
Personal Details
Name: Dr.Khurram Shahzad
Date of Birth: 3-3-1982
Nationality: Pakistani
Religion: Islam
Civil Status: Married
Passport No: CK5142763
Contact Details
Correspondence Address:
Center of Excellence in Environmental Studies,King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, KSA.
Email id
Permanent address:
Mohallah Jattuwakal G. T. Road Gujrat, Pakistan
Overview of Experience
Generation of renewable energy from high solid content feedstocks
Process Designing and eco - economic evaluation of waste to energy and value added product system
Renewable resource utilization technologies,
Life Cycle Ecological assessment of processes, services and regions
Comparative analysis of Sustainability Measurement methods
Life cycle and policy analysis of bioproducts and biofuels
Teaching in chemistry and Sustainability evaluation
Doctor of Technical Sciences (PhD) (2011-2014)
Subject: Chemical Engineering
Graz University of Technology, Austria
Master of Science (MS) (2006-08)
Subject: Energy and Environmental Systems and Technology
Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden
Post Graduation (M. Sc.) (2003-04)
Subject: Chemistry
University of Agriculture Faisalabad, Pakistan
Graduation (B.Sc.) (2001-02)
Subjects: Chemistry, Botany, Zoology
University of Punjab Lahore, Pakistan
Research Fields
Sustainable Development Research
Comparative normative analysis of sustainability measurement methods i-e Sustainable Process Index
(SPI), Emergy Accounting, Material Input Per Unit Service (MIPS) (PhD Thesis)
Indicators and assessment related to environment, ecosystem and sustainability.
Ecological Evaluation
Ecological evaluations of process, products, services, organizations and regions
Life cycle and policy analysis of bioproducts and biofuels
Regional development
Development and optimisation of regional as well as urban technology networks
Integration of renewable energy systems

Prof. Assistatnt (26th Jul 2015 till date)
Working as Assiatant Professor (Research) at Center of Excellence in Environmental Studies (CEES), King Abdul Aziz University, Jeddah, Kindom of Saudi Arabia
Professor Assistant (14th Jan 2015 till 31st Jul 2015)
Serving as Assistant Professor at the Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Gujrat, Pakistan.
Postdoctoral fellow (1st Oct 2014 till 31st Dec 2014)
Postdoctoral fellow / Research Associate at Department of Computer Science and Systems Technology, University of Pannonia, Veszprem, Hungary.
- Research Associate (Feb 2011 to Sep 2014)
Research Associate at the Institute of Process and Particle Engineering, Graz University of Technology, Graz, Austria
Climate Advocate for Europe (2009/2010)
Worked as Climate Advocate for Challenge Europe Project representing the British Council Denmark at 15th Conference of the Parties (COP-15) in Copenhagen.
Lecturer (Jan 2005 to Dec 2005)
Worked as a Lecturer in Chemistry at Government Zamindar Post Graduate College, Gujrat, Punjab, Pakistan.
Lecturer (Jan 2006 to Jun 2006)
Served as a Lecturer in Chemistry at the Swedish Pakistani Institute of Technology, Gujrat, and Punjab, Pakistan.
International Projects
Abwasser-Energie II (Energy from waste water)
The project “Abwasserenergie” was financed by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency and it dealt with the investigation of energy potential from waste water treatment. My research covered:
- Optimisation of waste water energy system using Process Network Synthesis (PNS), based on the p-graph method.
- The ecological evaluation of the scenarios is done by using Sustainable Process Index (SPI) methodology.
Ecological assessment of bottled wine including raw material production chain, wine production as well as packing for dispatching to the market.
- Comparative analysis of different farming practices for grapes production.
- Effect of use of Pesticide and mineral fertilizer.
Biological control manufacturers in Europe develop novel biological control products to support the implementation of Integrated Pest Management in agriculture and forestry.
- Direct feed-back to the project partners (Biological control agents (BCA) process developers) regarding ecological impacts caused by their technological decisions during process development, along the whole life cycle, including supply chain of the resources.
- Evaluation of the final process for the 11 BCA’s and their comparison with the conventional alternatives.

