الصفحة الرئيسية » الباحثون/ فنيو المعامل » د. سيفارامان سيكاران

Personal Details
Date of Birth: 08 May 1984
Nationality: Indian
Civil Status: Single
Passport No: F9336194
Contact Details
Correspondence Address:
Center of Excellence in Environmental Studies,King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, KSA.
Mob# 0558106397
Email id: pcsivaraman@gmail.com
Permanent address:
197, South Street, Tittagudi – 606106, Cuddalore District, Tamilnadu, India.
Educational Qualifications
- Ph.D (Environmental Engineering/Science)2008-2012
Department of Biological Sciences,Birla Institute of Technology and Science, K.K. Birla Goa Campus, Zuari Nagar, Goa, India.
- M.E (Environmental Management) 2005-2007
Centre for Environmental Studies, College of Engineering, Anna University, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India.
- B.Tech Biotechnology 2001-2005
Department of BioTechnology, School of Engineering and Technology, Bharathidasan University, Trichy, Tamil Nadu, India.
Technical Skill
- Wastewater Analysis- BOD, COD, Total Nitrogen, Total Phosphate, Nitrate, Organic Carbon, MLSS, MLVSS and Heavy metals (AAS).
- Chromatographic Techniques- GC-MS, IC and Column Chromatography.
- Molecular Biology Techniques- DNA Extraction from environmental samples, Plasmid DNA Isolation, Restriction Digestion, SDS-PAGE, Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR), Southern Hybridisation, Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis (DGGE), Cloning and Expression of Genes, Purification of proteins by Affinity Chromatography.
- Microbiological Techniques- Scanning Electron Microscope, Standard Microbiological Techniques.
- Biochemical techniques- Protein Estimation, Lipids Estimation, Glucose Esimation, Phenotypic Characterisation of Microbial stains
Honors and Awards
- Department of Biotechnology India - Junior Research Fellow - January 2008 - December 2009.
- Department of Biotechnology India - Senior Research Fellow - January 2010 - February 2011.
- Council of Scientific & Industrial Research India - Senior Research Fellow - April 2011 – January 2012
Professional Activities
Student Member - American Soceity for Microbiology.
Life Member - Association of Microbiologists India.
- Experience on analysis of chemical and microbiological parameters of drinking water, domestic and industrial wastewater gained from the consultancy Project during Febraury to April 2011.
- Experience on analysis of biogas in anaerobic digestion of foodwaste in lab scale reactors
- Experience in Anaerobic digestion of foodwaste in a pilot scale plugflow reactor
- Enriched bacterial consortium utilizing hydrocarbons and its characterisation at molecular level using PCR.
- Purification of Enzyme and its Role in Biodegradation of Diesel Oil.
- Extraction of DNA from environmental Samples and Community analysis.
- Cloning and expression of Genes and its role in Biodegradation.
- Use of Stable Isotopes to decipher Microbial Community Dynamics in Ecosystems.
- Experience in operating aerobic bioreactor for biological treatment of hydrocarbon contaminated wastewater.
- Experience in working on Heavy metal and Nutrient(Phosphate & Nitrate) removal using constructed wetlands.
- Reviewer for the Journal ‘International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology’.
Research Experience
- Ph.D Thesis: Biodegradation of Hydrocarbons by Enhancing Bioavailability using Cyclodextrins
- Post-Graduate Thesis: Pilot Scale Studies on Adsorption and Leaching of Nickel in a Constructed Wetland System
- Under-Graduate Thesis: Studies on Isolation,Characterization and Stability of Bacterial Protease
Research Interests
- Bioavailabilty of Hydrocarbons.
- Heavy Metal removal from constructed wetlands by adsorption.
- Molecular Microbiology in Wastewater Treatment.
- Energy production from Solid waste.
- Biological Treatment of Domestic and Industrial Wastewater.
- Sivaraman C, Anasuya Ganguly and Srikanth Mutnuri (2010) Biodegradation of hydrocarbons in the presence of cyclodextrins, World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 26:227–232.
- Sivaraman C, Anasuya Ganguly, Marcell Nikolauz and Srikanth Mutnuri (2011) Isolation of hydrocarbonoclastic bacteria from bilge oil contaminated waters, International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 8 (3):461-470.
- Sivaraman C, Arulazhagan P, Dirk Walther, Vasudevan N (2011) Feasibility Studies for Reuse of Constructed Wetlands Treating Simulated Nickel Containing Groundwater, Universal Journal of Environmental Research and Technology, 1(3):293-300.
- Sivaraman C, Anasuya Ganguly and Srikanth Mutnuri Cloning and expression of catechol 2, 3 dioxygenase and cyclodextrin glucanotransferase gene in E.coli and its role in biodegradation International Journal of Life Science & Pharma Research. 2(3), 10-19.
- Sivaraman C, Anasuya Ganguly and Srikanth Mutnuri Role of Cyclodextrin Glucanotransferase Enzyme in Biodegradation of Diesel Oil Contaminated Soil (to be communicated).
- Arulazhagan P, Sivaraman C and I.T.Yeom Role of additional carbon substrate on biodegradation of 1,4 dioxane using bacterial consortium. Journal of Environmental Science (to be communicated)
- Dr. Srikanth Mutnuri
Assistant Professor in Biological Sciences, BITS, Pilani - K.K. Birla Goa Campus, Zuari Nagar, Goa, India. Phone: +91 832 2580125, E-mail: srikanth.mutnuri@gmail.com.
- Dr. Marcell Nikolausz
Scientist, Department of Bioenergy, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ, Torgauer Str. 116, 04347 Leipzig, Germany. Phone: +49 (0) 341 2434 566, E-Mail: marcell.nikolausz@ufz.de.