. Huang. 2,4-Dichlorophenol oxidation by Fenton's reagent. Environmental Technology, 17(12): 1373-1378 (1996).
  92. Tang, W. Z. and C. P. Huang. An oxidation kinetic model of unsaturated aliphatic compounds by Fenton's reagent. J. Environmental Science & Health, A31(10):2755-2775 (1996).
  93. Tang. W. Z. and C. P. Huang. Effect of chlorine content of chlorinated phenols on their oxidation kinetics by Fenton's reagent. Chemosphere, 33(8): 1621-1635 (1996).
  94. Lu, M.C., G. D. Roam, J. N. Chen, and C. P. Huang. Adsorption characteristics of dichlorvos onto hydrous titanium dioxide surface. Water Research, 30(7): 1670-1676 (1996).
  95. Weng, C. H. and C. P. Huang. Treatment of metal industrial wastewaters by fly ash and cement fixation. Closure. J. Environmental Engineering, ASCE, 122(3):243-2444 (1996).
  96. Yin, Y. J., H. E. Allen, C. P. Huang, and P. F. Sanders. Effect of pH, chloride, and calcium(II) on adsorption of monomethylmercury by soils. Environmental Toxicology Chemistry, 16(12): 2457-2462 (1997).
  97. Weng, C. H., J. H. Wang, and C. P. Huang. Adsorption of Cr(VI) onto TiO2 from dilute aqueous solutions. Water Science & Technology, 35(7): 55-62 (1997).
  98. Yin, Y.J., H. E. Allen, C. P. Huang, and P. F. Sanders. Adsorption/desorption isotherms of Hg(II) by soil. Soil Science, 162(1): 35-45 (1997).
  99. Yin, Y. J., H. E. Allen, C. P. Huang, D. L. Sparks, and P.F. Sanders. Kinetics of mercury(II) adsorption and desorption by soils. Environmental Science and Technology, 31(2): 496-503 (1997).
  100. Yin, Y.J. H. E. Allen, C. P. Huang, and P. F. Sanders. Interaction of Hg(II) with soil-derived humic substances. Analytica Chimica Acta, 341(1): 73-82 (1997).
  101. Tang, W. Z. and C. P. Huang. Stochiometry of Fenton's reagent in the oxidation of chlorinated aliphatic organic pollutants. Environmental Technology, 18(1): 13 23 (1997).
  102. Huang, C. P., H. W. Wang, and P. C. Chiu. Nitrate reduction by metal iron. Water Research, 32(8): 2257-2264 (1998).
  103. Wang, J. M., C. P. Huang, H. E. Allen, L. R. Takiyama, I. Poesponegoro, H. Poesponegoro and D. Pirestani. Acid characteristics of dissolved organic matter (DOM) in wastewater. Water Environment Research, 70(5): 1041-1048 (1998).
  104. Wang, J.M., C. P. Huang, H. E. Allen, D. W. Kim, and D. K. Cha. Adsorption characteristics of dye onto sludge particulates. J. Colloid & Interface Science, 208(2): 518-528 (1998).
  105. Wang, J. M., C. P. Huang, H. E. Allen, I. Poesponegoro, H. Poesponegoro, and L. R. Takiyama. Effects of dissolved organic matter (DOM) and pH on heavy metal uptake by sludge particulates Exemplified by Cu(II) and Ni(II): Three-variable model. Water Environment Research, 71(2): 139 147 (1999).
  106. Chiang, H. L. C. P. Huang, P. C. Chiang, and E. E. Chang. Effect of metal additives on the physico-chemical characteristics of activated carbon exemplified by benzene and acetic acid adsorption. Carbon, 37:1919-1928 (1999).
  107. Wang, J. M., C. P. Huang, and H. E. Allen. Surface physical-chemical characteristics of sludge particulates. Water Environment Research, 72(5): 545-553 (2000).
  108. Huang, C. P. M. Hsu, and J. Miller. Recovery of EDTA from power plant boiler chemical cleaning wastewater. J. Environmental Engineering, ASCE. 126(10): 919-924 (2000).
  109. Kim, I. L., P. C. Chiu, and C. P. Huang. Sonochemical decomposition of dibenzothiophene in aqueous solutions. Water Research, 35(18): 4370-4378 (2001).
  110. Myoda, S. P. and C. P. Huang. A microscopic system with a dual-band filter for the simultaneous enumeration of Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts and sporozoites. Water Research, 35(17): 4231-4236 (2001).
  111. Weng, C. H. and C. P. Huang. Cr(VI) Adsorption onto hydrous concrete particles from groundwater. J. Environmental Engineering, ASCE, 127(12): 1124-1131 (2001).
  112. Chiang, H. L., P. C. Chiang, and C. P. Huang. Effect of pore structure and temperature on VOC adsorption on activated carbon. Carbon, 39(4): 523-534 (2001).
  113. Weng, C. H., C. P. Huang, and P. F. Sanders, Effect of pH on Cr(VI) leaching from soil enriched in chromite ore processing residue. Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 23(3): 207-211 (2001).
  114. Khan, Eakalak; Huang, C.P.; Reed, Brian E. Hazardous waste treatment technologies. Water Environment Research, 63 (Literature Review): 1130-1192(63) (2001).
  115. Huang, C.P. Huang and J.M. Wang. Factors affecting the distribution of heavy metals in wastewater treatment processes: role of sludge particulate. Water Science & Technology 44(10):47-52 (2001).
  116. Qiang, Z. M., J. H. Chang, and C. P. Huang. Electrochemical generation of hydrogen peroxide from dissolved oxygen in acidic solutions. Water Research, 36(1): 85-94 (2002).
  117. Weng, C. H., C. P. Huang, and P. F. Sanders. Transport of Cr(VI) in Soils Contaminated with Chromite Ore Processing Residue (COPR). Practice Periodical of Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste Management, ASCE 6:6-13 (2002).
  118. Shah, S .I., W. Li, C. P. Huang, O. Jung, and C. C. Ni. Study of Nd3+, Pd2+, Pt4+, and Fe3+ dopant effect on photoreactivity of TiO2 nanoparticle. Proceedings, National Academy of Sciences, USA 99(10): 7184-7184 (2002).
  119. Chiang, H. L., P. C. Chiang, and C. P. Huang. The surface characteristics of activated carbon as affected by ozone and alkaline treatment. Chemosphere, 47(3): 257-265 (2002).
  120. Chiang, H. L., P. C. Chiang, and C. P. Huang. Ozonation of activated carbon and its effects on the adsorption of VOCs exemplified by methylethylketone and benzene. Chemosphere, 47(3): 267-275 (2002).
  121. Chiang, H. L., C.P. Huang and P. C. Chiang. The adsorption of benzene and methylethylketone onto activated carbon: Thermodynamic aspect. Chemosphere 46: 143-152 (2002).
  122. Fan, M. H., R. C. Brown, and C.P. Huang. Preliminary studies of the oxidation of arsenic(III) bypotassium ferrate. International J. Environment and Pollution 18(1):91-96 (2002).
  123. Perry, J. R., P. Chiu,C. P. Huang, and D. Cha. Zero-valent iron pre-treatment for enhancing the biodegradability of azo dyes. Water Environment Research 74(3): 221-225 (2002).
  124. Zhang, H. and C. P. Huang. Treatment of landfill leachate by Fenton oxidation process. Chinese J. Chemical Engineering 10(1): 128-131 (2002).
  125. Kim, D. W., D. K., Cha, J. M. Wang, and C. P. Huang. Heavy metal removal by activated sludge: influence of Nocardia amarae. Chemosphere 46(1): 137-142 (2002).
  126. Sung, M. H. and C. P. Huang. In situ removal of 2-chlorophenol from unsaturated soils by ozonation. Environmental Science & Technology, 36: (13) 2911-2918 (2002).
  127. Li, W., S. I. Shah, M. H. Sung, and C. P. Huang. Structure and size distribution of TiO2 nanoparticles deposited on stainless steel mesh. J. Vacuum Science & Technology, 20 (6): 2303-2308 (2002).
  128. Li, W. S.I. Shah, C.P. Huang, O. Jung, and C. Ni. Metallogranic chemical vapor deposition and characterization of TiO2 nanoparicles. Materials Science & Engineering B-Solid State Materials for Advanced Technologies, 96(3): 247-253 (2002).
  129. Khan, Eakalak; Huang, C.P.; Reed, Brian E. Hazardous waste treatment technologies. Water Environment Research, Literature Review , pp. 903-989(87) (2002)
  130. Kim, I. K, S. J. Yoa, J. K. Lee, and C. P. Huang. Reaction pathways and kinetic modeling for sonochemical decomposition of benzothiophene. Korean J. Chemical Engineering, 20 (6): 1045-1053 (2003).
  131. Wang, J. M., C. P. Huang, and H. E. Allen. Modeling heavy metal uptake by sludge particulates in the presence of dissolved organic matter. Water Research, 37 (20): 4835-4842 (2003).
  132. Fan, M. H., R. C. Brown, S. W. Sung, C. P. Huang, S. K. Ong, and J. van Leeuwen. Comparisons of polymeric and conventional coagulants in arsenic(V) removal. Water Environment Research, 75 (4): 308-313 (2003).
  133. Zhang, H., M. H. Sung, C. P. Huang. Mathematical model of in-situ ozonation for the remediation of 2-chlorophenol contaminated soils. Chinese J. Chemical Engineering, 11 (5): 555-558 (2003).
  134. Li, W, Y. Wang, H. Lin, S. I. Shah, C. P. Huang, D. J. Doren, S. A. Rykov, J. G. Chen, and M. A. Barteau. Band gap tailoring of Nd3+-doped TiO2 nanoparticles. Applied Physics Letters, 83 (20): 4143-4145 (2003).
  135. Wang, J. M., C. P. Huang, and D. Pirestani. Interactions of silver with wastewater constituents. Water Research, 37 (18): 4444-4452 (2003).
  136. Huang, C. P. and S. P. Myoda. Comments on research note - Authors' reply. Water Research, 37 (10): 2528-2530 (2003).
  137. Qiang, Z. M., J. H. Chang, and C. P. Huang. Electrochemical regeneration of Fe2+ in Fenton oxidation processes, Water Research, 37 (6): 1308-1319 (2003).
  138. Chuang C. L. P. C. Chiang, E.E. Chang and C.P. Huang. Adsorption–desorption rate of nonpolar volatile organic compounds onto activated carbon exemplified by C6H6 and CCl4. Practice Periodical of Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste Management, 7(3):148-156 (2003).
  139. Khan, Eakalak; Huang, C.P.; Reed, Brian A. Hazardous waste treatment technologies 2003 Literature Review , pp. 1106-1229(124) (2003).
  140. Weng, C. H., and C. P. Huang. Adsorption characteristics of Zn(II) from dilute aqueous solution by fly ash. Colloid & Surfaces A- Physicochemical & Engineering Aspects 247 (1-3): 137-143 (2004).
  141. Weng, C.H. and C. P. Huang. Preliminary study on treatment of soil enriched in chromite ore processing residue by electrokinetics. Practice Periodical of Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste Management, 8 (2):67-72 (2004).
  142. Li, W., C. C. Ni, H., Lin. C. P. Huang, and S. I. Shah. Size dependence of thermal stability of TiO2 nanoparticles. J. Applied Physics, 96 (11): 6663-6668 (2004).
  143. Barakat M. A., Y. T. Chen, and C. P. Huang. Removal of toxic cyanide and Cu(II) ions from water by illuminated TiO2 catalyst. Applied Catalysis B- Environmental, 53 (1): 13-20 (2004).
  144. Khan, E., C. P. Huang, and B. E. Reed. Hazardous waste treatment technologies, Water Environment Research, 76 (6): 1872-1966 (2004).
  145. Barakat, M. A., J. M., Tseng, and C. P. Huang. Hydrogen peroxide-assisted photocatalytic oxidation of phenolic compounds. Applied Catalysis B- Environmental 59 (1-2): 99-104 (2005).
  146. Chuang, C. L., M. Fan, M., Xu, R. C. Brown, S. Sung, B. Saha, and C. P. Huang, Adsorption of arsenic(V) by activated carbon prepared from oat hulls. Chemosphere 61 (4): 478-483, (2005).
  147. Zhang, H., H. J. Choi, and C. P. Huang. Optimization of Fenton process for the treatment of landfill leachate. J. Hazardous Materials, 125 (1-3): 166-174 (2005).
  148. Weng, Y. H., L. H. Chaung-Hsieh, H. H. Lee, K. C. Li, and C. P. Huang. Removal of arsenic and humic substances (HSs) by electro-ultrafiltration (EUF). J. Hazardous Materials, 122 (1-2): 171-176 (2005).
  149. Kim, I. K. and C. P. Huang. Sonochemical degradationof polyaromatic sulfur hydrocarbons (PASHs) in aqueous solutions exemplified by benzothiophene. J. Chinese Institute of Engineering, 28(7): 1107-1118 (2005).
  150. Zhang, H., H. J. Choi, and C. P. Huang. Landfill leachate treatment by Fenton's reagent. The variation of leachate characteristics. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 14 (12B): 1178-1183 Sp. Iss. (2005).
  151. Khan, E., C. P. Huang, and B. E. Reed. Hazardous waste treatment technologies. Water Environment Research,76 (6): 1872-1966 (2005).
  152. Wang, J. M., C. P. Huang, and H. E. Allen. Predicting metals partitioning in wastewater treatment plant influents. Water Research, 40 (7): 1333-1340 (2006).
  153. Zhang, H, H. J. Choi, and C. P. Huang. Effects of important reaction conditions on landfill leachate treatment by Fenton process. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 15 (1): 43-47 (2006).
  154. Chang, J. H., Z. M. Qiang, and C. P. Huang. Remediation and stimulation of selected chlorinated organic solvents in unsaturated soil by a specifically enhanced electrokinetics. Colloids & Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 287(1-3): 86-93, (2006).
  155. Weng, Y. H., K. C. Li, L. H. Chaung-Hsieh, and C.P. Huang. Removal of humic substances (HS) from water by electro-microfiltration (EMF). Water Research, 40: 1783-1794 (2006).
