الصفحة الرئيسية » الباحثون/ فنيو المعامل » د. محمد ريحان

Personal Details
Name: Dr. Mohammad Rehan
Date of Birth: 29th Nov 1981
Nationality: British/ Pakistani
Religion: Islam
Marital Status: Married
Father’s name: Mr. Mohammad Aslam
Contact Details
Correspondence Address:
Center of Excellence in Environmental Studies, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, KSA
Mob No: (+966) 583047435
Email id: dr.mohammad_rehan@yahoo.co.uk
Permanent address:
8 Highbridge Terrace, Bradford, BD5 8PT, UK
Research Interests
- Air Pollution Monitoring & Control
- Synthesis & Characterization of Nanomaterials
- Nanomaterial-based Catalysts
- Hydrothermal Technology
- Biofuels & Renewable Energy Technologies
- PhD in Chemical Engineering-Nanotechnology: In Situ Hydrothermal Synthesis and Process Characterization of TiO2 Nanoparticles, University of Leeds, UK (2007 – 2012).
- BEng. (Hons) in Chemical Engineering (2.1), University of Bradford, UK (2000 – 2003).
Work Experience
- Assistant Professor, Center of Excellence in Environmental Studies (CEES), King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, KSA (June 2014 - present).
- Visiting Research Fellow,University of Leeds, UK (2013 – 2014).
- Postdoctoral Research Associate,University of Leeds, UK (2012 – 2013).
- Postgraduate Researcher (PhD Project), University of Leeds, UK (2007 – 2012).
- Analyst/ Developer,UK Environment Agency, Leeds, UK (2006 – 2007).
Current Research Projects
- Monitoring of air pollutants in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia (Principle Investigator).
- In situ synthesis and characterization of TiO2 nanoparticles (Principle Investigator).
- Development of waste plastic to fuel oil system using innovative reforming catalyst (Co-Investigator).
- Development of energy recovery technologies from municipal solid waste (Co-Investigator).
Professional Capabilities
- Sol-gel hydrothermal synthesis of nanoparticles
- Semi-batch & continuous crystallization processes of micro-nano sized particles.
- Microemulsion process for synthesis of nanoparticles
- Nanofluid formulation and characterization
- XRD & ED-XRD (Synchrotron Radiation)
- Thermal Analysis (TGA/DTA/DSC)
- Matersizer & Zetasizer Nano
- Nanomaterials characterization
Peer Reviewed Publications
- Gardy, J., Hassanpour. A., Lai, X., Cunliffe, A. and Rehan, M., (2014). The influence of blending process on the quality of rapeseed oil-used cooking oil biodiesels. International scientific Journal, Journal of Environmental Science, (3) 233-240.
- Li, M., Qiu, S., Lu, Y., Wang, K., Lai, X and Rehan, M., (2014). Investigation of the effect of hydroxypropyl methylcellulose on the phase transformation and release profiles of carbamazepine-nicotinamide cocrystal. Pharmaceutical Research, (DOI: 10.1007/s11095-014- 1326-2).
- Rehan, M., Lai, X. and Kale, G. M., (2011). Hydrothermal synthesis of titanium dioxide nanoparticles studied employing in situ energy dispersive X-ray diffraction. CrystEngComm, 13(11), 3725 - 3732.
- Rehan, M., Lai, X., Kale, G. M., (2008). In Situ investigation of hydrothermal synthesis of TiO2 nanoparticles using synchrotron radiation x-ray diffraction. Published in Proceedings of 17th International Symposium on Industrial Crystallization, (1), 157-164.
- Nizami, A. S., Rehan, M., Ismail. I. M. The potential of waste plastic to biofuel energy in the Middle East. (Paper accepted for oral presentation and proceeding in 7th International Conference on Sustainable Energy & Environmental Protection (SEEP), Dubai - UAE, November 2014).
- Nizami, A. S.,Rehan, M., Ismail. I. M. The energy recovery technologies from municipal solid waste in Saudi Arabia: need and opportunities. (Paper accepted for oral presentation and proceeding in 7th International Conference on Sustainable Energy & Environmental Protection (SEEP), Dubai - UAE, November 2014).
- Alhawi, T., Rehan, M. and Lai, X. Hydrothermal synthesis and characterization of zinc carbonate nanoparticles. (Paper submitted to 7th World Congress on Particle Technology, May 2014, China).