Affiliation with Scientific Journal
Reviewer for Synthesis and Reactivity in Inorganic, Metal-Organic, and Nano-Metal Chemistry (Taylor & Francis)
Reviewer for Energy (Elsevier)

Khurram Shahzad (2014), Comparative Normative analysis of sustainability measurement methods. PhD thesis. Graz University of Technology, Graz, Austria.
Khurram Shahzad (2008), Flexible route to the synthesis of Scytonemin and its tailored derivative Compounds. Master Thesis. Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden.
Khurram Shahzad (2004), Analysis of blood of sheep for Sulfadiazine after intravenous administration of Tribrissen. Master Thesis. University of Agriculture Faisalabad, Pakistan.
Publications in peer-reviewed journals
K Shahzad, K-H Kettl, M Titz, M Koller, H Schnitzer, M Narodoslawsky. 2013. Comparison of ecological footprint for biobased PHA production from animal residues utilizing different energy resources. Clean Techn Environ Policy. 15 (3) 525-536. DOI 10.1007/s10098-013-0608-4 (Impact Factor: 1.93)
M Titz, K-H Kettl, K Shahzad, M Koller, H Schnitzer, M Narodoslawsky. 2012. Process Optimization for Efficient Biomediated PHA Production from Animal-Based Waste Streams. Clean Tech Environ Policy. 14 (3) 495–503. DOI 10.1007/s10098-012-0464-7 (Imapact Factor: 1.93)
K-H Kettl, K Shahzad, M Narodoslawsky. 2012. Ecological footprint comparison of biobased PHA production from animal residues. Chemical Engineering Transactions (CET). 29, 439-444. DOI: 10.3303/CET1229074. (ISI Impact Factor: 1.03)
K-H Kettl, M Titz, M Koller, K Shahzad, H Schnitzer, M Narodoslawsky. 2011. Process design and evaluation of biobased polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA) production. Chemical engineering transactions (CET). 25, 983-988. (ISI Impact Factor: 1.03)
K Shahzad, R Kollmann, S Maier, M Narodoslawsky. 2014. SPIonWEB – Ecological process evaluation with the Sustainable Process Index (SPI). Computer Aided Chemical Engineering. 33, 487–492. doi: 10.1016/B978-0-444-63456-6.50082-X
K Shahzad, S Maier, M Narodoslawsky. 2014. Biogas Production from Intercropping (Syn-Energy). Chemical Engineering Transactions (CET). 39, 1753-1758. Doi: 10.3303/CET1439293
R Kollmann, S Maier, K Shahzad, M Narodoslawsky. 2014. Wastewater treatment plants as regional energy cells. Chemical Engineering Transactions (CET). 39, 607-612. Doi: 10.3303/CET1439102. (ISI Impact Factor: 1.03)
M Narodoslawsky, K Shazad, R Kollmann, H Schnitzer. 2015. LCA of PHA production - identifying the ecological potential of bio-plastic. Chem. Biochem. Eng. Q., 29 (2) 299–305. doi: 10.15255/CABEQ.2014.2262 (ISI Impact Factor: 0.91)
M Sagir, IM. Tan, M Mushtaq, M Pervaiz, MS Tahir, K Shahzad. 2015. CO2 mobility control using CO2 philic surfactants for enhanced oil recovery. J Petrol Explor Prod Technol (Online). DOI 10.1007/s13202-015-0192-8.
K Shahzad, M Rehan, IMI Ismail, M Sagir, MS Tahir, B Bertok, AS Nizami. 2015. Comparative life cycle analysis of different lighting devices. Accepted in Chemical Engineering Transactions (CET). 45, 337-342. doi: 10.3303/CET1545057. (ISI Impact Factor: 1.03)
MS Tahir ,K Shahzad, Z Shahid, M Sagir, M Rehan, AS Nizami. 2015. Producing methane enriched biogas using solvent absorption method. Accepted in Chemical EngineeringTransactions, vol. 45, 1309-1314. doi: 10.3303/CET1545219. (ISI Impact Factor: 1.03)
AS Nizami, M Rehan, OKM Ouda, K Shahzad, Y Sadef, T Iqbal, IMI Ismail. 2015. An argument for developing waste-to-energy technologies in Saudi Arabia. Accepted in Chemical Engineering Transactions (CET). 45, 631-636. doi: 10.3303/CET1545106. (ISI Impact Factor: 1.03)
M Narodoslawsky, K Shahzad. 2015. What Ecological Indicators Really Measure – the Normative Background of Environmental Evaluation. Chemical Engineering Transactions (CET). 45, 1807-1812. Doi: 10.3303/CET1545302. (ISI Impact Factor: 1.03
Publications in peer-reviewed Conference
- Stephan Maier, Khurram Shahzad, Manfred Szerencsits, Michael Narodoslawsky. 2014. Environmental evaluation of biogas production from intercropping. Central European Biomass Conference, 15th to 18th Jan. 2014, Graz
S Maier, M Szerencsits, K Shahzad. 2015. Ecological evaluation of biogas from cover crops with Sustainable Process Index (SPI). RAMIRAN 2015 – 16th International Conference. Rural-Urban Symbiosis, 8 - 10 September 2015, Hamburg, Germany.
K Shahzad*, M Narodoslawsky (2013), Economic feasibility of a biorefinery utilizing slaughtering waste as starting material. 9 Mini Symposium Process Technology Montan University (MU) Leoben. Austria.
K Shahzad, I Ulfat, AS Nizami. The Issues of Sustainable Solid Waste Management System in Developing Countries. International seminar on ‘Societies of Tomorrow’, held in Regina-Saskatchewan, Canada in 12-16 May, 2008.
Book Chapters
R Miandad, M Rehan, AS Nizami, OKM Ouda, MZ Khan, K Shahzad, IMI Ismail. 2015. Waste to hydrogen energy in Saudi Arabia: possibilities and challenges. In press, expected date, 2015. Springer-Verlag London Ltd.