  156. Tseng, Y. H., H. Y. Lin, C. S. Kuo, Y.Y. Li, and C. P. Huang. Thermostability of nano TiO2 and its photocatalytic activity, Reaction Kinetics and Catalysis Letters, 89 (1): 63-69 (2006).
  157. Lin, H. Y., C. P. Huang, W. Li, C. C. Ni, and S. I., Shah. Size dependency of nanocrystalline TiO2 on its optical property and photocatalytic reactivity exemplified by 2-chlorophenol. Applied Catalysis: B. Environmental, 68 (1-2): 1-11 OCT 26 (2006).
  158. Zhang, H; H. J. Choi, and C. P. Huang. Treatment of landfill leachate by Fenton's reagent in a continuous stirred tank reactor. J. Hazardous Materials, 136 (3): 618-623 (2006).
  159. Saxe, J. P.; B. L. Lubenow, P.C. Chiu, C. P. Huang, and. D. K. Cha. Enhanced biodegradation of azo dyes using an integrated elemental iron-activated sludge system: I. Evaluation of system performance. Water Environment Research, 78 (1): 19-25 (2006).
  160. Saxe, J. P.; B. L. Lubenow, P.C. Chiu, C. P. Huang, and. D. K. Cha. Enhanced biodegradation of azo dyes using an integrated elemental iron-activated sludge system: II. Effects of physical-chemical parameters. Water Environment Research, 78 (1): 26-30 (2006).
  161. Zhang, H; H. J. Choi, and C. P. Huang. Effects of important reaction conditions on landfill leachate treatment by Fenton process. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 15 (1): 43-47 (2006).
  162. Khan, E., C. P. Huang, and B. E., Reed. Hazardous waste treatment technologies. Water Environment Research, 78 (10): 1809-1855 (2006).
  163. Fan, M. C. P., Huang, T. A., Hatton, A. E., Bland, R. R., Judkins, and Z. L. Wang. Application of nanotechnologies in separation and purification. Separation and Purification Technology, 58 (1): 1-1 (2007).
  164. Wang, D. M., C. P. Huang, J. G., Chen, H. Y., Lin, and S. I. Shah. Reduction of perchlorate in dilute aqueous solutions over monometallic nano-catalysts: Exemplified by tin. Separation and Purification Technology, 58 (1): 129-137 (2007).
  165. Lin, Y. T., M. Sung, P. F. Sanders, A. Marinucci, and C. P. Huang. Separation of nano-sized colloidal particles using cross-flow electro-filtration. Separation and Purification Technology, 58 (1): 138-147 (2007).
  166. Kuo, C. S. Y. H., Tseng, H. Y., Lin, C. H., Huang, C. Y., Shen, Y. Y. Lin, S. I., Shah, and C. P. Huang. Synthesis of a CNT-grafted TiO2 nanocatalyst and its activity triggered by a DC voltage. Nanotechnology, 18 (46): Art. No. 465607 (2007).
  167. Wang, J. M. C. P. Huang, and H. E. Allen. Effect of pH on metal uptake by anaerobic sludge. Environmental Engineering Science, 24 (8): 1095-1104 (2007).
  168. Huang, C. P. Environmental nanotechnology: A Near-term opportunity assessment. Water Environment Research, 79 (9): 939-939 (2007).(Editorial)
  169. Li, N. M. H. Fan, J. van Leeuwen, B. Saha, H. Q., Yang, and C. P. Huang. Oxidation of As(III) by potassium permanganate. J. Environmental Sciences-China, 19 (7): 783-786 (2007).
  170. Zhang, H., M. Jiang, M. H. Sung, and C. P. Huang. Mathematical modeling of gaseous ozone transport for in-situ chemical oxidation. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 16 (6): 617-620 (2007).
  171. Sung M. H., C. P. Huang, Y. H. Weng, Y. T. Lin, and K. C. Li. Enhancing the separation of nano-sized particles in low-salt suspensions by electrically assisted cross-flow filtration. Separation and Purification Technology, 54 (2): 170-177 (2007).
  172. Sung M. H. and C. P. Huang. Kinetics of the degradation of 2-chlorophenol by ozonation at pH 3. J. Hazardous Materials, 141 (1): 140-147 MAR 6 (2007).
  173. Kim, I. K., S. Hong, I. Hwang, D. Kwon, J. Kwon, and C. P. Huang. TOC and THMFP reduction by ultrasonic irradiation in wastewater effluent. Desalination, 202 (1-3): 9-15 (2007).
  174. Dong, C. D., Y. L., Liao, C. M. Kao, C.W. Chen, H. Y., Lin, and C. P. Huang. Preparation of crystalline nanosized titania by microemulsion: Evaluation of process variables. Advanced Oxidation Technology, 10 (2): 399-404 (2007).
  175. Huang, C. P. and P. S. Myoda. Sonochemical treatment of wastewater effluent for the removal of pathogenic protozoa exemplified by Cryptosporidium. Practice Periodical of Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste Management, ASCE 11(2): 114-122 (2007). (Wesley W. Horner Award, ASCE).
  176. Khan, E. M. H. Li, and C.P. Huang. Hazardous waste treatment technologies. Water Environment Research, 45: 1858-1902, (2007).
  177. Wang, D.M., C.P. Huang, J.G. Chen, H.Y. Lin and S.I. Shah. Reduction of perchlorate in dilute aqueous solutions over monometallic nano-catalysts: Exemplified by tin. Separation and Purification Technology, 58 (2007) 129–137 (2007).
  178. E. Khan, M. Li, and C.P. Huang. Hazardous waste treatment technologies. Water Environment Research, 80:1654-1708, (2008).
  179. Wang, D. M. and C. P. Huang. Electrodialytically-assisted catalytic reduction (EDACR) of perchlorate in dilute aqueous solutions. Separation and Purification Technology, 59(1): 33-0-341 (2008).
  180. Wang, D. M., S. I. Shah, J. G. Chen, and C. P. Huang. Catalytic reduction of perchlorate by H2 gas in dilute aqueous solutions. Separation and Purification Technology, 60(1):24-41 (2008).
  181. Mahmudov, R. Y. Y. Shu, S. Rykov, J. G. Chen and C. P. Huang. The reduction of perchlorate by novel hydrogenation catalysts. Applied Catalysis, B. Environment, 81(1-2):78-87 (2008).
  182. Li, M. H. M. Boggs, T. P. Beebe, and C. P. Huang. Oxidation of single-walled carbon nanotubes in dilute aqueous solutions by ozone as affected by ultrasound. Carbon, 46(3):446-475 (2008).
  183. Wang, Jianmin, Tian Wang, Joel G. Burken, Charles C. Chusuei, Heng Ban, Ken Ladwig, and C.P. Huang. Adsorption of arsenic(V) onto fly ash: A Speciation-based approach. Chemosphere, 72(3):381-388 (2008).
  184. Sung. M. H. and C. P. Huang. Ozonation of pentachlorophenol in unsaturated soils. J. Contaminant Hydrology, 98(3-4):75-84 (2008).
  185. Hsieh, Lin-Han Chiang, Weng, Yu-Hsiang, Huang, Chin-Pao and Li, Kung-Cheh. Removal of arsenic from groundwater by electro-ultrafiltration. Desalination, 234 (1-3): 402-408, (2008).
  186. Lin, Y. T. and C. P. Huang, Reduction of chromium (VI) by pyrite in dilute aqueous solutions. Separation and Purification Technology, 63(1):191-199 (2008).
  187. Lin H, Rumaiz AK, Schulz M, Wang, Demin, Rock, Reza, Huang, C. P. and Shah, S. Ismat. Photocatalytic activity of pulsed laser deposited TiO2 thin film. Materials Science and Engineering B-Advanced Functional Solid-State Materials, 151(2): 133-139, (2008).
  188. Qiang, Z M, Weiwei Ben, and C.P.Huang. Fenton process for degradation of selected chlorinated aliphatic hydrocarbons exemplified by trichloroethylene, 1,1,-dichloroethylene and chloroform. Frontiers of Environmental Science and Engineering, China 2(4):397-409 (2008).
  189. Hou, Y. N., J. H. Qu, X. Zhao, P. Lei, D. Wan, and C. P. Huang. Electro-photocatalytic degradation of acid orange II using a novel TiO2/ACF photoanode. The Science of Total Environment, 407(7): 2431-2439 (2009).
  190. Zhang, H., H.J. Choi, P. Cazano, and C.P. Huang. Multivariate approach to the Fenton process for the treatment of leachate. J. Hazardous Materials, 161(2-3): 1306-1312 (2009).
  191. Daphne Hermosilla, Manuel Cortijo, and C. P, Huang. Optimizing the treatment of landfill leachate by conventional Fenton and photo-Fenton processes. The Science of Total Environment 407: 3473-3481(2009).
  192. Wang, D. M. Wang, H. Y. Lin, S. Ismat Shah, C. Y. Ni, and C. P. Huang.. Indirect electrochemical reduction of perchlorate and nitrate in dilute aqueous solutions at the Ti-water interface. Separation and Purification Technology, 67:127-134 (2009).
  193. Zhou, Bin, Meghan Schulz, H. Lin, S. Ismat Shah, Jiuhui Qu, and C.P. Huang. Photoeletrochemical generation of hydrogen over carbon-doped TiO2 photoanode. Applied Catalysis. B. Environment, 92(1-2):41-49 (2009).
  194. Chiang, P. C., E. E. Chang, P. C. Chang and C. P. Huang. Effects of pre-ozonation on the removal of THM precursors by coagulation, The Science of Total Environment, 407(21): 5735-5742 (2009).
  195. Chang, J.H., Qiang ZM, Huang CP, Huang, Ellis, Amanda V. Phenanthrene removal in unsaturated soils treated by electrokinetics with different surfactants-Triton X-100 and rhamnolipid. Colloid and Surfaces A-Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 348(1-3):157-163 (2009).
  196. Li, M. H. and C. P. Huang. Hazardous waste treatment technologies. Water Environment Research, 81(10):1817-1835(2009).
  197. Weng, Y.H., H. J. Wei, T. Y. Tsai, and C. P. Huang. Separation of acetic acid from xylose by nanofiltration . Separation and Purification Technology, 67(1):95-102 (2009).
  198. Kuo, C. S., Y. Y. Li, Y. H. Tseng, and C. P. Huang.. Polymer-assisted synthesis of hydroxyapatite nanoparticle. Materials Science & Engineering C-Biomimetic and Supermolecular Systems, 29(3):819-822 (2009).
  199. Zhang, H, H.J. Choi, P. Canazo, and C. P. Huang. Multivariate approach to the Fenton process for the treatment of landfill leachate. J. Hazardous Materials, 161 (2-3): 1306-1312 (2009).
  200. Hermosilla, D., M. Cortijo, and C. P. Huang. The role of iron on the degradation and mineralization of organic compounds using conventional Fenton and photo-Fenton processes. Chemical Engineering Journal, 155 (3): 637-646 (2009).
  201. Mahmudov R. and C. P. Huang. Perchlorate removal by activated carbon adsorption. Separation and Purification Technology, 70(3):329-337 (2010).
  202. Lin, H., A.K. Rumaiz, M. Schulz, C. P. Huang, and S. Ismat Shah. Hydrogen generation under visible light using nitrogen doped titania anodes. J. Applied Physics, 107, 124305 (2010).
  203. Weng, Y. H., Wei, H. J., Tsai, T.Y., Lin, T. H., Wei, T. Y., Guo, G.L. and Huang, C. P. Separation of furans and carboxylic acids from sugars in diluted acid rice straw hydrolyzates by nanofiltration. Bioresource Technology, 101(13):4889-4894 (2010).
  204. Chiang, P. C., E.E. Chang, and C.P. Huang. Evaluating and elucidating the formation of nitrogen-contained disinfection by-products during pre-ozonation and chlorination. Chemosphere 80 (3): 327-333 (2010).
  205. Chang, E. E., Guo, Hsiu Chi, Li, I. Shu, Chiang, Pen Chi and Huang, Chin Pao. Modeling the formation and assessing the risk of disinfection by-products in water distribution systems. J. Environmental Science and Health, Part A-Toxic/Hazardous Substances & Environmental Engineering, 45(10): 1185-1194 (2010).
  206. Ruey-an Doong, Tien-chin Hsieh, and Chin-pao Huang. Photoassisted reduction of metal ions and organic dye by titanium dioxide nanoparticles in aqueous solution under anoxic conditions. The Science of the Total Environment, 408: 3334-3341, (2010).
  207. Li, M. H. and C. P. Huang. Hazardous waste treatment technologies. Water Environment Research, 82(10):1720-1747(2009).
  208. Minghua Li, C.P. Huang. Stability of oxidized single-walled carbon nanotubes in the presence of simple electrolytes and humic acid. Carbon, 48: 4 5 2 7 –4 5 3 4 (2010)
  209. Bin Zhoua,Xu Zhao, Huijuan Liu, Jiuhui Qua, C.P. Huang, Visible-light sensitive cobalt-doped BiVO4 (Co-BiVO4) photocatalytic composites for the degradation of methylene blue dye in dilute aqueous solutions. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 99: 214–221(2010).
  210. Rovshan Mahmudov, Chin Pao Huang, Perchlorate removal by activated carbon adsorption, Separation and Purification Technology 70 (2010) 329–337.
  211. Rovshan Mahmudov, Chin Pao Huang, Selective adsorption of oxyanions on activated carbon exemplified by Filtrasorb 400 (F400), Separation and Purification Technology 77 (2011) 294-300.
  212. Minghua Li, C.P. Huang, The responses of Ceriodaphnia dubia toward multi-walled carbon nanotubes: Effect of physical–chemical treatment, Carbon 49:1672-1679 (2011).
  213. Bin Zhou, XuZhao, HuijuanLiu, Jiuhui Qu, C.P.Huang, Synthesis ofvisible-lightsensitiveM–BiVO4 (M=Ag,Co,andNi)forthe photocatalytic degradationoforganicpollutants, Separation andPurificationTechnology, 77: 275–282(2011).
  214. Minghua Li, Kirk J. Czymmek, C.P. Huang, Responses of Ceriodaphnia dubia to TiO2 and Al2O3 nanoparticles: A dynamic nano-toxicity assessment of energy budget distribution, Journal of Hazardous Materials 187: 502–508(2011).
  215. David M. Metzler, Minghua Li, Ayca Erdem, C.P. Huang, Responses of algae to photocatalytic nano-TiO2 particles with an emphasis on the effect of particle size, Chemical Engineering Journal 170 ( 2-3): 538-546 (2011).