- Alhawi, T., Rehan, M., York, D. and Lai, X. Synthesis, characterization and control of zinc carbonate nanoparticles via the microemulsion route. (Paper submitted to 7th World Congress on Particle Technology, May 2014, China).
- Rehan, M., Lai, X. and Kale, G. M. In situ EDXRD kinetic and mechanistic study of the hydrothermal crystallization of TiO2 nanoparticles from nitric acid peptized sol-gel (to be submitted to Nanoscale Journal).
- Li, M., Qiu, S., Lu, Y., Wang, K., Lai, X andRehan, M., Effects of coformers on phase transformation and release profiles of carbamazepine cocrystals in hydroxyproply methylcellulose based matrix tablets (to be submitted to Pharmaceutical Research Journal).
- Gardy, J., Hassanpour. A., Lai, X., Cunliffe, A. andRehan, M., Preparation and Characterization of Functionalized Nano- TiO2 Catalyst (in preparation).
- Shafique, M., Rehan, M. and Kale, G. M. Structure and ionic conductivity of solid state electrolytes (in preparation).
Peer Reviewed Conference Papers/ Presentations
- Martín-Soladana, P. M., Lai, X., Rehan, M., York, D. and Granito, N., (July 2014). Control of physical properties of zinc carbonate particles by continuous precipitation, The 45th Annual BACG Conference, UK (Poster).
- Gardy, J., Hassanpour. A., Lai, X. and Rehan, M., (May 2014). The influence of blending process on the quality of rapeseed oil-used cooking oil biodiesels, International Conference on Environment and Renewable Energy, France (Oral).
- Lai, X, Alhawi, T., Rehan, M. and York, D., (May 2014). Hydrothermal synthesis and characterization of zinc carbonate nanoparticles, 7th World Congress on Particle Technology, China (Poster).
- Lai, X, Alhawi, T., Rehan, M. and York, D., (May 2014). Synthesis, characterization and control of zinc carbonate nanoparticles via the microemulsion route, 7th World Congress on Particle Technology, China, (Poster).
- Gardy, J., Wosu, C., Hassanpour. A., Lai, X. and Rehan, M., (Mar 2014). The impact of process parameters on biodiesel yield and improving the physicochemical properties of biodiesel fuel by pre-blending and post-blending, International Bioenergy Conference, Manchester, UK (Poster).
- Rehan, M., Yu, X. and Lai, X., (Sep 2013). Synthesis and characterization of zinc carbonate nanoparticles by semi-batch and continuous crystallization processes, Inaugural Meeting for Leeds Crystallisation Centre, UK (Poster).
- Rehan, M., Al-Hawi, T. and Lai, X., (Sep 2013). Synthesis and characterization of zinc carbonate nanoparticles via the microemulsion route, Inaugural Meeting for Leeds Crystallisation Centre, UK (Poster).
- Rehan, M., Yu, X., Lai, X., Granito, N., Wise, G., Xu, D. and Juan, L. M., (Aug 2013). ZnCO3 crystallization in batch and continuous processes, Particle Processing Symposium, Proctor & Gamble, UK (Poster).
- Witharana, S., Rehan, M., Chen, H. and Ding, Y., (Aug 2010). Stability and thermophysical properties of alumina nanofluids, Nanofluids: Fundamentals & Applications II, Canada (Poster).
- Barber, M., Lai, X., Merrifield, D. R., Ramachandran, V., Rehan, M., Roberts, K. J., Witharana. S., (May 2010). Investigation of chemical processes using synchrotron radiation techniques, University of Leeds, UK (Poster).
- Rehan, M., Lai, X. and Kale, G.M., (Apr 2009). An in situ kinetic study of the hydrothermal synthesis of TiO2 nanoparticles using synchrotron radiation ED-XRD, The International Conference For NanoTechnology Industries, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia (Oral).
- Rehan, M., Lai, X. and Kale, G. M., (Sept 2008). In situ investigation of hydrothermal synthesis of TiO2 nanoparticles using synchrotron radiation x-ray diffraction, the 17th International Symposium on Industrial Crystallization, The Netherlands (Oral and Poster).
- Rehan, M., Lai, X., Kale, G. M., (Jun 2008). In-situ synchrotron study of hydrothermal synthesis of TiO2 nanoparticles, 9th UK Particle Technology Forum, UK (Poster).
- Rehan, M., Lai, X. and Kale, G. M., (Feb 2008), In situ investigation of hydrothermal synthesis of TiO2 nanoparticles using synchrotron radiation XRD, Nanoparticles Conference, UK (Poster).