Official Published Reports
Comparison of SPI with other Sustainability Metrics, May 2015, Department of Computer Science and Systems Technology, University of Pannonia.
Comparative Life Cycle Analysis of different light bulbs use in Veszprem lighting network, Feb, 2015, Department of Computer Science and Systems Technology, University of Pannonia.
Invited Talks
K Shahzad, S Maier, M Szerencsits, M Narodoslawsky. 2014. Ecological Assessment of biogas production from intercropping Biogas Science 2014, International scientific conference on anaerobic digestion. October 26 – 30, 2014 BOKU University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna.
K Shahzad, R Kollmann, S Maier, M Narodoslawsky. 2014. SPIonWEB – Ecological process evaluation with the Sustainable Process Index (SPI). 24th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering – ESCAPE 24. June 15-18, 2014, Budapest, Hungary.
K Shahzad. (2014). Comparative normative analysis of Life cycle assessment (LCA) based sustainability indices. Sustainable Development Symposium, 4th Annual European Postgraduate Symposium 19-21 Feb 2014, in Bratislava, Slovakia.
S Maier, R Kollmann, K Shahzad, M Eder, M Narodoslawsky. 2014. Regional energy optimization with regiopt conceptual planner on web. 13. Symposium Energieinnovation, 12-14. February 2014, Graz University of Technology, Graz, Austria.
K Shahzad, K-H Kettl, M Eder, M Narodoslawsky. 2012. Ecologic and economic evaluation of process design for biobased PHA production using animal slaughtering waste streams, CAPE Forum 26-28 March 2012 Veszprem, Hungary.
K-H Kettl, K Shahzad, M Narodoslawsky (2012), Ecological footprint comparison of biobased PHA production from animal residues. 15th Conference on Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction 26-29 Aug 2012, Prague, Czech Republic.
K Shahzad, M Titz, M Narodoslawsky (2012), Production and Ecological Assessment of high value added bio polymer PHA using animal slaughtering waste streams as starting material. Future Perspectives of Food Processing Industry in Pakistan 11-12 Dec 2012, Govt. College University, Faisalabad, Pakistan.
K Shahzad, K-H Kettl, M Narodoslawsky (2012), A step towards sustainable production: Biobased PHA production using animal slaughtering waste streams. Sustainable Development Symposium 15-17 Feb 2012, Graz University of Technology, Graz, Austria.
K Shahzad, K-H Kettl, M Narodoslawsky (2012), Biobased PHA production ecological and economic analysis using animal slaughtering waste streams as starting material. 8. Minisymposium Verfahrenstechnik 02 May 2012, Johannes Kepler Universität Linz, Austria.
Posters and Presentations
K Shahzad, M Narodoslawsky (2013), Economic feasibility of a biorefinery utilizing slaughtering waste as starting material. 9 Mini Symposium Process Technology Montan University (MU) Leoben. Austria.
M Titz*, K Shahzad* (2011), Mobility in Austria. 4th UPC International Seminar on Sustainable Technology Development. Vilanova i la Geltrú, Spain.
K Shahzad*, AS Nizami (2008), Urban Infrastructures: The Issues of Sustainable Solid Waste Management System in Developing Countries. Student Summit for Sustainability i-e. S3.Regina held in Regina, Canada in May 2008.
Conference Organized
Engineering Education in Sustainable Developmet (EESD10) held Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenberg, Sweden, 19th -22nd September 2010.
Symposium Organized
SDS 2012, Sustainable Development Symposium, 2nd annual post graduate symposium held at Graz University of Technology, Graz, Austria, 15th to 17th feb 2012.
Seminar on “Emerging Technologies in Process Industry & Entrepreneurship” held on25th May 2015 at University of Gujrat, Pakistan.
Seminar on “Cloud computing and career counselling” University of Gujrat, Pakistan, 6th May 2015.
Supplementary Education
4th UPC International Seminar on Sustainable Technology Development, provided the awareness and importance of “Mobility issues on international perspective”, held in Vilanova i la Geltrú, 3 - 10 June, 2011, Spain.
- Life Long Learning Intensive course “Process intensification by high pressure technologies – actual strategies for energy and resource conservation”, held from 1st July – 18th July 2012 Maribor, Slovenia and Graz Austria
International School on Emergy Accounting, “provided a detailed insight of the methodology and calculation procedure”, held from 17th – 21st June 2013 at the premises of Ca’ Foscari University, Venezia, Italy.
Advance Analytical Techniques, provided hands on experience on AAS, GC-MS, and HPLC. A literature project related to SPME method development was also prepared and presented, held from Jan – March 2009 in Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden.
A short course on “Organic Synthesis” in March 2007 was held in the Chemische Institute, Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg.