D) Proceedings

  1. Huang, C. P. and W. Stumm. The Adsorption Characteristics of Calcium Ion at the Solid-Electrolyte Interface. Transactions, Am. Geophysical Union, 52, pp 845 (1971).
  2. Huang, C. P. The Role of Microorganisms on Energy Conversation, Proceedings, Symposium on Energy, Ecology and Society, Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters, pp 81 (1974).
  3. Huang, C. P. Adsorption of Free Amino Acids on Calcium Carbonate, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 56(12), pp 1116 (1974).
  4. Huang, C. P., H.A. Elliott, and H. Wang. The Effect of Emulsion-Solid Interactions on Oil Weathering. Environment Canada, pp 353 (1975).
  5. Huang, C. P., M. H. Wu, and D.Y. Hsu. The Regeneration of Activated Carbon for Chromium Removal. Proceedings, Purdue Industrial Waste Conference, 31, pp 409 (1976).
  6. Huang, C. P. and R. A. Bowers. The Removal of Chromium(VI) from Plating Wastewater. Proceedings, 2nd National Conference on Metal Finishing and Plating Wastewater Treatment, pp 114 (1979).
  7. The Effect of Turbulence on Oil Emulsification (with H. Wang), Proceedings, Workshop on the Physical Behavior of Oil in the Marine Environment, Princeton University, I, pp 81 (1979).
  8. Huang, C.P. and J. F. Kao. The Removal of Heavy Metals from Municipal. Proceedings, 8th National Conference on Municipal Sludge Management, pp 255, (1979).
  9. Huang, C. P. and H.A. Elliott. The Adsorption of Some Heavy Metal Complexes onto Hydrous. Proceedings, International Conference on the Management and Control of Heavy Metals in the Environment, pp 476 (1979).
  10. Huang, C. P. and E. H. Smith. The Removal of Cadmium (II) from Plating Wastewater by Activated Carbon Adsorption. Proceedings, National Environmental Conference, Am. Soc. Civil Engrs, pp 374 (1979).
  11. Huang, C. P. and R. A. Bowers. The Effect of Complex Formation on the Removal of Heavy Metals from Water and Wastewater. Proceedings, National Conference on Environmental Engineering, Am. Soc. Civil Engrs, pp 240 (1980).
  12. Huang, C. P., P. K. Wirth, and E. H. Smith. Removal of Heavy Metals by the Activated Carbon Adsorption Process. Proceedings, National Conference on Hazardous and Toxic Waste Management, New Jersey Institute of Technology, pp 892 (1980).
  13. Huang, C. P. and P. K. Wirth. The Development of an Activated Carbon Adsorption Process for the Treatment of Cd(II)-Plating Wastewater. Proceedings, International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment, pp 100 (1981).
  14. Huang, C.P., P.K. Wirth, and D.W. Blankenship Removal of Cd(II) and Hg(II) by Activated Carbon. Proceedings, National Conference on Environmental Engineering, Am. Soc, Civil. Engrs., pp 382 (1981).
  15. Huang, C. P. The Removal of Heavy Metals by Activated Carbon Process from Water and Wastewater. I. Some Preliminary Observations, Proceedings, Environmental Engineering and Pollution Control Processes: State-of-the-Arts Seminar, pp 174 (1981).
  16. Huang, C. P., A. Boomhower, and W.H. Tseng), The Removal of Cadmium(II) by Activated Carbon Adsorption as Affected by Complex Formation. Proceedings, International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment, pp 1270 (1983).
  17. Huang, C. P. and Y.T. Wang), The Adsorption of Lead(II) onto Hydrous Solids as Affect by Complex Formation Agents. Proceedings, International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment, pp 1249 (1983).
  18. Huang, C. P., and Y.S. Hsieh), The Dissolution Kinetics of Metal Sulfides by Oxygen. Proceedings, International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment, 2, pp 534 (1985).
  19. Huang, C. P. and C.T. Tien), Chemical Interactions between Cu(II) and Activated Sludge Particles. Proceedings, International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment, 1, pp 128 (1985).
  20. Huang, C. P. An Overview on the Heavy Metal Capacities of Activated Carbon, Proceedings, International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment, 1, pp 286 (1985).
  21. Huang, C. P. Treatment Technologies of Plating Wastes: state-of-the-art, Proceedings, Pollution Control Engineering Session, 11th Modern Engineering Technology Seminar, II, pp 23 (1986).
  22. Huang, C. P. Management Alternatives for Plating Waste, Proceedings, Pollution Control Engineering, 11th Modern Engineering Technology Seminar, IX, pp 20 (1986).
  23. Huang, C. P. Photocatalytic Oxidation of Toxic Organic Substances, Proceedings, Oak Ridge Model Conference, I, Waste Management, Oak Ridge, TN, pp 189-214 (1987).
  24. Huang, C. P., D. Westman, K. Quirk, and C. P. Huang.The Removal of Cd(II) from Dilute Aqueous Solutions by Fungal Adsorbent. Proceedings, International Conference on Water and Wastewater Microbiology, 1, pp 61 (1988).
  25. Huang, C. P. and C. T. Tien. Adsorption of Some Heavy Metals onto Activated Sludge Particulate. Proceedings, 7th International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment, pp 85-89 (1989).
  26. Huang, C. P., C. P. Huang, and A.L. Morehart. Removal of Heavy Metals by a Fungal Adsorption Process. Proceedings, 7th International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment, pp 201-204 (1989).
  27. Cheng, A.H.D., K.H. Hsieh, and C. P. Huang. An Interactive Microcomputer Program for One-Dimensional Solute Transport in Saturated Soil-Water Systems. Proceedings, National Water Conference, (Ed. T. Al Austin), pp 350-357 (1989).
  28. Huang, C. P. and C. S. Chu. Anodic Oxidation of Phenols in Dilute Aqueous Solutions. Proceedings, 1990 Specialty Conference, Division of Environmental Engineering, ASCE, Washington, DC, pp 879-880 (1990).
  29. Huang, C. P., C. P. Huang, and A. L. Morehart), Proton Competition in Cu(II) Biosorption by Fungal Mycelia. Proceedings, 1990 Specialty Conference (Ed. Charles O'Melia), Division of Environmental Engineering, ASCE, Washington, DC, pp 895-896 (1990).
  30. Huang, C. P. Photocatalytic Oxidation of Organic Compounds by CdS Improvement of Photostability of CdS(s), Proceedings, 1990 Specialty Conference, Division of Environmental Engineering, ASCE, Washington, DC, pp 917-918 (1990).
  31. Huang, C. P. and C. H. Weng. Removal of Trace Heavy Metals by Adsorption onto Fly Ash. Proceedings, Specialty Conference, Division of Environmental Engineering, ASCE, Washington, DC, pp 923-924 (1990).
  32. Huang, C. P. and C. S. Chu. Electrochemical oxidation of Phenolic Compounds from Dilute Aqueous solutions. Proceedings, First International Conference on Advanced Oxidation, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, pp 239-253 (1991).
  33. Huang, C. P. and J. M. Tseng. Photocatalytic Oxidation Process for the Treatment of Organic Wastes. Proceedings, First International Conference on Advanced Oxidation, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, pp 262-277 (1991).
  34. Huang, C. P. Treatment of Zinc Industrial Wastewater by Combined Chemical Precipitation and Activated Carbon Adsorption. Proceedings, 24th Mid-Atlantic Industrial and Hazardous Waste Conference (Eds. B. Reed and W. Sack). Tecnomics Publ. Pp 120 -134 (1992).
  35. Lee, S. J., E. H. Allen, and C. P. Huang. Soil Metal Standards for Groundwater. Proceedings, 24th Mid-Atlantic Industrial and Hazardous Waste Conference (Eds. B. Reed and W. Sack). Tectomics Publ.. pp 359 -367 (1992).
  36. Huang, C. P. Treatment Alternative for Sanitary Landfill Leachate. Proceedings, 25th Mid-Atlantic Industrial and Hazardous Waste Conference (Ed. Allen Davis). Tecnomics Publ., pp 506-522 (1993).
  37. Huang, C. P. and S. W. Ko. Adsorption of Some Heavy Metals onto Pyrite Surface from Dilute Aqueous Solutions. Proceedings, Heavy International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment (Eds. R.J. Allan and J.O. Nriagu), pp 64-68 (1993).
  38. Huang, C. P. and D. Giacomini. Chemistry of Orpiment in Aqueous Solution. Proceedings, Heavy International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment, (Eds. R.J. Allan and J.O. Nriagu), pp 371-735 (1993).
  39. Huang, C.P. and Y. T. Lin. Oxidative Dissolution of pyrite in the Presence of Cr(VI). Proceedings, Heavy International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment (Eds. R.J. Allan and J.O. Nriagu), pp 367-371 (1993).
  40. Allen, E. H., S. J. Lee, and C. P. Huang. Adsorption of Cd(II) and Cr(VI) onto New Jersey Soils. Proceedings, Heavy International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment, (Eds. R.J. Allan and J.O. Nriagu), pp 375-379 (1993).
  41. Huang, C. P. Leaching of Specific Metals from Chromium-Contaminated Soil. Proceedings, Heavy International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment (Eds. R.J. Allan and J.O. Nriagu), pp 492-496 (1993).
  42. Huang, C. P. Toxicity and Oxidation of Pesticides of Pesticides in Water with Near-UV Illuminated Titanium Dioxide. Proceedings, 25th Mid-Atlantic Industrial and Hazardous Waste Conference, pp 266-366 (1993).
  43. Huang, C. P. and M. K. Takiyama. Recovery of Fe(II)-EDTA from Wet Scrubber Liquid. Proceedings, 26th Mid-Atlantic Industrial & Hazardous Waste Conference, pp 595 -601 (1994).
  44. Huang, C. P. and M. K. Takiyama. The Removal of Priority Pollutants from Groundwater by Advanced Oxidation Process. Proceedings, 26th Mid-Atlantic Industrial & Hazardous Waste Conference, pp 178 -185 (1994).
  45. Huang, C.P. and N. Chen. Sulfur Recovery from Caustic Sodium Sulfide Industrial Wastewater by Electrochemical Oxidation and Electrodialysis Processes. Proceedings, 26th Mid-Atlantic Industrial & Hazardous Waste Conference, pp 585 - 594 (1994).
  46. Huang, C. P. and L. R. Takiyama. Recovery of Ferrous-chelates from Wet-Flue Gas Scrubbing Solution by Electrochemical Methods. Proceedings, 26th Mid-Atlantic Industrial & Hazardous Waste Conference, pp 611 - 618 (1994).
  47. Huang, C. P. and H. M. Shin. The Feasibility Study of Lead Removal by Soil-Washing. Proceedings, 26th Mid-Atlantic Industrial & Hazardous Waste Conference, pp 506 - 514 (1994).
  48. Huang, C. P. and R. S. Ehrlich. Remediation of Soil Contaminated by 2-Chlorophenol and 2,4,6-Chlorophenol Using Supercritical Fluid Extraction. Proceedings, 26th Mid-Atlantic Industrial & Hazardous Waste Conference, pp 472 - 479 (1994).
  49. Huang, C. P. and C. H. Weng. Electro-osmosis for In-situ Treatment of Chromium-Contaminated Soils. Proceedings, 26th Mid-Atlantic Industrial & Hazardous Waste Conference, pp 496 - 505 (1994).
  50. Huang, C. P. and K. Mioduski. Oxidation of Atrazine and Its Intermediates by Fenton’s' Reagent. Proceedings, 26th Mid-Atlantic Industrial & Hazardous Waste Conference, pp 194 - 204 (1994).
  51. Huang, C. P. and N. Terranova. Reduction of THMF Potential by Fenton's Reagent. Proceedings, 26th Mid-Atlantic Industrial & Hazardous Waste Conference, pp 205 - 211 (1994).
  52. Huang, C. P. and W. Z. Tang. Oxidation Kinetics and Mechanisms of 2,4-Chlorophenol by Fenton's Reagent. Proceedings, 26th Mid-Atlantic Industrial & Hazardous Waste Conference, pp 212 - 220 (1994).
  53. Jardim, W. F. Jardim, R.M. Alberici, M.M. Takiyama, and C.P. Huang. Gas-Phase Photocatalytic Destruction of Trichloroethlene (TEC) Using UV/TiO2. Proceedings, 26th Mid-Atlantic Industrial & Hazardous Waste Conference, pp 230 - 240 (1994).
  54. Huang, C. P. C. S. Chu, and C. D. Dong. The Removal of Chrolophenols by Electrochemical Oxidation. Proceedings, 26th Mid-Atlantic Industrial & Hazardous Waste Conference (Supplementary Volume), pp 117-126 (1994).
  55. Huang, C. P. and L.R. Takiyama. In-situ Removal of Phenols from Contaminated Soil by Electro-Osmosis Process. Proceedings, 27th Mid-Atlantic Industrial & Hazardous Waste Conference, pp 835- 848 (1995).
  56. Huang, C. P. Transport of Hexachromium in Porous Media. Proceedings, 27th Mid-Atlantic Industrial & Hazardous Waste Conference, pp 814-823 (1995).
  57. Huang, C. P. and P.C. Chiang. Control of Heavy Metals in Drinking Water. Proceedings, 2nd International workshop on Drinking Water Quality Management and Treatment Technology, pp 91-114 (1996).
  58. Huang, C. P. Cryptosporidium in Drinking Water, Proceedings, 4th International Workshop on Drinking Water Quality Management and Control Technology. National Chao-Tung University, Shin-Chu, Taiwan, pp 189-199 (1997).
  59. Huang, C. P. J. M. Wang, and E. H. Allen. Surface Physical-chemical Characteristics of Sludge Particulates. Proceedings, Environmental Laboratories: Moving Towards the 21st Century. Water Environment Federation, pp 9.1 - 9.12 (1997).
  60. Huang, C. P. Eutrophication and Its Control. Proceedings, 3rd International workshop on Drinking Water Quality Management and Treatment Technology, pp 91-114 (1997).
  61. Huang, C. P. Treatment of Sanitary Landfill Leachate by Fenton Oxidation: A Pilot Plant Study. Proceeding, 30th Mid-Atlantic Industrial Waste conference, Technomic, pp 349-407 (1998).
  62. Huang, C. P. Removal of Sulfur from coal by Sonochemical Oxidation. Proceeding, 30th Mid-Atlantic Industrial Waste Conference, Technomic, pp 407-415 (1998).
  63. Removal of Specific Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon from Soils by Fenton Oxidation. Proceedings, 4th International Conference on Soil Remediation Technology, Tuffs University, MA, pp 294-302 (1998).
  64. Huang, C. P. Removal of Chlorophenols from Soil by Ozonation. Proceedings, 4th International Conference on Soil Remediation Technology, Tuffs University, MA, pp 316-128 (1998).
  65. Huang, C. P. and S. P. Myoda. Acoustics for the Removal of Cryptosporidium Oocysts from Water. Proceedings, 6th International Workshop on Drinking Water Quality Management and Treatment Technology, March 28-29, 2000, Taipei, Taiwan, pp 89-102 (2000).
  66. Huang, C. P. Il Kim, and C. S. Chu) Electrochemical and Sonochemical Processes for the Oxidation of Selected Organic Compounds in Dilute Aqueous Solutions. Advanced Chemical Oxidation Workshop, Croucher Advanced Study Institute, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, November 28-December 3, 2000. 17pp.
  67. Huang, C. P. H. J. Chio, P. Canazano, and R. M. Robbin. Pilot Plant Evaluation of Landfill Lechate Treatment Using Fenton’s Reagent Advanced Chemical Oxidation Workshop, Croucher Advanced Study Institute, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, November 28-December 3, 2000. 15pp.
  68. Huang, C.P. Sonochemical Processes for the Removal of DBPs and Precussor in Water. Proceedings, 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Water Environment. AB6-3-1. (2006).
  69. Lin, S. D. M. Wang, M. H. Li, A. Erdem, and C. P. Huang. On the Opportunity of Nanotechnology in Environmental Applications. A Reality Assessment and Furure Potential. Proceedings, 4th Conference on Environmental Protection and Nanotechnology. pp 1-18 (2007).
  70. Mahmudov, R. and C. P. Huang, Removal of Perchlorate from Water by Functionalized Activated Carbon Adsorption. Proceedings, International Conference on Sustainable Soil and Water. pp128-136 (2007).
  71. Lin, S. D. M. Wang, M. H. Li, A. Erdem, and C. P. Huang. On the Opportunity of Nanotechnology in Environmental Applications. A Reality Assessment and Future Potential. Proceedings, 4th Conference on Environmental Protection and Nanotechnology. pp 1-28 (2007).
  72. Demin Wang and C.P. Huang. Chemical Reduction of Perchlorate in Dilute Aqueous Solutions. Proceedings, 3rd International Conference on Sustainable Water Environment. 10 pp, (2007).