Prizes and Awards
- EPSRC Scholarship Postgraduate Award, University of Leeds, UK (PhD, 2007-2011).
- Messel and Brian Scarlett travel grants to attend international conferences (2008-2009).
- Finalist in the oral presentation competition, University of Leeds, UK (2008).
- Best poster award (4th prize) at Festival of Research and Public Engagement, University of Leeds, UK (2008).
- Awarded ‘Office Management Champion’ title by the head of department at University of Leeds, UK.
- Associate Member of IChemE (UK)
- Associate Member of Institute of Nanotechnology (UK)
Research and Administrative Activities
- Reviewer for CrystEngComm Journal.
- Reviewer for Arabian Journal of Chemistry
- Lab Demonstrator: Delivered Undergraduate’s Chemical Engineering Lab Module (2008-2010). Demonstrator for XRD experiments for MSc Pharmaceutical Science & Engineering. Provided training on different experimental procedures and techniques including XRD, SEM, DSC, TGA to many undergraduate and postgraduate students (University of Leeds, UK).
- Project co-supervision of five MSc students (2007-2013) and two PhD students (2013-2014) with day-to-day activities on their research projects. Assisted many other students in planning and conducting their experiments, writing up reports at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels (University of Leeds, UK).
- Short Courses: Delivered the laboratories demonstration part of Powder Characterisation short course at University of Leeds, UK (May 2013). Attended Effective Learning and Teaching course at University of Leeds, UK (Oct 2007).
- Being involved in marking exam papers, lab reports & research dissertations.
- Managed an office of sixteen research students and postdoctoral researchers for health and safety issues, maintaining facilities and keeping working conditions to high standards (2008-2012).
- Participated in crystallization research group website designing and created and acting as LinkedIn research group manager.
Participations in Scientific Conferences, Workshops and Short Courses
- Effective Research Student Supervision in Science, Engineering and Medically-Related Disciplines, training taken at University of Leeds, UK (2 Jul 2013).
- Leading & Managing in the New Academic Environment (Modules: (1) Building and Developing a Positive Team Environment (12 April 2013), (2) Priority & Time Management) (24 May 2013).
- Health & Safety: The Role of the Manager, training taken at University of Leeds, UK (17 June 2013).
- Impact of Nanotechnology on Environmental Health (workshop), UK, Dec 2012.
- Attended Molecules to Particles Symposium, UK, Jan 2008.
- Attended UK-China Particle Technology Forum Conference, UK, April 2007.
- Attended Pharmaceutical Product Formulation and Pharmaceutical Analytical Techniques (MSc modules at University of Leeds, UK, 2007).
- Level 2 award in Health & Safety in the work place, 3 days course at University of Leeds, UK (IOSH, Mar 2007).
- Chemistry for Chemical Engineers course (IChemE), University of Leeds, UK (4-6 Sep 2007).
- Also attended comprehensive courses on Communication Skills, Presentation Skills, Effective Research Writing, Research Ethics, Networking, Project Management, Preparing Research Proposals, at University of Leeds, UK during 2007 – 2012.
Computer Skills
- Microsoft Office Programs (Achieved ECDL certification).
- Computer Aided Design 2D & 3D (Achieved City and Guilds certifications at Level 2 & 3).
- HighScore Plus and Polycrystal (XRD data analysis).
- Digital Micrograph (crystal structure, size and morphology analysis of SEM and TEM images).
- Pincer (in situ EDXRD data acquisition and analysis).
- Working knowledge of MATLAB, Origin and other mathematical programs.
- Experience in using many other technical, operational and data analysis software.
- Dr. Xiaojun Lai, Lecturer, Institute of Particle Science and Engineering, University of Leeds, LS2 9JT, UK, Tel: +44 (0)113 3432439, E-mail: x.lai@leeds.ac.uk.
- Dr. Girish Kale, Reader in Solid State Ionics, Institute for Materials Research, University of Leeds, LS2 9JT, UK, Tel: +44 (0)113 343 2805, E-mail: g.m.kale@leeds.ac.uk.
- Prof. Kevin Roberts, Brotherton Professor of Chemical Engineering, School Director of Research, Institute of Particle Science and Engineering, University of Leeds, LS2 9JT, UK, E-mail: k.j.roberts@leeds.ac.uk, Tel: +44 (0)1133432408.