2008, Received the Chalmers Vänner stipend for attending the conference held in University of Regina, Canada.
Oct 2008, one of the CSS presenters and won the Leo Janssen award in EESD 2008 held in Graz.

Modeling and Statistical skills
Sustainable Process Index (SPI) Life Cycle Assessment tools SPIonWeb and SPIonExcel
GABI (Life Cycle Assessment LCE/ LCA) software system
Process Network Synthesis (PNS), PNS Studio, RegiOpt – Conceptual Planner
ELAS (Energetic Long Term Analysis of Settlement Structures) calculator
SciFinder Scholar
NMR spectra elucidation
GIS (Geographical Information Systems) (basic level)
MATLAB (basic level)
SADA (Spatial Analysis and Decision Assistance) (medium level)

Laboratory Skills
Monitoring of air, water and soil pollutants
Measurements of COD, BOD, Alkalinity, VFA, pH, Dry matter, Volatile solids, TOC etc.
Total reflection X-ray fluorescence (TXRF)
Organic Synthesis in the field of Natural Products, Organometallics, Polymers etc
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Spectroscopy
Gas Chromatography, Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry
Liquid Chromatography, Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometery
UV-VIS and IR spectrophotometry
Atomic absorption spectrophotometer (AAS)
Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS)
Computing Skills
MS office
Open office
MS Visio
Chem Draw
Adobe flash presenter
Acrobat writer
Adobe Photoshop
Member of Professional bodies
Member of World Student Community for Sustainable Development since 2008.
2009-10, British Council Denmark, Worked as Climate Advocate for Challenge Europe
Chalmers Students for Sustainability (CSS) ex board member.
Board of European Students of Technology (BEST)
National Academy of Young Scientists (NAYS)

AO.Univ. Prof. DI Dr. Michael Narodoslawsky
Institute of Process and Particle Engineering,
Graz University of Technology, Austria
Petersgasse 116-118,
8010 Graz, Austria.
+43 316 873 30460
Prof. Assoc. Dr. Heriberto Cabezas
Associate Professor at University of Panonia, Veszprem, Hungary
Senior Science Advisor at US Environmental Protection Agency
26 W. Martin Luther King Drive
MS 498
Cincinati, Oh 45268
United States of America
+001 513-569-7350
- Prof. Assoc. Dr. Mahshid Sotoudeh
Institute of Technology Assessment
Austrian Academy of Sciences
Strohgasse 45/5
1030Vienna, Austria
+43 1 51581 6590
- Prof. Dr. Sergio Ulgiati
Department of Science and Technology - Parthenope University
Centro Direzionale, Isola
C4 - 80143 Napoli (Italy)
+39-081-5476666, mobile: +39-338-8053807
web: http://www.ersd.uniparthenope.it/