E) Technical Reports

  1. Wang, H., Yang, W. C. and Huang, C. P., Modeling of Oil Evaporation of an Aqueous Environment. CMS-RANN-3/76, Technical Report, Department of Commerce, College of Marine Studies and Department of Civil Engineering, University of Delaware, 1976.
  2. Huang, C. P., Development at the 9th International Conference on Water Pollution Research, Stockholm, Sweden, Office of Research and Development, U. S. Environmental Protection Agency, 160pp, 1978.
  3. Huang, C. P., Activated Carbon Process for the Treatment of Wastewater Containing Hexavalent Chromium, U. S. Environmental Protection Agency, EPA-600/2-79-130, 71pp, 1979.
  4. Huang, C. P., Activated Carbon Process for the Treatment of Cadmium(II) Containing Wastewater, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, EPA-700/2/-81-156, 102pp, 1981.
  5. Huang, C. P., Interaction between Complexed Heavy Metals and Hydrous Solids: Adsorption and Its Effect on Colloidal Stability, U. S. Government Printing Office, NTIS PB- 83-114355, 209pp, 1983.
  6. Huang, C. P., Adsorption Characteristics of Pb(II) at the Solid-Solution Interface. Effect of Complex Formation, U. S. Government Printing Office, NTIS PB-83-114918, 124pp, 1983.
  7. Huang, C. P., Adsorption of Cu(II) at the Solid Solution Interface. Effect of Complex Formation, U. S. Government Printing Office, NTIS PB-83-114900, 235pp, 1983.
  8. Huang, C. P., Adsorption of Zn(II) onto Synthetic Aluminosilicates, U. S. Government of Printing Office, NTIS PB-84-239268, 176pp, 1984.
  9. Huang, C. P., Concurrent Removal of Toxic Heavy Metals and Organic Substances by Activated Carbon Processes from Contaminated Groundwater, NTIS Rep. PB 85-218972/AS National Tech. Inf. Serv., Springfield, VA 22161, 1984.
  10. Huang, C. P., The Removal of Heavy Metals from Water and Wastewater by Activated Carbon Process. II. In the Absence of Complex Formation, Proceedings, Seminar on Adsorption, U. S. Environmental Protection Agency, EPA/600/X-85, 122pp, 1985.
  11. Huang, C. P., The Removal of Some Toxic Organic Chemicals from Contaminated Groundwater by Photocatalytic Oxidation, Project Completion Report, Water Resource Center, University of Delaware, 79pp, 1987.
  12. Huang, C. P., A Mechanistic Study of the Photocatalytic Oxidation of Phenols Using Semiconductors, Project Completion Report, Water Resource Center, University of Delaware, 72pp, 1988.
  13. Huang, C. P., The Removal of Toxic Heavy Metals from Contaminated Groundwater by a Fungal Adsorption Process, Final Technical Report, U. S. Geological survey, DOI, 121pp, 1989.
  14. Huang, C. P., Anodic Oxidation of Phenolic compound, Final Report, Water Resource Center, Department of Interior, 128pp, July 1990.
  15. Huang, C. P., Environmental Fate Investigation of Chromium Contamination, Final Project Report, New Jersey State Department of Environmental Protection, September 1991.
  16. Huang, C. P., The Development of an Electrochemcial Process for In-situ Treatment of Contaminated Groundwater, Final Project Report, Water Resource Center, Department of Interior, July 1991.
  17. Huang, C. P., Minimizing Highway Construction Impacts to Wetlands. Standards and Specifications (with M. Eck), Final Project Report, Delaware Transportation Center, May 1992.
  18. Huang, C. P., Feasibility Study on the Removal of TEL by Soil Flushing, Final Project Report, Du Pont Chemical Company, July 1991.
  19. Huang, C. P., In-Situ Treatment of Surfactant-Contaminated Aquifer by Electrochemical Processes, Final Report, Delaware Research Partnership and Du Pont Chemical Company, 117 pp, December 1992.
  20. Huang, C. P., The Development of Electrochemical Processes for In-situ Treatment of Ammonium Perfluorooctanoate Contaminated Groundwater, Final Project Report, Du Pont Chemical Company, 117pp, 1992.
  21. Huang, C. P., Determining the Effectiveness of Control Measures Against Highway Construction Impacts, Final Project Report, Delaware Department of Transportation, July 1994.
  22. Huang, C. P., In-Situ Treatment of Surfactant-Contaminated Aquifer by Electrochemical Processes, Final Technical Report, Du Pont Company and Delaware State Research Partnership, 137 pp, 1993.
  23. Huang, C. P. and Weng, C. H., Effect of Specific Chemical Reactions on the Transformation and the Transport of Chromium in the Soil-Water System, Final Technical Report, New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection and Energy, Trenton, NJ, 149 pp, 1995.
  24. Yin, J., Allen, H. E., and Huang, C. P., Adsorption/Desorption and Transport of Mercury and Arsenic in New Jersey Soils, Final Technical Report, Division of Science and Research, New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection and Energy, Camden, NJ, 296 pp, 1997.
  25. Huang, C. P., Recovery of EDTA from Power Plant Boiler Chemical Cleaning Wastewater. Final Technical Report. Maryland Department of Natural Resource. 100pp, 1997.
  26. Huang, C. P., et al., The Equilibrium and Rate of Metal Uptake by Sludge Particulates. Annual Technology Report. Water Environment Research Fund, 1997.
  27. Huang, C. P., et al.,The Equilibrium and Rate of Metal Uptake by Sludge Particulates. Volume I. Characterization of Wastewater and Sludge Particulates, Final Project Report, Water Environment Research Foundation, 1998.
  28. Huang, C. P., et al., The Equilibrium and Rate of Metal Uptake by Sludge Particulates, Volume II. Equilibrium Aspects of Metal Interaction with Sludge Particulates, Water Environment Research Foundation 1998.
  29. Huang, C. P., et al., The Equilibrium and Rate of Metal Uptake by Sludge Particulates, Volume III. Kinetics Aspects of Metal Interaction with Sludge particulates, Water Environment Research Foundation 1998.
  30. Huang, C. P., et al., The Equilibrium and Rate of Metal Uptake by Sludge Particulates, Volume IV. Silver(I), , Water Environment Research Foundation, 1998.
  31. Huang, C. P., et al., Electrochemical Processes for In-situ Treatment of Contaminated Soils. Final Technical Report, Department of Energy, 2001.
  32. Huang, C. P. and Myoda, S.P., Sonochemcial Treatment of Secondary Effluent for Water Reuse: Inactivation of Cryptosporidium. Bureau of Reclamation, The Department of Interior. Final Technical Report. 2004.
  33. Huang, C. P., Muhmadov, R. and Muhmadov, K. Adsorption of Radium on Maryland Soils. Maryland Department of Environment. Final Technical Report. 2004.

Short Courses Taught

  1. Control of Environmental Hazardous Wastes, National Chung Hsing University, November 1984.
  2. Environmental Heavy Metal Chemistry, Fate, Effect, and Control, National Chung Hsing University, November, 1986.
  3. Environmental Aquatic Chemistry, Graduate Institute of Environmental Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, July 1988.
  4. Physical Chemical Processes for Water and Wastewater Treatment, National Chao Tung University, November 1990.
  5. Environmental Heavy Metal Chemistry. Fate, Effect, and Control, Fine Particle Society, San Diego, CA, August 1992.
  6. Soil Remediation Technologies, Taiwan Manufacturing Service Foundation, November 1993.
  7. Control of Organic Pollutants, Chinese Petroleum Company, August 1994.
  8. Activated Carbon Technology, Chinese Petroleum Company, August 1994.
  9. Soil Remediation Technology, Chinese Petroleum Company, August 1994.
  10. Environmental Physical Chemical Processes, Chinese Petroleum Company, August, 1994.
  11. Sludge Management, National Taiwan University, March 1997.
  12. Sludge Treatment, National Taiwan University, October 1997.
  13. Wastewater Treatment Operations, National Taiwan University, March 1998.
  14. Fate and Transport of Heavy Metals in Wastewater Treatment Plant, Water Environment Federation, Orando, FL, October 1998.
  15. Electrochemical Oxidation Processes, Croucher Advanced Institute, AOP Workshop, Hong Kong Science and Technology University, December 2000.
  16. Fenton Oxidation Process for the Treatment of Lechate, Croucher Advanced Institute, AOP Workshop, Hong Kong Science and Technology University, December 2000.
  17. Adsorption processes for Water Treatment, International Association of Water, Taipei, March 2001.
  18. Environmental Physical Chemistry. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, National Kaohsiung University. June 2007.

Invited Seminar Presentation

  1. The Role of Phosphorus on the Eutrophication of the Great Lakes, Department of Civil Engineering, Michigan State University, March 1973.
  2. Carbon Adsorption for the Treatment of Inorganic Chemical Wastewater, Union Carbide Co., April 1974.
  3. The Removal of Inorganic Metals by Activated Carbon, Department of Civil Engineering, Stanford University, December 1975.
  4. The Separation of Solid from Chemical Sludge, Du Pont Co., September 1976.
  5. Heavy Metals in the Environment, Chemistry and Environment Committee, Delaware Section, Am. Chem. Soc., December 1976.
  6. The Principles and application of Interfacial Phenomena to Water and Wastewater Treatment, Department of Environmental Engineering, National Cheng Kung University, January 1977.
  7. The Principle and Application of Aqueous Chemistry, Department of Environmental Engineering, National Cheng Kung University, January 1977.
  8. Adsorption Process for Heavy Metal Removal, Department of Civil Engineering, National Taiwan University, January 1977.
  9. The Removal of Cadmium(II) by Activated Carbon Adsorption Process, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Rhodes Island, March 1978.
  10. The Removal of Heavy Metals from Water by Activated Carbon, Swiss Institute of Water Resource and Pollution Control (EAWAG), Switzerland, September 1981.
  11. The Adsorption Characteristics of Heavy Metals at the Hydrous Oxide Surface, Department of Geography and Environmental Engineering, The John Hopkins University, May 1984.
  12. The Adsorption of Heavy Metals onto Hydrous Solids, Department of Environmental Engineering, National Cheng Kung University, December 1985.
  13. The Removal of Heavy Metals by Activated Carbon, Institute of Chemical Engineering, Union Industrial Laboratory, December 1985.
  14. The Effect of Organic Substances on the Adsorption Behavior of Heavy Metals by Hydrous Solid, Department of Civil Engineering, National Central University, December 1985.
  15. Treatment Technologies for Heavy Metal Containing Wastes, Short Course on Toxic Waste Treatment, National Chung Hsing University, December 1985.
  16. Specific Chemical Reactions at the Hydrous Solid-Electrolyte Interface, Department of Chemistry, University of Delaware, September 1986.
  17. Treatment Technologies for Plating Wastes. State-of-the-Art, the 11th Modern Engineering Technology Seminar, Taipei, Taiwan, November 1986.
  18. Management Alternatives for Plating Waste, the 11th Modern Engineering Technology Seminar, Taipei, Taiwan, December 1986.
  19. Photocatalytic Oxidation of Organics, Department of Civil and Mining Engineering, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MT, March 1987.
  20. Interface and Interfacial Properties, Workshop on Heavy Metals in the Environment: Effect, Fate and Control, National Chung Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan, December 27-30, 1988.
  21. Theories of Adsorption, Workshop on Heavy Metals in the Environment: Effect, Fate and Control, National Chung Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan, December 27-30, 1988.
  22. Modeling the Transport of Heavy Metals in Saturated Soil, Workshop on Heavy Metals in the Environment: Effect, Fate and Control, National Chung Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan, December 27-30, 1988.
  23. Control Strategies and Technologies for Heavy Metals, Workshop on Heavy Metals in the Environment: Effect, Fate and Control, National Chung Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan, December 27-30, 1988.
  24. Some Chemical Reactions at the CdS(s)-Water Interfaces, Institute of Environmental Studies, Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA, May 9, 1989.
  25. Physical-chemical Treatment of Industrial Wastewater, Bureau of Environmental Protection, Taiwan, Republic of China, January 1990.
  26. Photocatalytic oxidation of Phenols, Graduate Institute of Environmental Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, January, 1990.
  27. Technical Aspects of Transparency as a Regulatory Criterion for Specific Industrial Wastewater Effluent in the Republic of China, Bureau of Environmental Protection, Taiwan, Republic of China, January, 1990.
  28. Some Specific Chemical Interactions at the Solid-Water Interface, National Research Institute of Science, University of Quebec, April 1992.
  29. Use of Advanced Chemical Oxidation (AOP) for the Removal of Chlorinated Organic Compounds in Water, Department of Chemical Engineering, Drexel University, April, 1993.
  30. Future Trends in Environmental Engineering Research, Chinese Petroleum Company, August 1994.
  31. Advanced Chemical Oxidation Processes, National Chao Tung University, May 1995.
  32. Adsorption of Heavy Metals at Flyash Surface, National Cheng Kung University, July 1995.
  33. Advanced Chemical Oxidation Processes for the Treatment of Hazardous Wastes, Korea Institute of Environmental Research, Korea, May 1995.
  34. Removal of Hazardous Organics from Water by Advanced Chemical Oxidation, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong, April 1995.
  35. Design and Operation of Sanitary Landfill, Taiwan Provincial Environmental Protection Bureau, Taipei, April 1995.
  36. In-situ Remediation of Heavy Metal Contaminated Soils, Taiwan Provincial Environmental Protection Bureau, Taipei, April 1995.
  37. Advanced Chemical Oxidation, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong, May 1996
  38. Cryptosporidium: the Invisible Ooyst, National Institute of Environmental Research, Seoul, Korea, October 1998
  39. Fate and Transport of Heavy Metals in Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant, Korea Institute of Science and Technology, October 1998.
  40. Recent Advances in AOP Technology, (Key Note) Korea Environmental Science and Technology Association, 1998 Annual Meeting, Taegu, Korea, October 1998
  41. Removal of Trace Contaminants from Water. Hercules Chemical Co., Travose, PA, April 2001.
  42. Advanced Chemical Oxidation Processes for the Removal of Organic Contaminants from Water, Department of Chemical Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, 2002
  43. Opportunities and Challenges of Nanotechnology, Center of Environmental Health and Safety, Industrial Technology Research Institute, Hsin-chu, Taiwan, 2003
  44. Nanotechnology and the Environment, Department of Environmental Engineering, Dayeh University, Changhua, Taiwan, 2005.
  45. Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology: Opportunities in Environmental Engineering, Health and Safety, Industrial Technology Research Institute, Hsin-chu, Taiwan, 2005.
  46. Environmental Issues of Nanotechnologies. Research Center of Eco-Environmental Science, Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing, China, July 2005.
  47. Environmental Controversies. Department of Environmental Engineering, National Chung Hsing University, June 2006.
  48. Global Warming and CO2” Environmental Protection Administration, Taipei, August, 2006.
  49. Emerging Contaminants and their Control. Chung Hsina Consultant Engineering Co. Taipei, September, 2006.
  50. Nano-materials/Technology and the Environment. Ta-yeh University, August, 2006
  51. Nano-materials/Technology and the Environment. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Iowa State University, IW, March, 2006.
  52. Sonochemical Process for the Removal of Selected Organic Compounds and Pathogens in Water. National Kaohsiung Polytechnic University, September; 2006.
  53. Survivals of Microorganisms when exposing to nano-photocatalytic TO2. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, March, 2006 Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA
  54. Global Warming and Related Issues. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, National Kaohsiung University, July 2007.
  55. Environmental Applications and Implications of Nanotechnology. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, National Kaohsiung University, July 2007.
  56. Sonochemical Processes for the Controlof Emergin Contaminants in Water. Department of Ecological Engineering, Yi-Sou University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, July 2007.
  57. Removal of perchlorate from water by catalytic electro-reduction. National Kaohsiung University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, June 2007
  58. Research Trend in Sustainable Water Supply. Industrial Technology Research Institute, June 2007.
  59. On the Rising Tide of Water Market. Industrial Technology Research Institute, June 2007.
  60. Research Opportunities of Environmental Nanotechnology, Kaohsiung University, June 2007.
  61. Environmental Photocatalysis. Department of Environmental Medicine and Environmental Science, National Chin Hua University, June 2007.
  62. Research Needs toward Sustainability. National Chao-tong University, June 2007.
  63. Global warming and its Impacts on Water Environment. Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing, China, November 2008.
  64. Sonochemical Processes for the control of emerging contaminants. Nuclear Research Institute, Taiwan, 2008.
  65. Remediation of Harbor Sediments for Reuse, Kaohsiung Harbor Administration, Taiwan, May 2008.
  66. Photoelectrochemical technology for the degradation of hazardous chemicals and concurrent hydrogen generation in water. The Fifth International Conference on Sustainable Water Environment. Seoul, Korea, July 27-29, 2009.
  67. Photoelectrochemcial process for the remediation of impaired water. 6th International Conference on Urban Watershed Management and Resource Utilization, Nan Chang University, Nang Chang, China, March 31-April 1, 2009.
  68. Photoelectrochemical Processes for the Removal of Trace Organic Contaminants from Water. International Conference on Drinking Water, National Taiwan University, Taipei, April 27, 2009.

Conference Presentation

  1. Heterogeneous Metal Ion Buffers, 158th National Meeting, Am. Chemical Soc., New York, NY, September 1969.
  2. The Adsorption Characteristics of Calcium Ions at -Al2O3-Electrolyte Interface, Annual Meeting, Am. Geophysics Union, San Francisco, CA, December 1971.
  3. Thee Specific Adsorption of Cations at the Solid-Solution Interface, 163th National Meeting, Am. Chemical Soc., Boston, MA, March 1971.
  4. Specific Adsorption of Phosphate and Silicate at Hydrous Aluminum Oxide- Electrolyte Interface, 164th National Meeting, Am. Chemical Soc., New York, NY, March 1972.
  5. The Role of Microorganism in Energy Conversion, Annual Meeting, Michigan Academy of Arts, Science and Letters, East Lansing, MI, April 1973.
  6. The Regeneration of Activated Carbon for Chromium Removal, 31st Purdue Industrial Waste Conference, West Lafayette, IN, May 1975.
  7. The Effect of Emulsion-Solid Interaction on Oil Weathering, Symposium on Modeling of Transport Mechanism in Ocean and Lakes, Environment Canada, Burlington, Ontario, Canada, October 1975.
  8. The Fate of Trace Metals in Soil-Water Systems, Symposium on the Transport of Solute in Subsurface Water, Am. Geophysics Union, San Francisco, CA, December 1975.
  9. The Electrical Double Layer of -Al2O3-Electrolyte Interface, 50th International Conference on Colloid Science, Puerto Rico, June 1976.
  10. Solid-Solution Interface. It’s Role in Controlling the Chemical Composition of Natural Waters, Am. Institute of Chemical Engrs, Atlantic City, NJ, August 1976.
  11. The Removal of Cadmium from Dilute Aqueous Solution, National Meeting, Am. Chemical Soc. New Orleans, LA, March 1977.
  12. The Removal of Trace Metals from Municipal Sludge, the 11th Mid-Atlantic Regional Meeting, Am. Chemical Soc., Newark, DE, April 1977.
  13. Adsorption Characteristics of NTA at Solid-Solution Interface, 51st Colloid & Surface Science Symposium, Grand Island, NY, June 1977.
  14. The Kinetics of CdS Oxidation, Annual Meeting, Am. Soc. Limnology and Oceanography, Corpus Christi, TX, January 1978.
  15. The Effect of Suspended Solids on the Microbial Uptake of Glycine, Annual Meeting, Am. Soc. Limnology and Oceanography, Corpus Christi, TX, January 1978.
  16. The Use of Activated Carbon for Cr(VI) Removal, 9th International Conference on Water Pollution Research, Stockholm, Sweden, June 1978.
  17. The Adsorption Characteristics of Cu(II) Complexes on Hydrous Oxides, 52nd Colloid & Surface Symposium, Knoxville, TN, June 1978.
  18. The Removal of Heavy Metals from Municipal Sludge, 8th National Conference on Municipal Sludge Management, Miami, FL, March 1979.
  19. The Effect of Turbulence on the Emulsification of Crude Oils, Workshop on the Physical Behavior of Oil in the Marine Environment, Princeton, NJ, May 1979.
  20. The Treatment of Cd(II) Plating Wastewater by Activated Carbon Adsorption, National Conference on Environmental Engineering, Am. Soc. Civil Engrs, San Francisco, CA, July 1979.
  21. The Adsorption Characteristics of Co(II) onto Hydrous Solids in the Presence of Chelating Agents, National Meeting, Am.Chemical Soc., Houston, TX, March 1980.
  22. Activated Carbon Process for the treatment of Cr(VI) Containing Industrial Wastewater, 10th International Conference on Water Pollution Research, Toronto, Canada, June 1980
  23. Removal of Heavy Metal by Activated Carbon Adsorption Process, National Conference on Hazardous and Toxic Waste Management, New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark, NJ, June 1980.
  24. The Effect of Complex Formation on the Removal of Heavy Metals from Water and Wastewater, National Conference on Environmental Engineering, Am. Soc. Civil Engrs., New York, NY, July 1980.
  25. The Chemical Behavior of Heavy Metals in Municipal Sludge, International Symposium on Environmental Pollution, Atlanta, GA, October 1980.
  26. The Removal of Heavy Metals by Activated Carbon Process from Water and Wastewater, Some Preliminary Observation, U. S. Environmental Protection Agency, Seminar on the State-of-the-Art of Water Pollution Control, Cincinnati, OH, July 1981.
  27. The Removal of Cd(II) and Hg(II)by Activated Carbon, National Conference on Environmental Engineering, Am. Soc. Civil Engrs, Atlanta, GA, June 1981.
  28. Treatability of Cd(II) Plating Wastewater by Aluminosilicate Adsorption, 13th Mid-Atlantic Industrial Waste Conference, University of Delaware, Newark, DE, June 1981.
  29. The Development of an Activated Carbon Adsorption Process for the Treatment of Cd(II) Plating Wastewater, International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment, Amsterdam, Netherlands (U.S. EPA Report, National Committee, IAWPCR), September 1982.
  30. The Fate, Effect and Control of Cd(II) in Activated Sludge, International Conference of Heavy Metals in the Environment, Amsterdam, Netherlands, September 1982.
  31. Specific Chemical Interactions between Complexed Heavy Metals and Hydrous Solids, 56th Colloid and Surface Science Symposium, VPI-Sate University, VA, July 1982.
  32. Treatment of As(V) Containing Wastewater by Activated Carbon Process, 55th Annual Conference, Water Pollution Control Federation, St. Louis, MO, October 1982.
  33. The Removal of Hg(II) from Water by Activated Carbon Process, National Meeting, Am. Institute of Chemical Engineers, Cleveland, OH, September 1982.
  34. Removal of Cu(II), Zn(II), Pb(II) and Ni(II) from Water by Activated Carbon, 56th Annual Conference, Water Pollution Control Federation, Atlanta, GA, October 1983.
  35. The Adsorption of Polyacetic Amino Acids at -Al2O3-Electrolyte Interface, National Meeting, Am. Chemical Soc., Seattle, WA, September 1983.
  36. The Adsorption of Pb(II) onto Hydrous Solids as Affected by Complex Formation Agents, International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment, Heidelberg, W. Germany, September 1983.
  37. The Removal of Cd(II) by Activated Carbon Adsorption as Affected by Complex Formation, International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment, Heidelberg, W. Germany, September 1983.
  38. The Removal of Co(II) by Activated Carbon, National Meeting, Am. Institute of Chemical Engrs, Philadelphia, PA, September 1984.
  39. The Removal of Heavy Metals by Activated Carbon Process from Water and Wastewater. In the Absence of Complex Formation, U. S. Environmental Protection Agency, Seminar on Adsorption, Cincinnati, OH, February 1984.
  40. The Adsorption Characteristics of Zn(II) on Aluminosilicates, National Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, September 1984.
  41. Factors Affecting the Adsorption of Complexed Heavy Metals on Hydrous -Al2O3, 12th Biennial International Conference, Association of Water Pollution Research, Amsterdam, Netherlands, September 1984.
  42. The Adsorption Characteristics of Ni(II) onto Hydrous Oxides as Affected by Complex Formation Agent, Water Symposium, Gordon Research Conference, New Hampton, NH, June 1984.
  43. The Adsorption Characteristics of Metal Ions onto Hydrous CdS(s) Surface, 58th Colloid and Surface Science Symposium, Potsdam, NY, June 1985.
  44. The Removal of Ni(II) by Bubbles, National Conference of Environmental Engineering, Am. Soc. Civil Engrs, Boston, MA, July 1985.
  45. The Oxidative Dissolution of Some Heavy Metal Sulfides by Dissolved Oxygen, National Meeting, Am. Chemical Soc. Chicago, IL, September 1985.
  46. A Overview on the Heavy Metal Removal Capacity of Heavy Metals by Activated Carbon, International Conference of Heavy Metals in the Environment, Athens, Greece, September 1985.
  47. Chemical Interaction between Cu(II) and Activated Sludge Particles, International Conference on Heavy Metal sin the Environment, Athens, Greece, September 1985.
  48. The Oxidation of CdS(s) by Oxidation, International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment, Athens, Greece, September 1985.
  49. Chemical Interactions between Some Heavy Metal Ions and Hydrous Solids, International Symposium on Heavy Metal Speciation, Separation and Recovery, Chicago, IL, July-August 1986.
  50. Chemical Reactions between Some Transition Metals and CdS(s), 17th Annual Meeting, Fine Particle Society, San Francisco, CA, July-August 1986.
  51. Photooxidative Dissolution of CdS(s) Particles in Water, 17th Annual Meeting, Fine Particle Society, San Francisco, CA, July-August 1986.
  52. The Adsorption Characteristics of Cd(II) by Fungal Surface, Chapman Conference on Microbial Processes in the Transport, Fate and In-Situ Treatment of Subsurface Contaminants, Snowtown, UT, October 1986.
  53. Chemical Interactions between Heavy Metals and Hydrous Solids, International Symposium on Metal Speciation, Separation and Recovery, Chicago, IL, July 1986.
  54. Anodic Dissolution of Lead Sulfide Single Crystal, Annual Meeting, Environmental Chemistry Division, American Chemical Society, New Orleans, LA, August 1987.
  55. Removal of Cadmium by Adsorption onto Fungal Biosorbent, Fine Particle Society, Boston, MA, July 1987.
  56. Adsorption of Heavy Metals onto Hydrous CdS(s), Chemistry for the Protection of Environment, Torino, Italy, September 1987.
  57. Photocatalytic Oxidation of Phenols, Oak Ridge Associate University Model Conference, Oak Ridge, TN, September 1987.
  58. The Removal of Cd(II) from Dilute Aqueous Solutions, International Conference on Water and Wastewater Microbiology, Newport Beach, CA, February 1988.
  59. Photocatalytic Oxidation of Phenols, International Conference on Hazardous Wastes, Atlantic City, NJ, May 1988.
  60. The Dissolution of Some Heavy Metal Sulfides in Aqueous Solutions, 63rd Colloid and Surface Sciences Symposium, State College, PA, June 1988.
  61. Treatment of Thio Organic Compounds by Photocatalytic Oxidation with Semi- Conductor CdS, AIChE Summer Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, August 1989.
  62. The Removal of Heavy Metals by Crab Shell Adsorbent, AIChE Summer Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, August 1989.
  63. Modeling the Transport of Solutes in Saturated Soil-Water System: A Microcomputer Software Program" AIChE Summer Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, August 1989.
  64. Adsorption of Some Heavy Metals onto Activated Sludge Particulate, 7th International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment, Geneva, Switzerland, September 1989.
  65. Removal of Heavy Metals by Fungal Adsorption Process, 7th International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment, Geneva, Switzerland, September 1989.
  66. Effect of Complex Formation on the Removal of Heavy Metals by Activated Carbon Adsorption Process, 20th Annual Meeting of the Fine Particle Society, Boston, MA, August 1989.
  67. The Effect, fate, and Control of Heavy Metals in the Environment, Chinese Institute of Engineers-USA, Annual Meeting, New York, NY, November 1989.
  68. Removal of Trace Heavy Metals by Adsorption onto Fly Ash, National Conference on Environmental Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, Washington, DC, June 1990.
  69. Proton Competition in Cu(II) Biosorption by Fungal Mycelia, National Conference on Environmental Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, Washington, DC, June 1990.
  70. Anodic Oxidation of Phenols in Dilute Aqueous Solutions, National Conference on Environmental Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, Washington, DC, June 1990.
  71. Photocatalytic Oxidation of Organic Compounds by CdS, National Conference on Environmental Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, Washington, DC, June 1990.
  72. Dissolution of Chromium from Contaminated Soils, Workshop on Speciation and Contamination of Soil, Jerkily Island, GA, May 1991.
  73. Use of Fenton Reagent for the Oxidation of Chlorophenols, Fourth World Congress of Chemical Engineer, Karlsruhe, Germany, June 1991.
  74. Electrochemical Oxidation of Phenols in Dilute Aqueous Solution, First International Symposium on Chemical Oxidation, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, February 1991.
  75. Photocatalytic Oxidation Process for the Treatment of Organic Waste, First International Symposium on Chemical Oxidation, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, February 1991.
  76. Removal of Chromium by Concrete Materials, AIChE National Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, August 1991.
  77. Photocatalytic oxidation of Phenols by TiO2 Photocatalyst, AIChE National Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, August 1991.
  78. Treatment of Textile Industrial Wastewater by Continuous Flow Fenton Reagent Oxidation Process, International Symposium on Advanced Oxidation, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, February 1992.
  79. Removal of TEL from Contaminated Soil by Surfactant Extraction, AIChE National Conference, August 1992.
  80. Removal of Phenols from Soil by Supercritical CO2 Fluid, AIChE National Conference, August 1992.
  81. Removal of Nitrate from Water by Iron Reduction, Annual Meeting, Fine Particle Society, Chicago, IL, August 1993.
  82. Electro-Fenton Processes for the Treatment of Chlorinated Chemicals, AIChE National Conference, Denver, CO, August 1994.
  83. Recovery of Fe(II)-EDTA from Wet Scrubber, 26th Mid-Atlantic Industrial & Hazardous Waste Conference, University of Delaware, July 1994.
  84. The Removal of Priority Pollutants from Groundwater by Advanced Oxidation Process, 26th Mid-Atlantic Industrial & Hazardous Waste Conference, University of Delaware, July 1994.
  85. Sulfur Recovery from Caustic Sodium Sulfide Industrial Wastewater by Electrochemical Oxidation and Electrodialysis Processes, 26th Mid-Atlantic Industrial & Hazardous Waste Conference, University of Delaware, July 1994.
  86. Recovery of Ferrous-chelates from Wet-Flue Gas Scrubbing Solution by Electrochemical Methods, 26th Mid-Atlantic Industrial & Hazardous Waste Conference, University of Delaware, July 1994.
  87. The Feasibility Study of Lead Removal by Soil-Washing, 26th Mid-Atlantic Industrial & Hazardous Waste Conference, University of Delaware, July 1994.
  88. Remediation of Soil Contaminated by 2-Chlorophenol and 2,4,6-Chlorophenol Using Supercritical Fluid Extraction, 26th Mid-Atlantic Industrial & Hazardous Waste Conference, University of Delaware, July 1994.
  89. Electro-osmosis for In-situ Treatment of Chromium-Contaminated 26th Mid-Atlantic Industrial & Hazardous Waste Conference, University of Delaware, July 1994.
  90. Oxidation of Atrazine and Its Intermediates by Fenton’s' Reagent, 26th Mid-Atlantic Industrial & Hazardous Waste Conference, University of Delaware, July 1994.
  91. Reduction of THMF Potential by Fenton's Reagent26th Mid-Atlantic Industrial & Hazardous Waste Conference, University of Delaware, July 1994.
  92. Oxidation Kinetics and Mechanisms of 2,4-Chlorophenol by Fenton's Reagent26th Mid-Atlantic Industrial & Hazardous Waste Conference, University of Delaware, July 1994.
  93. Gas-Phase Photocatalytic Destruction of Trichloroethlene (TEC) Using UV/TiO2 26th Mid-Atlantic Industrial & Hazardous Waste Conference, University of Delaware, July 1994.
  94. The Removal of Chrolophenols by Electrochemical Oxidation 26th Mid-Atlantic Industrial & Hazardous Waste Conference, University of Delaware, July 1994.
  95. In-situ Removal of Phenols from Contaminated Soil by Electro-Osmosis Process, 27th Mid-Atlantic Industrial & Hazardous Waste Conference, Lehigh University, July 1995.
  96. Transport of Hexachromium in Porous Media, 27th Mid-Atlantic Industrial & Hazardous Waste Conference, Lehigh University, July 1995.
  97. Control of Heavy Metals in Drinking Water, 2nd International workshop on Drinking Water Quality Management and Treatment Technology, Taipei, Taiwan, March 1995.
  98. Overview of Eutrophication, 3rd International workshop on Drinking Water Quality Management and Treatment Technology, Taipei, Taiwan, March 1996.
  99. Cryptosporidium in Drinking Water. 4th International Workshop on Drinking Water Quality Management and Control Technology, Taipei, Taiwan, March 1997.
  100. Surface Physical-chemical Characteristics of Sludge Particulates, Workshop on Environmental Laboratories: Moving Towards the 21st Century. Water Environment Philadelphia, PA, March 1997.
  101. Treatment of Sanitary Landfill Leachate by Fenton Oxidation: A Pilot Plant Study, 30th Mid-Atlantic Industrial Waste Conference, Villanova University, July 1998.
  102. Removal of Sulfur from coal by Sonochemical Oxidation. 30th Mid-Atlantic Industrial Waste Conference, Villanova University, July 1998.
  103. Issues and Control of Cryptosporidium in Drinking Water, 6th International Workshop on Drinking Water Management and Treatment Technologies, Ta-yeh University, Taipei, March, 2000.
  104. Heavy Metals Interactions with Sludge Particulate, National Taiwan University, International Water Association, Specialty Conference on Sludge Management, March, 2001.
  105. Water Hardness: Engineering Issues. 7th International Workshop on Drinking Water Quality Management and Treatment Technologies, Tam-Kiang University, Taipei, March 2001.
  106. In-situ Treatment of Soils by Ozonation, International Conference on AOP, Torondo, Canada, June, 2001
  107. Inactivation of Cryptosporidium by Sonochemical Process, International Conference on AOP, Toronto, Canada, June, 2001
  108. Size dependency of nanocrystalline TiO2 on its optical property and photocatalytic reactivity exemplified by 2-chlorophenol. National Meeting, American Chemical Society, San Diego, MAR 2005
  109. Preliminary observations of bacterial responses to photocatalytic nano-TiO2 particles. National Meeting, American Chemical Society, San Diego, MAR 2005
  110. Effect of Photocatalytic TiO2 on the Growth of Bacteria Exemplified by E. coli, Annual Meeting, Society of Environmental Chemistry and Toxicity, Baltimore, MD. October 2005.
  111. Hydrogen Reduction of Perchlorate in Dilute Aqueous Solution, Partners in Environmental Technology Symposium and Workshop, Washington, DC, November 2005.
  112. Sonochemical Treatment of Wastewater Effluents for the Removal of Pathogenic Protozos Exemplified by Cryptosporidium. The First International Conference on Sustainable Water Environment. Nov. 2-4, 2005, Taipei, Taiwan.
  113. Removal of Perchlorate by Activated Carbon Adsorption, Partners in Environmental Technology Symposium and Workshop, Washington, DC, November 2005.
  114. Sonochemcal Process for the Removal of DBPS and Precursor in Water. The 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Water Environment. Taipei, Taiwan, Oct.30-Nov. 1, 2006.
  115. Survival of Bacteria in the Presence of Photocatalytic Nano-TiO2. International Conference on the Environmental Implications and Applications of Nano-sized Materials. Taichung, Taiwan, Dec. 14-15, 2006.
  116. C D.M. Wang, H.Y. Lin and C.P. Huang ; Comparison of Four Different Methods Investigated for Perchlorate Reduction; 2006 Gordon Research Conference, New Hampshire, June 2006.
  117. Erdem, A., Metzler, D., Chou, H. W., Lin, M. Y., and Huang, C. P; The Effect of Particle Size on the Toxicity of Photocatalytic Nano-TiO2 toward E. coli; 2006 Gordon Research Conference, New Hampshire, June 2006.
  118. Huang C.P and Mahmudov R.H.; Functionalizing Activated Carbon for Perchlorate Removal; 2006 Gordon Research Conference, New Hampshire, June 2006.
  119. Metzler D., Lin M. Y., and Huang C. P.; Toxicity Effect of TiO2 to Selenastrum capricornutum: Effect of Particle Size; 2006 Gordon Research Conference, New Hampshire, June 2006.
  120. Chou, H.W., D. Metzler, Ayca, Erdem, Mingyu Li, Y. H. Tseng, and C.P. Huang; Effects of nanoparticle size and concentration on Ceriodaphnia dubia; 2006 Gordon Research Conference, New Hampshire, June 2006.
  121. Minghua Li, Yengchieh Tsai, and C. P. Huang; The Adsorption of Tetracycline onto Nano-Aluminum Oxides and Its Degradation by Fenton Oxidation Process;2006 Gordon Research Conference, New Hampshire, June 2006.
  122. Sammy Lin, Allie Liao, Abdul Rumiaz, Ismat Shah, and C.P. Huang; Preparation of TiO2 Thin Film by Pulsed Laser Deposition (PLD) Process and the Determination of Photocatalytic Reactivity using Direct Photoelectrochemical Measurements; 2006 Gordon Research Conference, New Hampshire, June 2006.
  123. D.M. Wang, H.Y. Lin and C.P. Huang; Mono-metallic Nano-Catalysts for the Reduction of Perchlorate in Water; NSTI 2006 Nanotechnology Conference, Boston, MA, May 2006.
  124. Erdem, A., Metzler, D., Chou, H. W., Lin, M. Y., Lin, H.Y., and Huang, C. P; Short-term chronic toxicity of photocatalytic TiO2 to aquatic organisms; NSTI 2006 Nanotechnology Conference, Boston, MA, May 2006.
  125. D.M. Wang, H.Y. Lin and C.P. Huang; Removal of Perchlorate at Low Concentrations by Chemical Methods with Catalysts; Marriot Wardman Park Hotel, Washington DC; SERDP/ESTCR: Partners in the Environmental Technology Technical Symposium and Workshop; November 28 - 30, 2006.
  126. Huang C.P and Mahmudov R.H.; Removal of Perchlorate by Functionalized Activated carbon; Marriot Wardman Park Hotel, Washington DC, SERDP/ESTCR:Partners in the Environemental Technology Technical Symposium and Workshop; November 28 - 30, 2006.
  127. On the Opportunities of Nano-technology in Environmental Applications: A Realty Assessment and Future Potential. International Conference on the Applications and Implications of Nanotechnology. National Chung Hsing University, June 2007.
  128. Chemical Reduction of Perchlorate in Dilute Aqueous Solutions. The 3rd International Conference on sustainable Water Environment, Sapporo, Japan, Oct. 24-25, 2007.
  129. Lin, H., D. M. Wang, D. I. S. Shah, and C. P. Huang. Photocatalytic performance of pulsed laser deposited TiO2 thin films - effects of oxygen vacancy, phase composition, and energy band configuration. 81st Colloidal & Surface Science Symposium, American Chemical Society Meeting (ACS), Newark, DE June 2007.
  130. D. M. Wang, S. Ismat Shah, J. G. Chen and C.P. Huang.. Hydrogen reduction of perchlorate in dilute aqueous solutions. 81st Colloidal & Surface Science Symposium, American Chemical Society Meeting (ACS), Newark, DE June 2007.
  131. Lin, M. Y., Metzler, D., and C. P. Huang. Adsorption of nano-sized TiO2 particles onto surface of algae exemplified by Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata. 81st Colloidal & Surface Science Symposium, American Chemical Society Meeting (ACS), Newark, DE June 2007.
  132. Rovshan H. Mahmudov and C. P. Huang. Gas phase perchlorate reduction by mono- and bimetallic catalysts supported on activated carbon. 81st Colloidal & Surface Science Symposium, American Chemical Society Meeting (ACS), Newark, DE June 2007.
  133. M. Li, M. Boggs, T. Beebe, and C.P. Huang. Ozone/Ultrasound Oxidation of Single-walled Carbon Nanotubes (SCNTs) in Water. 81st Colloidal & Surface Science Symposium, American Chemical Society Meeting (ACS), Newark, DE June 2007.
  134. Schulz, M., H. Lin, C. P. Huang, and I. S. Shah. N-doped TiO2 photoanode for solar water splitting. Integrative Graduate Education and Research Traineeship (IGERT) National Planning Meeting, Arlington, VA, 2007.
  135. Lin, H., M. Schulz, C. P. Huang, and I. S. Shah. Bandgap reduction of titanium dioxide by TiN oxidation for solar hydrogen generation. Center of Catalytic Science and Technology (CCST), University of Delaware, Newark, DE, 2007.
  136. Minghua Li, T.P. Beebe, D.L. Sparks and C.P. Huang. Aqueous Phase Oxidation of Single-Walled Carbon NanoTubes (SCNTs). Delaware EPSCoR UD Seed Poster Conference. January 2007.
  137. Removal of Perchlorate from Water by Functionalized Activated Carbon Adsorption. International Symposium on Sustainable Water and Soil Environment. Taichung, Taiwan, January 10-11, 2008.
  138. Global warming and its Impacts on Water Environment. Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing, China, November 2008.
  139. Sonochemical Processes for the control of emerging contaminants. Nuclear Research Institute, Taiwan, 2008.
  140. Remediation of Harbor Sediments for Reuse, Kaohsiung Harbor Administration, Taiwan, May 2008.


A) Wayne State University (1971-1974)

Thermodynamics (Undergraduate Requirement)
Engineering System Analysis (Undergraduate Requirement)
Sanitary Chemistry (Graduate)
Sanitary Engineering Operation and Processes (Graduate)
Industrial Waste Treatment (Graduate)
Advanced Sanitary Engineering Laboratory (Graduate)
Stream Sanitation (Graduate)
Advanced Physical-Chemical Methods for Water and Wastewater (Graduate)

B) University of Delaware (1974- president)

Introduction to Civil Engineering (Freshman Requirement)
Introduction to Environmental Engineering (Undergraduate Requirement)
Water Supply Engineering (Undergraduate Elective)
Industrial Waste Management (Undergraduate Elective)
Industrial Ecology (Undergraduate Elective)
Hazardous Waste Management (Undergraduate Elective)
Senior Design (Undergraduate Requirement)
Physical Aspects of Environmental Engineering (Graduate)
Chemical Aspects of Environmental Engineering (Graduate)
Water Quality and Pollution Control (Graduate)
Advanced Environmental Chemistry (Graduate)
Environmental Remediation Engineering (Graduate)

Teaching Grant & Award

Nominee, Teacher of the year award, 1977, 1978, 2007.
Winter Session Program, Teaching Grant to develop a course on “Industrial Waste Management”. 1982.

Masters Thesis Supervised

1976 Elliott, H.A. The Effect of Naturally Occurring Particles on the Stability of Emulsified Oils
1976 Graham, W.S. The Removal of Organic Matters from Dilute Aqueous Solution by Calcium Carbonate
1976 Ashmead, R.M. The Removal of Trace Metals from Sludge
1977 Ostovic, F. The Removal of Cadmium(II) from Dilute Aqueous Solution
1977 Mulkey, E. The Kinetics of Emulsification
1978 Quist, G. The Dissolution of a Manganese Ore
1978 Jones, B.E. The Kinetics of CdS(s) Oxidation by Oxygen
1978 Bowers, A.R. The Treatment of Chromium(VI) Containing Wastewater by Activated Carbon Process
1979 Smith, E.H. The Treatment of Cadmium Plating Wastewater by Activated Carbon Adsorption
1979 Kehrer, K.P. The Effect of Suspended Particles on the Uptake of Organic Nitrogen
1980 Wittmer, S.C. An Assessment of Polymer Conditioned Municipal Sludge Dewatering Characteristics
1980 Mongon, E. The Removal of Cd(II) by Chemical Precipitation
1980 Wirth, P. The Removal of Cd(II) from Cadmium Plating Wastewater by Adsorption Processes
1981 Wang, Y.T. The Removal of Pb(II) from Dilute Aqueous Solutions
1982 Ferrell, D.P. The Removal of Fine Coal Particles from Water by Floatation
1982 Rhoads, E.A. The Removal of Zn(II) by Aluminosilicates as Affected by Complex Formation
1982 Boomhower, A. The Treatment of Cadmium Plating Wastewater by Activated Carbon Process
1983 Fu, L.K.P. The Removal of Arsenic(V) by Activated Carbon Process
1983 Liberati, M. R. Heavy Metals Retention by Soil Components Affecting Selectivity
1983 Tsang, M.H. The Removal of Co(II) from Water by Activated Carbon
1984 Baumgartner, R. The Effect of Cd(II) and Its Complexes on the Growth Characteristics of Microorganisms
1984 Hsieh, Y.S. Chemical Interaction on the Stability of Hydrous Solids
1984 Schulthess, C. Adsorption Behavior of Ni(II) onto Clays and Its Related Minerals as Affected by Humic Acids
1985 Young, S. P. Tansport of Cadmium in Soils
1986 Tsang, C.M. The Removal of Ni(II) from Water by Foam Separation
1986 Liu, B. W. The Removal of Some Heavy Metals by Hydroxyapatite
1986 Johnson, G. The Oxidation of Galena by Oxygen
1986 Davis, A.P. Electrophotooxidation of Galena
1986 Dolan, S. The Concurrent Removal of Toxic Heavy Metals and Organic Substances Activated Carbon
1987 Westman, D. The Removal of Cd(II) by Fungi
1989 Quirk, K. Fungal Reactors for the Treatment of Heavy Metal Containing Water and Wastewater
1989 Tasi, W.W. A Computer Program for Equilibrium Aquatic Chemistry
1990 Weng, C.H. The Removal of Heavy Metals by Fly Ash
1991 Chu, C. S.. Electrochemical Treatment of Toxic Organic Compounds
1992 Wang, H.W. Reductive Removal of Nitrate from Water by Iron Reduction
1992 Ko, S.W. Reactions Between Cr(VI) and Pyrite
1992 Giacomini, D. Chemistry at the As2S3(s)-Water Interface
1992 White, A. Chemistry at the ZnS(s)-Water Interfaces
1993 Flaherty. K. Treatment of Sanitary Landfill Leachate by a Pilot Scale Fenton Process
1993 Terranova, N Removal of Precursors and Disinfection By-products by Photocatalytic Oxidation
1993 Elk, M. Mitigation and Assessment of Environmental Impacts on Wetlands due to Highway Constructions.
1993 Lin, Y.T. REDOX Reactions between Chromium(VI) and Pyrite in Aqueous Solution
1993 Shug. E. Environment Factors Affecting the Detection of VOC in the Soil
1994 Cheng, K. Treatment of Dye Wastewater by Fenton Reagent
1995 Erich, R. Removal of Chlorohydrocarbons from Soils by Supercritical CO2 Extraction.
1995 Miodiouski, K. Oxidation of Atrazine by Fenton’ Reagent
1996 Huang, Y.C. Removal of Organic Contaminants from Groundwater by Ultrasound
1996 Hsu, M.C. Recovery of FE(II)-EDTA from Industrial Wastewater
1997 Alayian, M Role of Fe2+ in Fenton Process
1997 Takiyama, L. R. Removal of Chlorophenols and Surfactant from Groundwater by Electro-osmosis Process
1997 Cheng, Lewis Removal of Mixed Wastes by Electro-osmosis Process
1999 Pirestani, D. Rate and Equilibrium of Silver Uptake by Sludge Particulates
2002 Lin, H. Y. Enhancing Sludge Digestion by Sonochemical Treatment
2002 Chen, Y. T. Separation of Nano-sized Particles by Crossflow Electrical Filtration
2002 Yun, J. Removal of Total Nitrogen from Water by Combined Fe-Reduction and Ion Exchange Process
2008 Chou, Hsuanwen Toxicity of Nano-TiO2 to Daphniad
2008 Tsai, Jay Removal of Selected Antibiotics from Water using AOPs
2008 Lin, M. Y. Physical Chemical Interactions between Nano-particles and Algae
2011 Yeh, Yunda Reduction of CO2 by Electro-Photocatalytic Processes

Doctoral Thesis Supervised

1974 Wu, M. H. The Removal of Chromium(VI) from Dilute Aqueous Solution
President, Waste Minimization Corp. Taiwan
1979 Elliott, H. A. The Adsorption of Cu(II) at the Solid Solution Interface. Effect of Complex Formation.
Professor and Director, Environmental Resource Engineering, Pennsylvania State University, College Park, PA
1982 Bowers, A. R. Adsorption Characteristics of Various Heavy Metals and the Oxide-Solution Interface: Effect of Complex Formation
Professor, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN
1983 Corapcioglu, O. Adsorption Characteristics of Cu(II), Zn(II), Pb(II) and Ni(II) onto Activated Carbon Surface in Dilute Aqueous Solution. The Effect of Complex Formation.
Director, State Environmental Laboratory, Texas Department of Environment. Gavelston, TX
1984 Kehrer, K. P. Specific Chemical Interactions Affecting the Stability and the Dewaterability of Colloidal Aluminum Oxide.
Senior Manager, Armstrong Industry, Inc., Lancaster, PA
1987 Park, S.W The Chemistry of CdS(s) Electrolyte Interface.
Professor & Chairman, Department of Energy and Environment, Kaiming University, Taegu, Korea
1987 Tien, C. T. Chemical Reactions Between Some Heavy Metal Ions and Sludge Particulate.
Division Chief, Division of Groundwater Discharge Permit Division, Maryland Department of Environment, Baltimore, MD
1987 Hsieh, Y. S. The Mechanism of Photooxidation of CdS(s).
Professor, Department of Environmental Engineering, National Chung Hsing University; Chairman, Board of Director, Industrial Manufacturing Foundation, Taipei, Taiwan
1989 Davis, A. P. Photocatalytic Oxidation Reactions at the Cadmium sulfide/Water Interface.
Professor, Department of Civil Engineering and Director, Water Resource Center, University of Maryland, University Park, MD
1990 Liu, J. C. The Chemistry of CuS(s) Electrolyte Interface.
Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering, National Taiwan Institute of Technology, Taipei, Taiwan
1990 Huang, C. P Adsorption Characteristics of Various Heavy Metals on Fungal Surface.
Professor, Graduate Institute of Environmental Engineering, National Chao Tung University, Shin-chu, Taiwan
1991 Tsang, J. M. The Photooxidation of Some Organic Chemicals by TiO2.
Senior Project Engineer, Formosa Plastic Company, Beaton Rouge, LA
1993 Tang, W. Z. The Removal of Chlorinated Phenols by Photocatalytic Oxidation in the Presence of Hydrogen Peroxide.
Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Florida International University, Miami, FL
1993 Dong, C. D. Mechanisms of Photocatalytic Oxidation of Chlorohydrocarbons.
Professor, Department of Ocean Environmental Engineering, National Kaoshiung Institute of Ocean Technology, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
1994 Weng, C. H. Transport and Transformation Mechanisms of Chromium(VI) in New Jersey Soils.
Professor & Head, Department of Ecological Engineering, Yi-So University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
1995 Shin, H. M. In-situ Treatment of TEL Contaminated Soil.
Professor, Department of Environmental Engineering, Kaijung University, Pu-Shan, Korea
1995 Chu, C. S. Electrochemical Oxidation of Surfactants.
Special Assistant to the President, Young-Kuang Chemidal Company, Taipei, Taiwan
1995 Takiyama, M. Enhancing the Photocatalytic Efficiency by Surface Modification of TiO2.
Professor, Department of Environmental Chemistry, State University of St. Paul. Brazil
1996 McIntosh, K. Removal of Chromium by Electrokinetic Process
Senior Engineer, Geomatrix Consultants, 338 Harris Hill Road, Suite 201 Williamsville, New York 14221
1997 Wang, J. M. Equilibrium Uptake of Heavy Metals by Sludge Particulates.
Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Missouri-Rolla
1998 Takiyama, L. Rate of Heavy Metal Uptake by Sludge Particulates
Director, Policy Department, Environmental Protection Agency, the Government of Brazil
1999 Chiou, H. J. Treatment of Sanitary Landfill Lechate by Fenton Oxidation Process
Director, Policy Coordination Division. Ministry of Environment. Korea
2000 Kim, I. L. Sonochemical Oxidation of Polyaromatic Sulfur Compounds in Aqueous Solution
Associate Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, National Forestry University, Korea
2000 Chang, J. H. Removal of Selected Nonionic Organic Compounds from Soils by Electrokinetic Process
Associate Professor; Department of Environmental Management, Chao Young University, Taiwan
2001 Myoda, S. P. Treatment of Secondary Effluents for the Removal of Residual BOD and the Inactivation of Cryptosporidium.
Engineer V. Department of Environment and Natural Resource, State of Delaware
2001 Qiang, Z. M. Electro-Fenton Oxidation Process for the Degradation of Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons
Professor, Center of Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing, China
2002 Sung, M. H. In-situ Treatment of Contaminated Soils by Ozonation
Associate Professor, Department of Environmental Engineering, Tung Hai University, Taichung, Taiwan
2002 Hamideh, S. Removal of Phosphate from Aqueous solutions by Unconventional Adsorbents
Assistant Professor, Ruhr University–Bochum, Bochum, Germany
2003 Poesponegro, I Chemical Interactions between Heavy metals and Aerobically Digested Sludge Particulates
2003 Poesponegro, H. Chemical Interactions between Heavy Metals and Anaerobically Digested Sludge Particulates.
2004 Lin, Y. T. Partitioning of Lead in Groundwater by Nanosized Particulates
Associate Professor, Department of Soil and Environmental Sciences, National Chung-Hsing University, Tai-Chung, Taiwan
2007 Muhmadov, R. Removal of Perchlorate by Integrated Activated Carbon Adsorption and Catalytic Reduction
Laboratory Coordinator, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Delaware
2007 Wang, D. M. Catalytic Reduction of Perchlorate using Monometallic Nano-catalysts
Post Doctor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Missouri University of science and Technology
2008 Lin, H. Y. Effects of Doping and Particle Size on the Phtocatalytic Reactivity of TiO2 Catalyst.
Research Engineer, Intel Company, Seattle, WA
2008 Erdem, A. Toxicity of TiO2 Nano-photocatalyst toward Bacteria Exemplified by E. coli.
Assistant Professor, Akdeniz University, Antalya, Turkey
2009 Metzler, D. Toxicity of TiO2 Nano-photocatalyst to Algae and Algal Assemblies.
2009 Li, Minhua Chemical Transformation of Carbon Nanotubes and Its Effects on the Adsorption Characteristics toward Selected Chemical Species of Importance to the Environment.
Post Doctor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California, Los Angeles, CA

Post-Doctoral Research Supervised

1976-1978 Ho, A. The Adsorption of Dissolved Organic Nitrogen onto Calcite
Self Employed
1979-1980 Lin, Y.T. The Adsorption of Co(II) onto Hydrous Solids
Self Employed
1986-1989 Tokunaka, S. The Photooxidation of Mercury Sulfides
Visiting Scientist, Department of Energy and Environment, Keimyung University, Korea
1991-1992 Fu, Guanmin Electrochemical Processes for the Removal of Organic Compounds
Research Associate, University of Houston
1999–2000 Harry Zhang Treatment Sanitary Landfill Leachate by Fenton Process
Professor, Department of Environmental Science, Wu Han University, China
1999–2000 Y. H. Weng Electrically Assisted Cross-Flow Filtration for the Separation of Nano-sized Particles
Research Associate, Refinery and Manufacturing Research Center, Chinese Petroleum Co. Chia Yi, Taiwan
2010–2011 W. P. Hsieh Fate and Transport of PPCPs at the Solid-Liquid Interface
Research Associate, Water Resource Center, National Chao tong University, Hsinchu, Taiwan
2010–2011 Ben Peng Reduction of Carbon dioxide by Photocatalytic Thinfilms
Associate Professor, Department of Environmental Engineering, Southern China University of Science and Technology, Guangdong,China

Undergraduate Honor Senior Thesis Supervision

1987 Vane, L. The Enhanced Removal of Arsenate by Fe(II) treated Activated Carbon (Chemical Engineering)
1989 Su, H.J. The Removal of Heavy Metals from Water by Crab Shell Biosorbent, (Civil Engineering)
1990 Felton, J. The Development of Streaming Potential Detector for the Measurement of Zeta Potential of Aquosols (Chemistry)
2004 Brian Marieta Determining the Sludge Dewaterability Using Automatic Filtration Device.(Environmental Engineering)
2005 Patrick Lorem Development of Nano-cement ,Cornell University, NSF-Research Experience for Undergraduate Program
2011 Greg Luverberg Effect of Bird Droppings on the Corrosion of Highway Structure
2011 Eric Grivney Climate Change on the solubility of Minerals

Service (University of Delaware)

A) Off-Campus

  • 1982-1986, Associate Editor, Journal of Environmental Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers.
  • 1986-1990, Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Environmental Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers.
  • 1990-1995, Advisory Committee, Center of Pollution Control Technology, Industrial Technology Research Institute, Taiwan.
  • 1990-1991, Member, Publication Committee, Program Committee, Chinese Society of Environmental Engineering, Taiwan.
  • 1990, Panelist, National Science Council, Government of the Republic of China.
  • 1990, Panelist, Research Proposal Review, Administration of International Development.
  • 1993, Editorial Board, Journal of Chinese Society of Environmental Engineering, Taiwan.
  • 1993, Editorial Board, Industrial Park News, Taiwan.
  • 1993, Editorial Board, Pollution Prevention for Sustainable Development, Taiwan.
  • 1994, Panelist, Research Proposal Review, Exploratory Research Program, Environmental Protection Agency.
  • 1996, External Reviewer, Ph.D. Program, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark, NJ.
  • 1996, Chair, Review Committee, Graduate Institute of Environmental Engineering, National Taiwan University.
  • 1998, Program Review Committee, Department of Environmental Engineering, National Central University, Tao Yung Taiwan.
  • 1999, Advisory Committee, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Lehigh University.
  • 1999, Review Committee, Department of Nuclear Sciences, National Ching Hua University, Shin Chu, Taiwan.
  • 2000, Editorial Board, International Journal of Applied Science and Engineering.
  • 2001-2005, Research Committee, Water Environment Federation.
  • 2006, Literature Review Committee, Water Environment Federation.
  • 2003-2006, Advisory Committee, Center of Environmental Health and Safety Technology, Industrial Technology Research Institute, Taiwan.
  • 2004-2007, American Water Works Association, Chesapeake Section, Research Committee.
  • 2005, Associate Editor, Practice Periodical of Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Wast4e Management, ACCE.
  • 2008, Associate Editor, The Science of Total Environment.
  • 2007, Editorial Board, Frontier of Environmental Engineering.
  • 2006, Chair, Advisory Committee, Center for the Study of Natural Hazards and Environment, National Chung Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan.
  • 2008, Member, President’s Committee on University Affairs, National Chung Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan.
  • 2010, Member, Advisory Committee, Graduate Institute of Environmental Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taiwan.
  • 2010, Member, Advisor Committee, College of Atomic Science, National Ching Hua University, Taiwan.

B) University

  • 1980-1984, Title XII Advisory Committee.
  • 1981-1983, Research Committee.
  • 1984, Safety and Radiation Committee.
  • 1984-1989, Promotion and Tenure Committee.
  • 1985-1988, Faculty Grievance Ad Hoc Committee.
  • 1993-1994, Faculty Honor Committee.
  • 2003-2008, Tenure and Promotion Committee.
  • 2000, Advisory Committee, Institute of Soil and Environmental Quality.
  • 2007, Ad Hoc Committee on Investigation.
  • 2007-2008, College of Engineering Dean Search Committee.
  • 2009, Delaware Environment Institute: Council member.
  • 2011, Advisory Committee, Center of Environmental Science, King Abdulez University, Saudi Arabia.

C) College of Engineering

  • 1984-1985, Chairman, Promotion and Tenure Committee.
  • 1978-1979, Secretary, Faculty of Engineering.
  • 1984, Departmental Representative, College Goals Conference.
  • 1987, Departmental Representative, College Goals Conference.
  • 1994, Life-Long Education Committee.
  • 1993-1994, Environmental Initiative Program.
  • 1999-2000, Chair, Search Committee, Chair of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering.
  • 2006-2007, Dean Search Committee, College of Engineering.

D) Department of Civil Engineering

  • 1996–2001, Chairman, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering.
  • 1984–1985, Chairman, Promotion and Tenure Committee.
  • 1983–1984, Chairman, Graduate Committee.
  • 1983–1984, Chairman, Faculty Search Committee.
  • 1988–1989, Chairman, Faculty Search Committee.
  • 1992–1994, Chairman, Faculty Search Committee.
  • 1985–1995, Chairman, Safety Committee.
  • 1983–1985, Chairman, Building Renovation Committee.
  • 1986, Chairman, Undergraduate Laboratory Committee.
  • 1984, Member, Chairman Advisory Committee.
  • 1994–1996, Member, Graduate Committee.

E) Conference Organization

  • 1984, Chairman, 13th Mid-Atlantic Industrial Waste Conference
  • 1986, Chair, Environmental Protection Section, Modern Engineering Technology Seminar, Chinese Institute of Engineering, Taipei, Taiwan
  • 1987, Chairman, Workshop on Heavy Metals in the Environment: National Chung Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan
  • 1987, Co-Chair, Activated Carbon Technology, Fine Particle Society Annual Meeting, Boston, MA.
  • 1987, Section Chairman, 7th International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment, Geneva, Switzerland.
  • 1987, Co-Chairman, Symposium on Adsorption of Pollutants from Water and Wastewater, Fine Particle Society National Meeting, San Diego, CA.
  • 1987, Co-Chairman, Symposium on Novel Separation and Destruction of Hazardous Pollutants from the Liquid Phase Using Physical and Chemical Techniques, Forth World Congress of Chemical Engineers, Karlsruhe, Germany
  • 1987, Co-Chairman, Symposium on Advanced Oxidation Processes, AICHE Summer Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA.
  • 1987, Co-Chairman, Symposium on Advanced Oxidation Processes, AICHE National Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
  • 1987, Co-Chairman, Aquatic Chemistry Symposium, American Chemical Society, San Francisco, CA.
  • 1987, Co-Chairman, Total Treatment of Soils, American Institute of Chemical Engineering, Minnesota, MN.
  • 1987, Chairman, Mainland-Taiwan Environmental Protection Symposium, Shanghai, China
  • 1987, Co-Chairman, Adsorption Processes for Environmental Control, 23rd Fine Particle Society Meeting, Las Vegas, NV.
  • 1993, Co-Chairman, Physical-chemical Processes for the Treatment of Industrial Waste, AICHE, Summer Meeting, Seattle, WA.
  • 1994, Chairman, Liquid Phase Processes, AICHE, Summer Meeting, Denver, CO.
  • 1994, Chairman, 26th Mid-Atlantic Industrial and Hazardous Waste Conference, Newark, DE.
  • 1995, Co-Organizer, 1st International Workshop on Drinking Water Quality Management and Treatment Technology, Taipei, Taiwan.
  • 1996, Co-Organizer, 2nd International Workshop on Drinking Water Quality Management and Treatment Technology, Taipei, Taiwan.
  • 1997, Co-Organizer, 3rd International Workshop on Drinking Water Quality Management and Treatment Technology, Taipei, Taiwan.
  • 1998, Co-Organizer, 4th International Workshop on Drinking Water Quality Management and Treatment Technology, Taipei, Taiwan.
  • 1999, Co-Organizer, 5th International Workshop on Drinking Water Quality Management and Treatment Technology, Taipei, Taiwan.
  • 2000, Co-Organizer, 6th International Workshop on Drinking Water Quality Management and Treatment Technology, Taipei, Taiwan.
  • 2001, Co-Organizer, 7th International Workshop on Drinking Water Quality Management and Treatment Technology, Taipei, Taiwan.
  • 2002, Co-Organizer, 8th International Workshop on Drinking Water Quality Management and Treatment Technology, Taipei, Taiwan.
  • 2003, Co-Organizer, 9th International Workshop on Drinking Water Quality Management and Treatment Technology, Taipei, Taiwan.
  • 2004, Co-Organizer, 10th International Workshop on Drinking Water Quality Management and Treatment Technology, Taipei, Taiwan.
  • 2005, Co-Organizer, First International Conference on Sustainable Water Environment. Taipei, Taiwan.
  • 2006, Organizer, Second International Conference on Sustainable Water Environment. Taipei, Taiwan.
  • 2007, Chair, International Conference on the Environmental Applications and Implications of Nanotechnology, National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan
  • 2008, Organizer, International Conference on Sustainable Water and Soil Environment, National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan.
  • 2009, Co-Organizer, International Conference on Integrated Watershed Management, National Taiwan University
  • 2010, Organizer, Conference on the Applications and Implications of Agro-nanotechnology, National Chung Hsing University.
  • 2010, Organizer and Chair, The sixth International Conference on Sustainable Water Environment.

International Visiting Scholars/Colaborators

  1. Dr. Gur Prasad, Department of Applied Chemistry, Banadrus Hindu University, India, 1983
  2. Dr. Islam Hag, India Environmental Protection Agency, India, 1986
  3. Dr. H. H. Yeh, Department of Environmental Engineering, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan, 1986-1987
  4. Mr. Park Soek Lee, Pohang Iron and Steel Company, Korea, 1992-1993.
  5. Dr. Wilson, Jardim, State University of Campinus, San Poulo, Brazil, 1993 -1994
  6. Dr. Sonia Maria Nobre Gimenez, State University of Campanius, San Poulo, Brazil, 1994
  7. Professor P. C. Chiang, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, 1996-1997
  8. Professor S. F. Kang, Tam Kiang University, Taipei, Taiwan, 1998
  9. Professor Yu Chun Chiang, Yun Tze University, Taoyuan, Taiwan, 1998
  10. Professor Hung Lung Chiang, Fu Ying Pharmaceutical College, Tainan, Taiwan, 1999
  11. Professor David Dong, National Kaohsiung Marine Technology, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 2000
  12. Mr. J. J. Cheng, Taiwan Provincial Environmental Protection Bureau, Taichung, Taiwan, 1999
  13. Professor Ya-Wen Ko, Ta-Yeh University, Changhua, Taiwan, 2000
  14. Professor O. J. Jung, Chou San University, Korea, 2000-2001
  15. Dr. Mohamad Barak, Central Research Institute, Egypt, 2000-2001
  16. Professor M. C. Lu, Fu-Ying Medical College, Tainan, Taiwan, 2001-2001
  17. Daphne Hermosilla, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid Ciudad Universitaria (Pre-doctoral Student), 2003-2004
  18. Professor Chih-pin Huang, National Chao-tong University, Taiwan, 2004
  19. Dr. Albert Weng, National Taiwan University, Taiwan (Pre-doctoral student), 2004
  20. Professor R. A. Doong, National Ching Hua University, Hsin-chu, Taiwan, 2005
  21. Ms. Allie Liao, National Sen-yet Sun University, Taiwan (Pre-doctoral Student), 2005
  22. Dr. Yao-hsiang, Tseng, Industrial Technology Research Institute, Taiwan, 2005
  23. Professor Yunyao Li, Department of Chemical Engineering, National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan 2005
  24. Professor Rayann Doong, Department of Environmental Science and Medicine, National Shin-Hua University, 2006
  25. Professor Ka-san Yu, Department of Environmental engineering, National Pusan University, Korea, 2007.
  26. Professor Amy Chang, Hung Guang, Department of Environmental Engineering, University, Taiwan, 2008.
  27. Zhou Bin, Research Center for Eco-environmental Science, Chinese Academy of Science (Pre-doctoral student), 2008-2009.
  28. Professor J.C. Liu, Department of Chemical Engineering, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan, 2009.
  29. Professor Animes Golder, Department of Chemical Engineering, India Institute of Technology, India, 2011-2012

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11/19/2014 11:56:52 AM